In the evening, the banquet was held as scheduled.

The entire deck of the Moby Dick was filled with the aroma of fine wine and barbecued meat.

But Roy doesn’t particularly like to drink.

Is the wine delicious with fat house happy water?

Roy found a place where there was no one and held a large plate with all kinds of food in his hand.

There are secret grilled meat prepared by Saatchi himself, as well as various bits and pieces.

There are also a few fruits on it.

In the other hand is a bottle of Coke!

Opening the bottle cap of Fat House Happy Water, Roy poured himself a sip without saying a word, feeling the feeling of gas jumping in his mouth, and the cold cola instantly washed his soul.


As we all know, the first sip of Coke is the best drink, followed by water.

Roy casually put the Coke aside and then used a fork to pick up the roast.

Smell the strong scent.

Stuffed into the mouth.

The tender and juicy roast meat was bitten down, and the juice suddenly filled the mouth again, and the taste that was difficult to describe in words, and finally only one word could be said – good!

“Hmm! Not bad! Roy nodded with satisfaction: “It’s worthy of the barbecue made by Saatchi!” ”

The chef of the Whitebeard Pirates still has something.

What’s more, Saatchi is also a whitebeard, the captain of the fourth team of the Pirate Regiment, and he must have his unique ability to be the chef of the captain.

Not only strong but also cooking, that is also in the new world, belongs to the top level.

In terms of cooking, people who can be higher than Saatchi…

The entire New World adds up to no more than five!

This is Roy’s greatest recognition and satisfaction with Saatchi’s cooking!

It’s a pity, if only there were a movie to watch.

A bite of roast, a bite of Coke.

Then watch a popcorn movie.

That’s called the life of a fish-toucher!


If you are a scientist yourself…

Just get the movie out.


He learned acting!

Graduated from the class!

“Luo… Roy-senpai, can I sit here? Just as Roy was thinking about right and wrong in his mind, a weak voice suddenly entered his ears.

It was a girl’s voice, and hearing it, Roy knew who the other party was.

When I looked down, I saw Manshirley.

I saw that in order to participate in today’s welcome banquet, Manshirley seemed to have taken a special shower and changed her clothes.

At first glance, it really looks like a princess.

And the fierce breath of the Whitebeard Pirates…

Looks slightly out of place.

Manshirley was also holding a plate with a variety of food on it, but not as much as Roy.

And it’s very nicely placed.

What an old plater!

Damn ritual sense.

Roy Yi poured himself a mouthful of fat house happy water and burped lazily.

Indifferently shrugged his shoulders and said: “This is not my private territory, you can sit wherever you want, you can sit wherever you want, just sit casually, you don’t need to ask me.” ”

[Damn it! I’ve already looked for such a remote corner, I just don’t want anyone to disturb me, I just want to be unremarkable. As a result, this can be found, good guy, am I so noticed? 】

[My lazy temperament, it seems, there is nothing special about it?] Could it be because of my damn appearance? Damn, that’s not something I can decide! 】

[Is this face, even in the dark, shining like a firefly?] 】

[This year, handsome people will delay their own fishing. ] 】

[Alas! There is no heavenly reason!! 】

【Tears!!! 】

Manshirley obviously didn’t know Roy’s inner complaint, after all, she was not a whitebeard and could hear Roy’s heart.

She also thought that she had been recognized by Roy’s seniors.

He hurriedly sat down with a look of joy, and then looked curiously at the bottle of Coke in Roy’s hand.

“Senior Roy, don’t you drink?”

Manshirley asked with some surprise.

“No smoking, no drinking.” Roy Tian shamelessly blew a wave to himself, in fact, when he first joined the banquet of the Whitebeard Pirates, he drank more than a thousand glasses of wine!

Good fellow, he fell asleep with so much drunkenness that he didn’t get up the next afternoon.

At that time, Roy did not seem to have drunk a drop of wine.

After all, for him, alcohol is dispensable.

For a person who lies flat and touches fish, happiness is never something that alcohol can bring.

Many pirates can’t do without alcohol all their lives.

But Roy is different.

Those pirates like to drink because every day, they are very nervous.

Drinking alcohol can also be regarded as relaxing yourself a little and allowing yourself to be a little quieter.

It would be even better if you could get drunk and go straight to sleep.

But Roy’s spirit is very lax every day.

Every day is lazy, and there is no day of mental tension.

There is no need to drink alcohol at all.

Just need to drink fat house happy water…

That’s enough fun.

“Don’t smoke, don’t drink…” Manshirley was stunned, she was so big, it was the first time she had seen a man who didn’t smoke or drink.

Senior Roy felt as if he was, out of place with the Whitebeard Pirates.

It’s two completely different styles.

Manshirley, this is not pressing…

In fact, she herself is similar.

Wearing a banquet dress, she and a group of rough men from the white-bearded pirate group have a completely different painting style.

She can still maintain the etiquette that a princess should have, and the pirates of the Whitebeard Pirates…

All of them laughed heartily, sang and danced.

