“Not good!” Marko also noticed the abnormality, his expression suddenly changed, and he suddenly shouted: “Roy is there!” He will be affected by the fruit ability of that Fire Fist Ace! ”

Marko gritted his teeth, his hands immediately turned into wings, and blue-blue fireworks entwined.

Just as he was about to fly over and save Roy.

Suddenly, a burly body blocked him.

Marko couldn’t help but feel slightly cold.

Because the person who stands in his way is a whitebeard!

“Daddy?” Marko was very puzzled, he was going to go over to save Roy, but why did Dad block him?

Could it be that Dad can’t do it himself?

However, Whitebeard’s next words…

But let Marko be confused on the spot!

“Goo la la! Stupid sons! There was no need to worry about that Roy imp, if he died so easily, his daddy would not have let him get on the ship of the Whitebeard Pirates. ”

“Goo la la! That stinky imp is usually very lazy, daddy, I want to see that stinky little ghost…”

“How should he deal with this situation?”

“Goo la la la !!!”

Whitebeard stopped Marko not only because he wanted to see Roy’s strength.

At the same time, it was also because he heard Roy’s little ghost’s heart again just now.

Although this little devil cursed in his heart.

But that kind of fearlessness…

It seems that he is not flustered in the slightest!

This Roy imp…

How deep to hide!

“But…” But Marko obviously didn’t understand, why did Daddy do this?

Simply because Roy was too lazy.

Are you going to kill him?

Such a raging flame, if it swept in, even if Roy was lucky not to die, he would have to shed a layer of skin, right?

At least it’s a serious injury!

Daddy is too ruthless!

“Goo la la! That’s why Lao Tzu said, you are all a bunch of stupid sons! Seeing Marko’s puzzled look, Whitebeard didn’t explain too much, but laughed loudly.

He looked at Roy in front of him with a little expectation written on his big rough face.

Roy imp…

This situation…

Can you still hide?

Goo la la!

The captains of the white-bearded pirate group stared nervously at Roy’s figure, because the temperature over there was too high, the flames steamed the air, making the air directly distorted.

It seems that Roy’s figure has also become distorted, and it is not clear at all if you look at it with the naked eye.

The raging flame was even more dazzling, and his eyes were sore for a while.

Especially Marko, who was most concerned about Roy, was already nervous and broke out in a cold sweat.

But Dad stood in his way, even if he wanted to save Roy…

There is no way to get around Daddy’s obstruction.

“Marko! If Roy can’t stop it, we’ll rush to save him immediately!” Bista’s double knife, already covered with armed color domineering, said nervously.

“Hmm!” Marko let the cold sweat slip down, and saw that the domineering spirit had been released to the extreme.

If something goes wrong on Roy’s side…

He can also rush over there to rescue as soon as possible.

Tension and heat make them sweat coldly.

And they can feel this high temperature from such a distance.

Not to mention Roy who is close at hand.

【Day! No way? I’ve already fallen into such a dangerous situation, and none of the people from the Whitebeard Pirates came up to help me block this fire fist? 】

[Abominable! What about the good family? Just watch me get attacked? 】

[Although the power of this fire fist is actually just like that…]

[With a knife in your hand, you can cut it open…]

[But if I make a move, won’t it be revealed in minutes?] 】

[But the problem is that I don’t want to get hurt at all!] 】

【Wow! WDNMD Ace Dog Thief! Why are you aiming at my side? 】

[Did I offend you?] 】

In this short period of less than a second, thousands of thoughts flashed through Roy’s mind.

Suddenly, it was as if he had an epiphany of something.

The whole person is like an Oscar actor.

He bit his lower lip tightly, sweat dripping down, and even bit his lower lip with a ruthless heart.

A trace of blood flowed out, and the salty taste seemed to stimulate his spirit.

Roy held the hilt of the knife in one hand.

Holding the scabbard in one hand.

His muscles seemed to tense, and his words were full of determination and determination, as if he wanted to open everything up!

It seems that this thin boy tortured by fate is about to cut a knife full of unwillingness to fate!

The hot air rolled up by the hot flames, the hot air flow formed…

Like a hurricane, it rolled the boy’s clothes.

He said every word, obviously quite far away.

But Marko and the other crew members of the white-bearded pirate group could still clearly hear the clear voice from the young man’s mouth.

That voice was full of determination and perseverance!

The boy seems to be fighting against fate!

“My father once told me that the Dia family is a kendo family that has been passed down for five hundred years. And I, Dia Roy, as the eldest son of the Dia family, was born with physical defects, and was not suitable for practicing swordsmanship, or even cultivating any physical art! ”

That huge and incomparably hot fire fist was less than fifty meters away from the young man!

