“Goo la la-la!” Whitebeard was holding a newspaper in his hand, and the content of the newspaper was very clear, apparently it was written that the recent movements of the Whitebeard Pirates were still the headlines!

The newspaper one after another, enlarged, bold, and bold font, is very eye-catching.

Whitebeard casually threw the newspaper aside, indifferent to the leak of whereabouts.

He wasn’t worried at all that the Whitebeard Pirates would be discovered.

This is his boldness as the strongest man in the world.

“Goo la la! I didn’t expect that the intelligence of the smelly bird in Morguns was so well-informed, and within a few days of the departure of the Whitebeard Pirates, the news about this matter had already spread throughout the new world, goo la la! ”

The newspaper that Whitebeard threw out casually was the newspaper of the World Economic News Agency.

And the big boss behind the scenes of the World Economic News Agency.

It’s “Morguns” in Whitebeard’s mouth!

The other party is also one of the six kings of the underground world in the new world.

Of course, this so-called underground king….

Even if all six people add up….

None of them are opponents of the Four Emperors!

Marco picked up the newspaper that was thrown away by Whitebeard, looked at the content published on it, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly: “What does it mean that all the members of the Whitebeard Pirate Group are out to fight?” Could it be that he wants to provoke another hegemonic struggle in the New World? Do you want to become One Piece? ”

Reading the headline on the front page of the newspaper, the corners of Marko’s mouth twitched slightly.

He couldn’t help but complain: “This title is too alarmist, right? ”

“Goo la la! Newspapers such a thing, the headline is not written alarmist, who will read it? ”

Whitebeard laughed indifferently.

Marko said helplessly: “In this way, our white-bearded pirate group, the next movement may fall in the eyes of every force.” It is estimated that it will not be long before they will know that our goal is actually to go to the country of Wano. ”

“Goo la la! Got it, what? Whitebeard was not afraid of anyone at all, and he laughed: “Who dares to stop us?” ”

The corners of his mouth curled, revealing a row of big white teeth: “Laozi, but whitebeard!” ”

Seeing his own father, he was so confident.

Marko also smiled softly: “In that case, then whoever stops us, I will crush whoever it is!” ”

“Goo la la! This is my white-bearded son! It is necessary to have such boldness! It is necessary to have such domineering! ”

For Marko’s performance, Whitebeard nodded very satisfied.

But I don’t know how.

He thought of Roy again.

Thinking of that lazy and didn’t know how to describe Roy, his good mood suddenly became very bad.

How nice it would be if Roy, the smelly imp, had half of Marco’s diligence!

How nice it would be if Marko could have half of Roy’s cleverness!

These two people can complement each other.

But the biggest problem is…

Roy, that stinky imp is not diligent at all!

Marko wasn’t as smart as Roy.

What a headache!


Roy, who was lying flat in the sun not far away, inexplicably sneezed with a sour nose.

His first reaction was to look at Whitebeard with a suspicious gaze.

[Gan! Someone scolded me in the sunbath, and I didn’t even have to guess to know that it must be the whitebeard! Damn it! After all, that guy is staring at me at every turn, and wants me to work hard, who else can it be if it is not him? 】

[Does he think his little tricks can stop me from touching the fish?] Joke! 】

[Don’t look at me who Roy is?] Hum! 】

[I’m a man who wants to surpass the yellow ape!] 】

Whitebeard: “…”

Whitebeard, who heard Roy’s heart, didn’t know what to do for a moment to spit on this bastard ghost.

This little devil is really lazy! It looked like he had nothing to do all day.

I don’t know what to do for myself.

Obviously looks so lazy….

But the strength does not seem to be weak.

How did he practice?

Whitebeard was curious.

However, at this very time….

Unexpected protrusions.

Whitebeard, who was in deep thought, suddenly heard one of his sons exclaiming: “Daddy! In front of the Moby Dick, there is a pirate ship blocking the course! And after they saw our Moby Dick, instead of choosing to avoid, they accelerated and rushed over! ”

Whitebeard was slightly stunned, and grinned: “Pirate group? Goo la la! I didn’t expect that there were really people in the new world who did not have long eyes, who dared to block my whitebeard’s way forward! ”

He shouted at the son: “Stupid son, see clearly, the other party is a group of Hundred Beast Pirates?” Or a group of red-haired pirates? Or the bigmom pirates? ”

A few seconds later, Whitebeard got a reply from his son, who was in charge of lookout: “Daddy, it’s not the Four Emperors!” It’s that Pirates of Spades!! ”

As soon as the words fell, the whitebeard smiled on his face and froze slightly.

Marko next to him couldn’t help but widen his eyes.

“Pirates of Spades?” Marko was surprised: “Isn’t this the newspaper what, the pirate group of Fire Fist Ace?” I remember the last time he appeared in the newspaper, a few days ago, he threatened to challenge you to the reporter. ”

“And it’s very likely that this guy is a descendant of Roger, carrying the blood of that man.” Dad, it seems that the other party is probably not a good comer! ”

Marko looked at Whitebeard and found that Whitebeard’s expression was very strange now.

He didn’t know why Whitebeard’s expression was so strange.

It was because Whitebeard recalled Roy’s previous thoughts.

Fire Fist Ace is Roger’s son….

Again Karp’s grandson ….

What a mess!

Whitebeard suddenly grinned again, and shouted with great arrogance: “Since it is an uninvited guest who came to challenge Lao Tzu, there is no need to be polite with the other party!” Fire! Sink the pirate ship that stands in the way! Goo la la! ”

“Lao Tzu wants to see, what kind of skills does Roger’s son have? Goo la la! ”

As Whitebeard’s order was transmitted, the pirates on the Moby Dick moved one after another.

A huge artillery gun was pushed out.

Round shells were stuffed into the chamber.

The entire Moby Dick is like a war fortress, and the dense artillery makes people’s scalps numb!

[Fire Fist Ace, can this be met? ] What a coincidence! Or did the other party take the initiative to find it? Being able to feel the movement of the Whitebeard Pirate Group and stop it halfway, it seems that this Fire Fist Ace still has a set! 】

Roy was curious and lay on the side railing of the Moby Dick, looking at the sea not far away.

Sure enough, I saw the channel not far away….

There is a pirate ship in the way.

See the familiar pirate flag.

Roy was sure that this was indeed the Pirates of Spades, and the other party was indeed Fire Fist Ace.


PS: Another chapter update is here! Rush Rush! The author continues to codeword, probably tomorrow at noon, please support!

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