Whitebeard took a handkerchief and wiped the blood from his hands.

These are not his blood, they are Ace’s blood.

He looked at Roy, who was talking to Ace, with a slight helplessness on his face.

Roy, the stinky little ghost, began to act again.

Roger’s son is excellent in many ways, and he has such strong strength at a young age.

In addition, there is also a natural burnt fruit.

The future achievements are absolutely limitless.

But the problem is, I don’t know if it’s not, because it’s too easy to be deceived because of the lack of deep involvement in the world.

Now he was deceived by Roy.

Or is the level of Luo Yi’s deception too high?

Maybe it’s because of the latter…

Whitebeard had to admit that Roy’s acting skills were very good, if he could not hear Roy’s heart, it is estimated that he would have been deceived by Roy, this stinky little ghost is very cunning.

“Dad, that Fire Fist Ace, so far, is still unwilling to give in?”

Marko, who had finished training, walked over while wiping his sweat.

Marko was curious, looking at Ace not far away, his eyebrows couldn’t help but raise slightly: “He seems to be quite chatty with Roy, although Roy is lazy on weekdays, he is still quite generous, and he doesn’t seem to hate Fire Fist Ace.” ”

He will hate the Fire Fist Ace for having a ghost! That stinky imp probably couldn’t wait to hold Ace and gnawed a few bites fiercely.

Because it is precisely because of Ace’s fire fist that this little ghost’s acting skills have a chance to play.

In order to let this little devil lie down for two days, there is no need to do anything.

What a stinky imp who likes to steal and play slippery.

Whitebeard rolled his eyes, but soon, the expression on his face could not recover, and asked: “Marko, did the route to the country of Wano pass through, the Kingdom of Dressrosa?” ”

Hearing this, Marko was obviously stunned: “Dressrosa Kingdom? ”

He felt that the name of the kingdom…

Kind of familiar.

As if I had heard it there.

Suddenly, he seemed to think of something: “Is it Doflamingo, one of the seven martial seas of His Majesty, the country he rules?” ”

Whitebeard nodded and said, “Hmm! ”

Marko didn’t know why his dad was asking this question.

Still, he tried to recall some of the islands’ locations on the charts.

After thinking about it for about a dozen seconds…

Marko replied, “It seems that our Moby Dick will pass through the Land of Wano through that, the Kingdom of Rerosa.” ”

After answering this question…

Marko couldn’t help but ask his father: “Dad, why did you suddenly ask this question?” ”

Marco frowned: “Could it be that flamingo Doflamingo, taking advantage of our Whitebeard Pirates’ departure, raised the idea of moving the territory of the Whitebeard Pirates?” ”

“Goo la la-la!” Whitebeard laughed heroically: “Just with that Doflamingo, cowardly as a rat, even the hundred beasts Kaido he dare not offend, such a little ghost, he dares to move our Whitebeard’s territory against them?” ”

Whitebeard’s tone paused, and he continued: “In the Kingdom of Dressrosa, there is a very special Devil Fruit ability. ”

“The other party’s devil fruit is called the healing fruit!”

“The ability of this devil fruit is to be able to heal all injuries, whether it is external injuries, internal injuries, or diseases!”

“And the owner of this fruit ability…”

“It’s inside the Kingdom of Dressrosa!”

Whitebeard’s words fell…

Marko looked shocked!

“The legendary healing fruit?”

Marko’s face was extremely shocked: “I remember that the Devil Fruit Book records that this fruit has an ability, and can even develop the fruit ability to revive a person who has been dead for three days!” ”

“Although it was all two or three hundred years ago, it is enough to show that this fruit is definitely a legendary-level fruit, and this devil fruit has appeared again?”

After the shock, Marko reacted: “Dad, how do you know?” ”

The whitebeard laughed heartily: “Goo la la la! Daddy I…”

“That’s naturally my unique source of intelligence!”

Whitebeard raised his eyebrows and said, “This is Daddy’s secret, Marko, if someone asks about you, you say that you got the information, you know?” ”

Marko immediately looked stunned and nodded: “Dad, I know what to do!” ”

“Goo la la! Worthy of my son! ”

Whitebeard certainly won’t tell his true secret, the secret that he can hear Roy’s heart…

He decided to hide.

It’s best to hide for a lifetime.

The naïve Marko thought that the Whitebeard Pirates really had a network of intelligence sources that he didn’t even know.

In fact, this so-called source of intelligence is just from Roy’s inner words.

After these days of contact, let Whitebeard determine –

Roy, this little ghost, knows a lot of things and knows a lot of secrets.

And the authenticity of many things is extremely high.

If this is also true…

Why not give it a try?

Anyway, the Whitebeard Pirates will go to the country of Wano next, and to go to the country of Wa, you will have to pass through the Kingdom of Dressrosa, which happens to be the way.

Just take a look inside the Kingdom of Dressrosa…

Is there anything Roy said in his heart…

That princess of Lilliput…

Those who heal the fruit ability!