Or some get drunk, laughing and scolding.

Some even fight on the spot, of course, this is limited to the extent of playfulness.

All in all, whether it’s Roy…

Or little Manshirley.

All with this atmosphere…

Slightly out of place.

“Senior Roy must be a very self-disciplined person! After all, even the white-bearded dad did not smoke or drink. Maybe his father doesn’t smoke, but he doesn’t leave his daily drink, and he drinks at least ten pounds of fine wine every day. ”

With little stars in both eyes, Man Shirley recalled the words that Brother Marco had said to herself.

Really! Senior Roy, in the surface of laziness, lurks an excellent soul.

[I… Very self-disciplined? For a moment, I didn’t even know how to reply to this sentence! Boy! Where did this Manshirley come from, to see that I was very self-disciplined? Is it just because I don’t smoke or drink? 】

[Oh… I think about it today, and I’m quite disciplined. Very stable every day, get up at two o’clock in the afternoon, very stable every day not to train, every day very stable lying flat salted fish. 】

[Is this also a kind of self-discipline?] If this is also self-discipline, then I am really self-disciplined. 】

[But what does this little girl, with adoring eyes, mean?] 】

【Hey, hey! The difference in size between the two of us is too big! 】

[What’s the situation with your eyes full of little stars?] 】

Roy was a little skeptical of life for a while, there would actually be someone in this world who worshiped a fish toucher, lying flat?

Did Shirley Manshirley have some wonderful misunderstanding about him?

Don’t you look ordinary enough?

Damn it!

It must be this damn look!

It seems that when you go out in the future…

Gotta wear a mask and go out.


Wearing a mask is not enough insurance…

Good villains are also wearing masks!

That’s a lot safer!


This stinky imp is also too narcissistic, right? Obviously so lazy every day, actually feel so good about yourself, it’s really shameless, Roy little ghost! Goo la la! ”

The whitebeard not far away said a few words to himself, and then directly poured himself a few sips of spirits.

Look at the stupid sons who are singing and dancing in front of you.

Whitebeard’s mood himself does not know how to describe it.

Gratified? Glad that this mood is indeed there, after all, these stupid sons all felt a sense of crisis, and they all started one by one, practicing hard.

And everyone’s strength is improving.

Some are even growing in strength by leaps and bounds.

This whitebeard was very pleased in his heart.

Disappointed? In fact, Whitebeard’s mood is very contradictory, not only gratifying, but also disappointed.

He was disappointed because he would always involuntarily compare his stupid sons to Roy.

The results are completely uncomparable.

Oh…… The only one that can compare to Roy.

That’s that kind of positivity.

After all, Roy’s little ghost…

Never positive.

But in addition to the positivity can be compared, is there any place that can compare to Roy the little ghost?

Whitebeard pondered hard to meditate, and actually found that these stupid sons of his people, in other places, could not even compare to Roy imps!

Let’s talk about strength, for example…

Roy is not very old this year, not even eighteen, and this year’s age is only seventeen.

At an age like seventeen, you have such strength.

Wouldn’t you just hang up and beat all those stupid sons of his?

His stupid sons at the age of seventeen …

Can it be compared to Roy alone?

No! There’s no way to compare!

There is not even a comparison at all.

If all of his stupid sons had retreated to the age of seventeen, then they would not be enough for Roy to hit with one hand.

What else can Whitebeard say about this reality?

It can only be said that Roy is a little ghost, it is really too devilish.

That kind of talent is too terrifying.

The future of Roy Little Ghost is at least the Sea Emperor, this level!

However, such a gifted person…

The corners of Whitebeard’s mouth twitched slightly.

“It’s so lazy! So far, I don’t know how that stinky little devil cultivated to be so strong, could it be that he worked very hard before the Whitebeard Pirates. And after getting on the Whitebeard Pirates, did you become lazy? ”

After thinking about it, Whitebeard can only think of this one possibility.

But fortunately, now there is another genius son.

Ace’s talent, although not as good as Roy, is definitely a demon.

After all, no matter how you say it, it carries Roger’s blood.

As long as the future goes smoothly…

Maybe the strength will not be weaker than Roger!

Even if it is weaker than Roger…

It will only be a little weaker.

With Ace’s talent, coupled with his natural burning fruit, and carrying Roger’s bloodline, sooner or later, he will stand at the top of this sea and become one of those few people.

And the guy Tichy, Roy said of Tichy, is a two-five, and careerist.

Whitebeard didn’t quite know what Erwuzai meant.

But careerists, he can still know.

However, Whitebeard is not worried that his sons are ambitious, but he is also worried that his sons are not ambitious enough.

Roy, Ace, Tichy, Manshirley…

The future of the Whitebeard Pirates…

It seems to be a piece of light.

“Goo la la-la!” Thinking of this, Whitebeard’s mood suddenly became very good, and he laughed heartily: “Goo la la la! If only Roy’s little ghost could work hard, it would be even more perfect, but alas, that stinky little ghost! ”

The banquet is still being held as scheduled.




