After hearing Roy’s question, Ace nodded.

“I called back, but I heard that my father’s situation is still not very good.”

When he said this, the expression on Ace’s face gradually froze.


Looking at Roy’s somewhat worried look, Ace didn’t know if he was comforting himself or what.

“Don’t worry, it will definitely get better, but Roy, this time go to the stronghold of the revolutionary army, are you sure there will be no danger?”

It seems that Ace is still worried about this matter, although he has heard Roy’s perfunctory before, but it is obviously not enough.

“Don’t worry, even if they arrest me, they will definitely not touch a single hair of yours.”

Roy said with a smile, after all, it is a relationship.

[But Ace, this guy, seems to be really a person born in Rome. ] 】

[There is a vice admiral grandfather in the navy, and there is a brother in the revolutionary army, and as for the pirates, he is still the double son of Roger the white-bearded. ] 】

When he thought of this, Roy also smacked his lips.

“Roy, what do you mean by that?”

After hearing what he said, Ace also looked over with a confused look.

It won’t touch a single hair on him, this sentence does make him a little elusive.

“Nothing, you’ll know when you arrive.”

Roy was still pretending to be mysterious at this time, and Ace was obviously disappointed when he heard it.

He has not yet been told that his brother is probably waiting for them in his own focus now.

“By the way, take the phone worm.”

After Roy and the two of them walked out, they saw that the deck was already full of their team.

The loot previously captured on the Sakarski warship should be enough for consumption along the way.

“Captain, here you go.”

After one of the team members heard Roy’s voice, they also immediately took the phone worm into Roy’s hands.

I dialed the phone on the ship and heard a voice from the other side that seemed to be Bista.

“Hey, Roy?”

At the same time as the street call, Bista’s voice was also very penetrating to Roy’s ears.

There was even some excitement.

“That’s right, Brother Bista, how is the situation on the ship now?”

Although Roy knows that these are not his own concerns, it is better to know a little about this situation.

“It’s okay, but when did you kid sneak out? If it wasn’t for Marko’s words, I wouldn’t know yet. ”

Bista’s words were also full of complaints, and since Roy was in a hurry, he didn’t give any of them advance notice.

But it seems that there is no need for this.

“This, because the matter is really urgent, sorry, Brother Bista.”

When Roy heard it, he said apologetically.

“Forget it, I will spare you this time, and next time if you dare to say goodbye, you should be careful.”

After hearing this, Ace on the other end of the phone interrupted them directly.

“Forget it, Brother Bista, now you are not necessarily Roy’s opponent.”

When I heard this, the scene suddenly became extremely quiet and full of embarrassment.

“What do you mean?”

After Bista was silent for a while, he still didn’t understand what Ace said just now.

Not Roy’s opponent?

What a joke.

And Roy on this side also looked at Ace with a surprised face.

Only…… So he said it easily?

“That’s right, Roy has now obtained a huge powerful devil fruit, wait and see, maybe you will know on today’s news.”

Ace didn’t seem to notice Roy’s eyes at all, and directly said everything.

The only thing that is not said is how he defeated Sakaski, or whether he wanted to surprise Bista.

“Forget it, it’s really boring to talk to you, by the way, Roy, is there something wrong with calling back this time?”

Perhaps Bista also entered blocking mode for what Ace said just now.

“Nothing, I just want to ask about the situation of the uncle, how is the uncle now, is the situation better?”

When Roy heard it, he immediately voiced his question.

“Don’t worry, although daddy hasn’t woken up yet, the situation has stabilized, and Manshirley also said that he will wake up in the next two days.”

When he heard this, Roy slowly relaxed his heart, since this is good.

“Bista, who are you talking to?”

Just as Roy was about to hang up the phone, he suddenly heard a familiar voice from the other side.

“It’s Roy, he seems to be a little worried about Daddy’s situation, so he called and asked.”

While speaking, Bista also handed the phone directly to Marko’s hand.

[Hey, hey, these guys are actually playing relay! ] 】

After Roy heard the voice coming from the phone, he was also helpless.

It’s not long after that’s over, it’s good for everyone.

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