Although Whitebeard didn’t know, how exactly Roy knew so many things.

Maybe that’s what makes that stinky imp special!

Whitebeard asked Marko to do this, in fact, he also wanted to mess with Roy.

That Roy little ghost has such a clever brain.

If you don’t fight with him…

It is estimated that he will have to find out!

At this time, Marko’s voice continued to sound: “If you can find the one who has the ability to heal the fruit, doesn’t it mean that the dark disease in your body will have a chance to be completely cured?” ”

Marko’s tone was extremely excited and excited, and he wanted to restore Whitebeard’s body all the time.

However, the resurrection of his Immortal Bird Fruit ability was difficult to cure this dark disease.

After all, his fruit ability, to treat himself, the effect is very good.

But if you treat others, it is greatly reduced.

This made Marko also very helpless.

“Goo la la! Whether it can be found or not may not be possible, maybe it’s just a wrong intelligence, but since there is a chance to recover, it can’t be missed, anyway, it’s a good way. ”

Whitebeard laughed loudly and continued: “It’s up to that Flamengo to see if you give face.” ”

Marko also smiled: “If he doesn’t give face…”

“Whitebeard Pirates, let him know what respect and politeness are.”

As one of the emperors of the sea of the New World…

The Whitebeard Pirates are so overbearing.

At the end of the day, they are all pirates.

Not to mention that Flamingo…

Not a good person either.

“That’s right, Daddy.” Marko asked, “You seem to value that Fire Fist Ace very much, do you want to pull that Fire Fist Ace into the Whitebeard Pirates?” ”

Whitebeard nodded calmly, did not hide his inner thoughts, and laughed loudly: “Goo la la, it must be very interesting to let Roger’s son be my son.” ”

Marco nodded thoughtfully: “So it is, but that fire fist ace…”

Marko laughed: “It doesn’t look like the kind of person who gives in easily.” ”

“Goo la la! Daddy, what I have is patience! ”

The white beard is full of confidence.

He has received so many sons over the years, and there are many sons, even more stubborn than Ace.

But wasn’t it taken by him?

A little Ace…

It’s simple!

“If that One Piece Roger knew about this below, his expression would be very exciting, right?” Marko had a teasing smile on his face.

The whitebeard laughed heartily: “Goo la la la! It’s going to be wonderful! ”

“But then again, this Ace is the son of One Piece, and One Piece Roger has long died.” Marko seemed to have discovered some blind spot, and was surprised: “Who raised him then?” ”

“I remember Fire Fist Ace saying that his mother also died, and when he was just born, he died.”

Marco was puzzled: “So, Ace at that time was still a baby, right?” ”

“So how did he grow up? Did someone adopt him? ”

“Who dares to adopt the son of One Piece?”

Marko was lost in deep thought, one question after another popping up in his mind.

Could it be the crew of One Piece Roger, who adopted his son?

No, those former crew members of One Piece Roger…

They should all be the focus of the world’s governments.

If it is found that they adopted Roger’s son.

I’m afraid it has already been shot, right?

So how did this Fire Fist Ace grow up? Could it be that it will grow up after a while?

“Huh? Daddy, how did your complexion change? ”

Marko suddenly found that Whitebeard’s expression became a little strange.

The smile on Daddy’s face seemed to stiffen.

This left Marko a little puzzled.

The corner of Whitebeard’s mouth twitched, and he said helplessly: “Fire Fist Little Ghost, he was adopted by that bastard Karp.” ”

“What?!” Marko couldn’t help but widen his eyes.

Whitebeard’s words obviously brought him a huge shock.

One Piece Roger’s son…

Adopted by a naval hero?

Ah this…

What kind of weird unfolding plot is this?

Isn’t that magical?

The corners of Whitebeard’s mouth twitched, he didn’t explain much, let alone Karp, he saw Ace as a grandson.

Because he was afraid that he would not be able to control his emotions.

As long as their sons don’t know these things.

Then he won’t be embarrassed with a white beard!

All blame that Roy imp!

Say something like this…

It’s really yours!

Stinky imp!

In the distance, Roy seemed to feel something, almost turned his head and saw Whitebeard and Marko, and couldn’t help muttering in his heart.

[That guy with the white beard, shouldn’t it, say something bad about me in front of Brother Pony?] Damn it, the old white-bearded man does not talk about martial virtue, and he goes around ruining the reputation of a young man of mine. 】

[It’s a pity that it’s too far away to hear clearly, what are they saying.] 】

[It seems to be talking about some intelligence, how about Ace and the like?] 】

[And how do you feel, I still hear the name Doflamingo?] Is it my delusion? 】

[Alas, damn it, it is estimated that it will be another month…”

[It’s about to arrive in the country of Wano!] 】

【Gan!!!!!! 】

[At that time, if the Whitebeard Pirate Group clashes with the White Beast Pirate Group, I, an ordinary intern, should not go to the front, right?] 】

[Tears! ] 】

[Damn it! These days, why is it so difficult to touch a fish?