“He said I was an outcast of fate, but I didn’t believe it! Every day without destroying my body, I worked hard to practice, to draw my sword, to slash hard, just to prove that I would not succumb to fate. ”

When the words came here, the fire fist was already close to the young man, only ten meters left!

The hot temperature bakes the air, making the boy’s body look illusory and ethereal.

“The daily and night drawing and swinging of the knife lasted for seven years! My father couldn’t bear it and taught me the Dia family, the most taboo sword move – sword cultivation! ”

“Raise the knife for a day, draw the power of the knife, and add a boost!”

“Raise the knife for a year, pull out the power of the knife, and increase the number of chips!”

“But this sword move is a loss of life! Raise a knife for a year, cut it out with a knife, and your life span will plummet by one year! ”

The monstrous flames were already about to envelop the young man’s body!

“This knife, I raised it for ten years!!”

“Whew! One knife flow-”

“Golem !!!”

When the flames burned one of the young man’s hair, the young man bit his lower lip and slashed out instantly!

Terrifying sword intent like a demon!

Burst out in this moment!

A pitch-black slash!

Fly straight out of !!!


The huge fire fist was instantly cut in half by this knife, and the violent air flow rolled up by the slash rolled up a raging hurricane, sweeping all the monstrous flames into the air at an altitude of hundreds of meters.

All the hot temperatures seemed to be gone, and with a hint of cool sea breeze, blowing the boy’s hair.

Marko’s eyes widened, he had just heard those words clearly!

That lazy teenager in his eyes…

Ten years of raising knives, just for this knife!

For this is comparable to a sword of the Great Sword Hao!

Raise a knife for one year, reduce your life for one year.

Raise a knife for ten years, reduce ten years of life!

Marko had tears in his eyes, clenched his fists, and without saying a word, he instantly turned into an immortal bird, directly soared into the air, and flew in the direction where Roy was.

Seeing Roy’s stumbling appearance, he didn’t say a word, and immediately supported the stumbling Roy.

Seeing the tooth marks and blood on Roy’s lower lip, looking at his stubborn and withered look.

Marko took a deep breath slowly, his expression extremely complicated.

Roy, what a contradictory little guy!

But I have to admit, he is definitely a tough guy!

“Ahem!” Roy looked very weak.

Roy showed a reluctant smile: “It’s a pity that my sword is still too inferior, maybe those swordsmen who have just entered the realm of the great sword hao, the sword they cut out casually, is more powerful than my sword.” ”

“Nope! Roy Junior! “Bista, the captain of the fifth team, I don’t know when, also followed.

With a knife in both hands, he was very serious: “You knife!” ”

“It contains the love for kendo, and the unruly and rebellious defiance of fate is far beyond any great sword master!”

Bista said solemnly: “I, Bista is a very proud person. ”

“I rarely look at it, other swordsmen.”

“But, I’m Bista today…”

“Recognize you!”

Marko, who was holding Roy, had a complicated expression, and he apologized in an apologetic tone: “Roy, it’s daddy who did too much, but daddy he may not mean it.” I may see that you seem to be hiding something, but he may not know that your knife cultivation skills will cost so much. ”

Marko felt very guilty if he had saved Roy earlier.

Roy didn’t need to spend ten years of his life to cut this knife.

After all, he can’t blame his father, right?

He can only take the responsibility on himself.

“Ahem! Uncle Whitebeard didn’t mean it, it was all my own reasons, it was that I was too weak. Roy showed a strong smile: “If I am stronger, perhaps, I don’t need to cut out this knife, it’s just…”

Roy’s tea-like words, it’s good not to say it, and Marko is even more guilty.

However, Roy’s superficial style of painting…

And the style of painting in his heart…

It’s two completely different art styles!

[Poof!] No, I can’t help but laugh, poof! No way! If you can’t laugh out loud, just smile in your heart, if you laugh on your mouth, then the special meow is definitely dewy! 】

[What kind of shit raising knife art, it’s all something I made up in less than a second. ] Isn’t it normal to raise a knife for a year and lose a year of life! Hahaha! 】

[My acting skills can definitely win the Oscar! ] As long as the awards related to male actors, I can win them one by one! 】

[It’s a pity! After graduating from the class, I didn’t choose to be an actor. 】

[If I become an actor with this acting skill…]

[Isn’t it a minute to beat the little fresh meat?! ] 】

[Forget it, let’s give people a way to live, give them a little face, hahahaha! ] 】

[Laugh me to death! ] Do you really think that it takes me to cut the fire fist? Are you kidding? 】

[All these years when I have been lying flat, have I been lying flat in vain?] 】

[It’s not me blowing, just Ace now…]

[I can knock him to the ground and blast!] 】

【Hahahahaha!!! 】

“This stinky little ghost…” Whitebeard was also shocked by Roy’s shot at first, he almost thought that he had done something wrong, and almost raised feelings of guilt, and as a result…

Roy’s heart voice he heard again, the arrogant words of schadenfreude, heard the white-bearded eyelids, jumped and jumped.