In the blink of an eye, it was the afternoon of the next day.

A warship from the headquarters of the Navy stepped into the dangerous waters of the New World.

If someone looks closely, they will find the bow of the warship …

It’s actually a huge dog’s head!

This is the heroic vice admiral of the Navy headquarters, Monchi D. Karp’s warship!

As for why carve a dog’s head…

Maybe Karp knew.

“Mr. Lieutenant General! Mr. Lieutenant General? A naval soldier, standing next to Karp, couldn’t help but ask in a whisper, but Karp didn’t respond, just made some strange sounds.

The naval soldier couldn’t help but look forward, and suddenly, a drop of cold sweat flowed.

Recently, Karp held his hands to his chest and stood quietly in place, standing still.

The chest fell together, and the posture was very straight.

But a snot bubble is big and small.

His eyes were already closed by this time.

That weird sound…

It’s his snoring.

“Card… Lieutenant General Karp? The Navy soldier had apparently just arrived on the warship Karp, and he did not know that Karp had this habit of suddenly falling asleep.

Snap –

At this moment, the one on Karp’s nose, suddenly big and small snot bubbles, suddenly shattered.

His whole person also woke up, it seemed that he had just woken up, and his eyes were a little stunned.

Then looked at the naval soldier in front of him in confusion.

After reacting, he snorted: “Ahahaha! Unexpectedly, I accidentally fell asleep! ”

The naval soldier in front of him, after seeing Karp wake up, couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief.

He hurriedly said to Karp: “Mr. Lieutenant General, the new world has arrived!” ”

“Huh? Arrived? Aha! It’s pretty fast! ”

Karp looked around at the sea around him, and his tone was slightly emotional: “It’s been several years, I haven’t come to this sea, ahahahah!” It’s a new world again! ”

Karp has not been to the New World for a long time.

After all, how to say, he is also a person with grandchildren and needs to return to the East China Sea for a long time.

Today, he returns to the East China Sea more than a dozen times a year.

In order to make his grandson a pirate.

But whether it was Luffy, or Ace, and the Saab who ran from nowhere halfway, this group of stinky imps actually wanted to be pirates.

Every time I think about it, Karp is angry.

Damn it! What’s so bad about being in the Navy?

Are pirates very free? Is that selfish freedom really freedom?

Karp didn’t understand the logic of the pirates.

After all, he is a navy!

And also a hero of the Navy!

“It must be that bastard Shanks! I knew that when I was on Roger’s guy’s boat, I should have beaten this stinky imp! That bastard with red hair, it’s best not to let the old man see him, otherwise, you must beat him up! ”

Thinking of this, Kapu’s teeth itched, if it weren’t for that bastard redhead, would Luffy’s three views be so outrageous?

If Luffy’s three views were not crooked by the red hair, would Ace’s three views be so crooked?

If the three views of these two stinky imps are not taken crooked…

Will the three views of Saab who ran over halfway be crooked like this?

So much so that Saab, that imp, went to sea ahead of time …


Karp took a slow, deep breath.

To say that there is no sadness in the heart …

That’s all fake!

In fact, he also treats Saab as his own grandson, and has always taken care of that stinky imp, but unfortunately, this stinky imp of two, no one listens to him.

In this way, Karp is a little skeptical of life, with his own way of education, is there something wrong?

How did you teach that neither of them wants to be in the navy?

His son Dorag is okay, he has also been in the navy for a while …

This guy just chose to be a soldier.

But what about Luffy, Ace, and Saab?

Damn it!

It is the iron fist of love of the old man…

Has it become useless?

“Card… Lieutenant General Karp, where are we going next? The navy soldier in front, after seeing Karp silent, couldn’t help but ask cautiously.

Karp’s thoughts turned back and he picked his nose: “Kingdom of Dressrosa!” ”

Before going to Wano Country, he was going to meet that Doflamingo.

He wants to take a look at the Whitebeard Pirates…

Whether or not with His Majesty the Seven Wuhai…

What kind of agreement was reached.

What kind of cooperation is reached.

As for whether Doflamingo would tell him? Karp doesn’t care about this kind of thing, don’t open his mouth? Hit you until you open your mouth!

For Doflamingo, the scum of the sea, Karp never had a good impression.

The most important thing is that this guy used to be a Draco.

The thing that Doflamingo used to be a Draco…

The top of the headquarters of the Navy knows it.

Karp is naturally no exception.

Is there anything more fun than beating a Draco?

“Aha! Little ones! Let’s go! Destination, Kingdom of Dressrosa! ”

Karp crossed his waist and laughed.

“Lieutenant General Karp! We are the Navy, not pirates, don’t order with small ones! ”

Naval soldiers on warships, collectively roared.

“Huh? Is it? Don’t care about such details, ahahaha!! ”

Karp smiled heartlessly.



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