“I’ll take them back?”

After hearing Karp’s order, Sakaski turned around with a puzzled expression.

“We have an important mission ahead of us now, so you should be the one who wants to go, right?”

“Don’t be so impatient, aren’t you still waiting for intelligence from the spies? We don’t know what their situation is now. ”

Karp showed a look of not arrogance.

Sakaski was naturally speechless, but he was also not prepared to make any moves.

When he saw this, Karp shook his head helplessly.

“Okay, if you don’t go, I’ll go back to this old man, right?”

“By the way, you must not let go of Roy’s kid this time, the Warring States have already almost burst the phone.”

Seeing that Sakaski still did not respond, Karp had to remind before leaving.

But after saying this, he remembered from Sakaski’s eyes that Ivankov and the two of them were still in front of him.

After seeing the surprised expressions on their faces, Karp also shrugged.

“How? This kid is the target of your coming this time? ”

It has to be said that Karp’s insight is really terrifying.

After hearing his question, Ivankov’s expression became somewhat uncontrollable.

But for Karp, even if it’s true, he doesn’t care much.

Instead, Sakaski, after seeing that their expressions had become wrong, stepped forward directly.

“Did the dragon send you over?”

This question made Karp a little crying and laughing, but it was too blunt.

There was no answer to any question like this, and he didn’t want to be nosy.

“You still don’t have any extra ideas, there is only one end in my hands.”

Karp directly interrupted Sakaski and asked the two of them to be taken away.



Now the Whitebeard Pirates are still dealing with things here, and they are also waiting for Daddy to wake up.

“Brother Marko, I have something I want to tell you.”

Seeing that Marko had been guarding Whitebeard all along, Roy could only ask him out.

“What’s going on?”

It could also be seen from Marko’s eyes, full of exhaustion.

“It’s about Tichy.”

Roy explained first, and when he heard this, Marko seemed to realize.

I didn’t seem to see the guy.

“It’s just, it seems that I didn’t see Tichy’s shadow, did something happen to him?”

It seems that the center of the past two days has also been placed on the body of the white beard.

After Roy saw Marko’s expression, he also immediately explained.

“He almost killed me.”

When the reason for the matter came out of Roy’s mouth, he couldn’t even believe it.

“Tichy, he’s also been on the ship for more than twenty years, how so?”

After that, Roy also raised his arm with a helpless face, and at this moment, a cloud of black qi was suddenly wrapped around his palm.

When he saw this, Marko already knew something.

This state must be the Devil Fruit.

“After the uncle and their action began, I was also not idle, thinking about whether I could help some.”

Roy begins his own story phase again.

“I found this devil fruit in one place, but I don’t know why, Tichy seems to want to get this thing, I didn’t give it to him the first time, he even moved to kill.”

When he heard this, Marko’s expression gradually became serious.

This fruit ability, which can be seen, should be the natural system.

But I really don’t know what Titch is doing for this.

“By the way, you just said that it was the people of the revolutionary army who saved you? How could they be here? ”

“I don’t know about this, so I want to discuss it with you, after all, the uncle is still in a coma.”

Roy’s gaze looked at Whitebeard’s cabin.

“I want to wait for your father to wake up and tell him that the commander-in-chief of the revolutionary army seems to have something to see me.”

The moment he heard this, Marko was already a little stunned.


Commander in chief.

He even wanted to personally send someone over to pass on the message.

“But wouldn’t that be too dangerous?”

Marko immediately voiced his concerns.

The situation is still somewhat complicated.

“It’s okay, I’ll notice it myself, and this time I have to go.”

“That can’t leave you alone, you have to have someone with you.”

Marko was worried about Roy’s safety, whether on the way or on the side of the Revolutionary Army, there would definitely be many dangers along the way.

Roy naturally thought about this, even if it wasn’t for his own safety, he wanted to bring some people with him.

After all, it’s about his quality of life along the way.

“In this case, I will take Ace and his subordinates before me.” It’s good to have a care along the way. ”

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