On the forehead, a few green tendons appeared.

The green tendons are trembling slightly!

He lived sixty-nine years in his white beard, only a few months away, that is, seventy years.

However, after living for so long, Whitebeard has never seen someone with such good acting skills!

But today, now!

He, see!

The most important thing is that this little ghost deceived his stupid sons, and as a result, the little ghost did not have the slightest sense of guilt in his heart.

Boy! This little devil was born to be pirate material, just with his mentality…

As long as he is not lazy, he can definitely make a name for himself in the sea!

Even, in the future, become the emperor of the sea …

Nor is it impossible.

But the biggest problem is…

This stinky imp…

Too lazy!!

“Daddy! Roy, he’s going to be fine, right? Diamond Joz, with a nervous and worried expression, looked at Roy not far away.

The corners of Whitebeard’s mouth twitched, when will these stupid sons of himself be able to get the hang of it?

Roy’s acting skills that little ghost casually performed, you can actually believe so.

For the first time, Whitebeard found himself with these sons…

It seems that the IQ is not particularly high.

The future of the Whitebeard Pirates is worrying!

Whitebeard shook his head and said, “That little ghost, it’s impossible to do anything. ”

He didn’t explain much, if too much, in this regard.

Wouldn’t that reveal that he could hear Roy’s heart?

He wanted to see what kind of moth this stinky imp could make on top of the Whitebeard Pirates?

And he also expects Roy to grow.

If this little ghost can grow up, the Whitebeard Pirates will have one more pillar.

“But Dad, Roy’s knife raising technique just now…”

Joz looked a little hesitant, he wanted to say, this is daddy you are wrong.

But the words reached his throat and he couldn’t say it again.

After all, this is his own father!

Joz’s reaction has almost written everything on his face.

Even if the whitebeard can’t hear his heart, he can guess what he is thinking.

The white beard was full of black lines, and said helplessly: “It’s all said, that little ghost will be fine, don’t you still believe in daddy and me?” Daddy, I have known Roy’s father for so long, don’t I still know the knife raising skills of the Dia family? ”

In order not to expose himself and be able to hear Roy’s heart, Whitebeard can only pinch his nose and cooperate.

There’s actually a fart knife raising technique! He and Roy’s father, have known each other for so long…

I hadn’t even heard that the Dia family was a kendo family.

This must be that stinky imp making it up!

Not to mention this nonsense knife cultivation technique! Is there anything more bullish than this?

The point is that these stupid sons of themselves …

I actually believed both of them!


Stinky imp!

It’s really yours!

Whitebeard shook his head, he put his attention back on the spade pirate group, and the corner of his mouth grinned: “Goo la la la!” Roger’s descendant, that fire fist imp, if he knew his move and was cut off by an intern of the Whitebeard Pirates, he would definitely doubt his life, right? Goo la!! ”

But it’s a pity that Ace didn’t know that his fire fist was cut open by an intern of the Whitebeard Pirates.

At this time, Ace was still standing on the bow of the Pirates of Spades, the pirate ship.

He frowned and looked at the fire fist that had been cut open.

“Is this Whitebeard’s shot?” Because the Moby Dick of the Whitebeard Pirates is too tall, just like a giant beast on the sea, it is also like a high mountain.

He couldn’t see who it was, and he blocked his attack.

But the one who was able to block his attack with one move…

Definitely a strong man, right?!

“Will it be Whitebeard?!” Ace touched his chin, narrowed his eyes, and guessed: “I remember hearing others say before that Whitebeard can also use a knife, maybe it’s really him?” ”

The corners of Ace’s mouth grinned, revealing his big white teeth: “If it’s really a white beard, then this level of white beard can’t be my opponent at all!” ”

“Captain Dumb! How could that be Whitebeard? As the deputy captain, Dius said helplessly: “The rumored whitebeard, but the person with the shock fruit ability, the attack just now did not even use the fruit ability, it was just a normal slash!” ”

“Is it? Aha! Is that the cadre on the Whitebeard Pirates? ”

Ace scratched his head in embarrassment: “Then it seems that this white-bearded pirate group is not so unbearable!” ”

Dius is helpless, but the people are the Four Emperors!