[Good gas! ] 】

“Roy, who is that guy?” At this moment, Ace’s doubtful voice came from the side: “Is that the big fat man with curly hair, is that person also the captain of the white-bearded pirate group?” ”

Following Ace’s gaze, Roy saw Blackbeard Tichy.

At this time, Tichy, because his strength was exposed earlier…

Now there is simply no way to hide strength.

I can only work hard with tears in my eyes and the rest of the crew of the Whitebeard Pirate Group.

And his training volume is very exaggerated …

Comparable to the captain of some fan teams!

Even more than some captains of the weaker fan teams, they train harder and have a higher training volume.

It can be imagined that Tichy’s current mood is collapsed.

I also want to cry without tears.

It’s even more tragic.

“He?” Roy’s expression was a little strange, mainly because Ace and Tichy, the relationship between them was really impressive.

Roy smiled strangely and said: “That’s not, the captain of the Whitebeard Pirate Group is just an ordinary member, but his strength is stronger than the captains of many teams.” ”

Roy’s heart rose with bad taste, and he continued: “If you want to beat Daddy…”

“You have to be able to defeat the captain of the pirate group.”

“But if you want to be able to defeat these captains, then you must at least have the strength to defeat Tichy.”

“Tichy?” Ace nodded thoughtfully.

“Don’t go to jail for any of the captain’s strength?”

I recall the image of myself being beaten by a group.

Ace’s expression was solemn: “It’s a strong enemy!” I remember you, Tichy! ”

Tichy in the distance sneezed.

A blank look on his face.

Didn’t know it was sold.



Kingdom of Dressrosa.

The Kingdom of Dressrosa is located in the waters of the New World, a huge island on its own.

The entire kingdom has millions of people.

Of course, there are only countries with millions of people…

It can only be regarded as a small country.

After all, the total strength of such a country may add up to less than 10,000.

The Kingdom of Dressrosa today…

Already by the Don Quixote family …

Take full control!

And the don Quixote family at the helm …

It is one of the seven martial seas of His Majesty…



Doflamingo, one of the seven martial seas of His Majesty, is sitting on a high-backed chair at this moment, with his feet on the height, and his whole posture looks arrogant.

He was holding a newspaper with one hand on his cheek, frowning and thinking.

Then at this moment, the voice of the phone bug came.

“Bulu Bru Bulu ~~”

“Bulu Bru Bulu ~~”

Doflamingo’s forehead was bruised, and the newspaper in his hand was pulled into a ball by him.

What he hates the most is…

While thinking for yourself…

Someone interrupted his thoughts.

But he’s still the answering phone worm.

The next moment –

On the other side of the phone worm, an anxious voice came: “Young Lord! The young lord is not good! Less Lord! This way…… Something big is going on here! Whitebeard Pirates… Whitebeard Pirates… Ahem! The Moby Dick of the Whitebeard Pirates, the direction they sailed to, seems to be the direction of the Kingdom of Dressrosa! ”

The voice is very anxious and intermittent, and through a phone worm, you can hear the rapid breathing of the other party.

Obviously, this person who reported the information was in a hurry.

And the other party is still tired and out of breath.

“Huh?” Doflamingo’s anger froze, and a pair of eyebrows almost locked: “Whitebeard Pirates?!” ”

The corners of his mouth cracked into an exaggerated arc: “Boom! ”

“That’s really a rarity!”

It’s just that it can be seen from his frowning brows.

His mood…

It’s not that calm.

After all, it was the Moby Dick.

That’s the Whitebeard Pirates.

“Less… Young Lord, what should we do if the Whitebeard Pirates really come over? “The man over there in the phone worm is obviously very scared.

After all, in the new world of the Whitebeard Pirates, it is absolutely famous.

“Boom!” Doflamingo laughed a few times.

“Panicked about what?” He tapped the arm of the chair with his index finger, and said with a wanton smile in a bad tone: “Bang bang, how can I say that I am also the King of the Seven Wuhai, if the Whitebeard Pirates make a move on me, isn’t he afraid of offending the world government?” ”

“And how can I say that I also cooperate closely with Kaido, mainly because he has brains in his white beard, he will not move Dressrosa, maybe it is just a coincidence to pass by.”

“If it’s Whitebeard in its heyday, maybe the whole new world will have to avoid it.”

“But I heard that the body of the white beard…”

“It seems that it is not as good as before!”

“Bang bang bang !!!”


Yes, Doflamingo believes that the Whitebeard Pirates just happened to be passing by.

The other party had no reason at all, let alone that motive, to come to Dressrosa.

But Doflamingo’s frown…

It didn’t soothe away.

Anyway, it’s good…

Whitebeard, after all!

And I don’t know why, he actually had a bad premonition.

This premonition is somewhat faint.

It always feels like something is going to happen.






PS: The previous chapter was posted at twelve noon, but it turned out to be blocked until now, it’s been three or four hours, and it’s finally unlocked! Tears! It’s not easy! Woohoo!

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