How can it be as unbearable as you think!

At this moment, Dius suddenly saw that Ace seemed to show an interested expression, and this Dius raised a hint of premonition, and he hurriedly asked: “Captain Ace, shouldn’t you have any strange ideas again?” ”

Ace nodded unabashedly and said with a smile: “Since the greetings have already been beaten, then go directly to this big ship and challenge Whitebeard in an upright manner!” ”

He showed a row of white teeth: “As long as I defeat Whitebeard, I will be the strongest in the world!” ”

“Then defeat the other three sea emperors, and find the onepiece again…”

“Then I can trample that man underfoot!”

The man in Ace’s mouth is his father, Gol D. Roger!

He hated his One Piece father very much.

Not even willing to follow the surname Gore · D·。

but with his mother’s surname Portcas · D·。

“What? Are you going up? Dius was so shocked that his eyes almost glared, such a large Moby Dick, there are at least a thousand pirates, right?

“Yes! I’m going up! Ace nodded again, and he pressed his hat.

The feet are slowly bent, and the feet are wrapped in flames.

Flames in a circle…

Rise under your feet.

The raging flames seemed to give him enough motivation to rise directly into the sky.

The whole person instantly flew into the air, tens of meters in the air.

This moment…

He finally saw the Moby Dick in its entirety.

Also saw that familiar man!

At first, the man had only seen the portrait of the other party on the bounty order.

That’s Edward Newgate!

The strongest man in the world with a white beard!

“Whitebeard!” Ace, who was located in mid-air, narrowed his smile, looked directly at the man with a solemn face, and shouted: “Today, I, Potekas, … D. Ace, it’s here to defeat you! Your strongest name in the world, after today, will be mine!! ”

“Goo la la! This fire fist imp…” Whitebeard raised his eyebrows and looked at Ace, who was wrapped in flames: “Arrogant enough!” ”

“Is this coming over and fetching my head?” Goo la la! ”

Ace didn’t hear clearly what Whitebeard was saying, and at this time, he didn’t spare his hand!

His body was covered with extremely fierce flames.

The sea water underneath the roast is steaming!

“Yangyan !!!!”

Ace did not hesitate to punch out, and the terrifying flames shot straight out towards Whitebeard like a laser laser!

“Pirate newcomer! Hugh wants to attack Whitebeard Daddy! Fishman Karate 5,000 Washoken!! ”

A blue fat figure suddenly blocked the whitebeard.

That is Jinping, one of the seven martial seas of His Majesty!

I saw Jinping punch out of the air!

The invisible air wave dived directly forward and collided with Ace’s flames!


Air waves and flames scorch each other.

Just a few seconds later…

The two cancel each other out!


Ace landed steadily on the Moby Dick, and he looked at Jinping in front of him and frowned.

Intuition told him that this blue-skinned fish man…

Very strong!

Very strong!

Not weaker than yourself!

“Hey, hey, are the newcomers so arrogant now? Have you never fought with us cadres, and you want to challenge our father? Isn’t it too arrogant? ”

Marko walked over expressionlessly, and with each step, his momentum skyrocketed by one point.

“Wouldn’t it cost us to get our interns like this?”

Ace’s face suddenly froze!

This is also a strong person!

Very strong!

Very strong!

“Hey! Fire Fist imps! Bista’s double knife has been covered with armed color domineering, and his eyes are full of haze: “As the captain of a pirate group, is it too much to attack an intern?” ”

Ace’s eyebrows couldn’t help but jump!

This is another strong man!

Also very strong!

What’s the situation?

“Goo la la! Fire Fist imps! Seeing this scene, Whitebeard was very interested and gloated: “Want to challenge me?” Is it trying to take away my strongest title? But why are you already sweating cold? Did you find that the Whitebeard Pirates are not quite the same as you imagined? ”

“Goo la la! Gremlin! This is a new world! It’s not a place where you can be arrogant as a little devil who has just gone to sea. And where you are standing now, there is even more a group of white-bearded pirates! ”

Whitebeard narrowed his eyes: “Don’t you want Lao Tzu’s head on the neck?” ”

Whitebeard grinned: “Come and get it!” ”

“Let me see how many pounds you have!”

“Goo la!!”

“Cut!” Ace spat and was not afraid at all, he didn’t think that he was weaker than the cadres of these white-bearded pirates: “Don’t think that there are many of you, I am afraid of you!” ”

“Fire Fist !!!!”



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