Two days later, in the waters near Wano Country, a huge pirate ship broke the waves.

Although the sea near Wano Country, the weather and ocean currents are very extreme.

But apparently, it did not affect the Moby Dick.

The huge Moby Dick is on the ocean …

Just like a sea king, the turbulent currents in the sea simply cannot cause too much trouble to the Moby Dick.

More extreme weather was encountered by the Moby Dick and all sailed unscathed.

Not to mention such a climate.

It’s not worth mentioning!

“Is this the sea near Wano Country? Sure enough, it is better to hear than to see, I have long heard that the climate near Wano Country is very extreme, and now it seems that it is indeed so! ”

A crew member of the Whitebeard Pirates, looking at the waves below with a slow face and amazement.

He is a crew member who has been with the Whitebeard Pirates for less than three years.

Naturally, he has not followed the Whitebeard Pirates and has been to places like Wano Country.

Or that the Whitebeard Pirates have more than 1,600 people…

It is estimated that only one or two hundred people have been to the country of Wa.

After all, the last time the Whitebeard Pirates came to this place in the country of Wano …

It’s all more than twenty years ago.

The whitebeard at that time …

They’re still blonde!

“Here it is again!” Marko grabbed the side railing of the Moby Dick with one hand, and put the other hand above his eyes, looked into the distance, and smiled: “It seems that this time, I have to find a way to go up.” ”

“After all, the Moby Dick is too big, and I don’t know if the waterfall in Wano Country is big enough.”

His words made a pirate next to him stunned.

“Captain Marko, what do you mean when you go up?”

The pirate scratched his head and asked curiously: “Could it be that the country of peace is the kind of empty island in legend, and it needs to fly up to be able to go up?” ”

Marko shook his head and explained with a smile: “The geographical location of Wano Country is very special, and there is basically no place to dock, because its altitude is not low, let alone hundreds of meters. ”

“Wano Country is surrounded by mountains and waterfalls, perhaps because of the isolation of the country, they have not opened any piers in the surrounding area.”

“If you want to go up, you have to follow those waterfalls and figure out how to go up.”

His explanation made this pirate suddenly realize.

Immediately, the pirate said worriedly: “The Moby Dick is so big, can it go up?” ”

Marko smiled: “Who knows? ”

Marco paused and had to say, “If the Moby Dick is too big to go up.” Then climb up and park the Moby Dick at sea for the time being. ”

As Marko communicates with the pirate, the Moby Dick is getting closer and closer to Wano Country.

A white mist began to appear in front of him.

The current below the sea seemed to be more turbulent, and the hull of the Moby Dick inevitably began to shake, but the magnitude of the shaking was not particularly large.

As an old man in the white-bearded pirate group, who came to the country of Wano again, Marko still had some emotion.

Because the Whitebeard Pirates, the captain of the second team, Mitsuki Ota, is from the country of Wa.

And the Whitebeard Pirates, the captain of the sixteenth team, is also from the country of Wa.

Thinking of this, Marko walked next to Whitebeard.

Marko looked up at Whitebeard and said to Whitebeard, who was pondering something: “Dad, it’s almost time to reach the country of Wano, we have to find a way to let the Moby Dick go up to the country of Wano.” ”

Whitebeard came back from his thoughts and looked at the faint appearance of mountains not far away.

Whitebeard grinned: “Goo la la la! Don’t worry, you can go up! ”

Whitebeard explained: “The person at the helm now is Izang, and Izang has grown up in the country of Wano since he was a child, and he must know where to let the Moby Dick go up. ”

“As for how to climb into the country of Wano? Grab a few random sea kings and let them pull us up, won’t it? ”

Listen, Mar was stunned, and this kind of operation?

Let the Aquaman class, pull the Moby Dick up?

Isn’t that too simple and crude? But if you think about it, it’s not impossible.

Those big sea kings are very smart.

As long as they know they won’t die if they do this, they will definitely pull the boat upside down.

Marko smiled and said, “It seems that Saatchi, Bista, and other people who did not eat the devil fruit can only be allowed to catch the sea kings.” By the way, Tichy’s strength is also good, and he did not eat fruit. Let them catch three or four sea kings, it should be enough. ”

“Goo la la-la!” Whitebeard laughed, “So, it’s not a problem at all. ”

After that, Whitebeard continued to look at the country of Wano not far away.

The slightest worry in his eyes was hidden very deeply by him.

He was not worried about the safety of the Whitebeard Pirates.

Just in the closed land of the country of Wazhi, the whitebeard pirate group can directly kill through!

His fear was that Roy’s voice would become a reality!

Worried that Mitsuki Ota really died for more than ten years!

It is true that Mitsuki Ota is not his son, but the relationship between the two is like a brother, and Whitebeard also regards Mitsuki Ota as his younger brother and his own family.

If your family has been dead for more than ten years, and you are almost unaware of it…

That whitebeard felt that he was very unqualified as a brother!

Whitebeard slowly took a deep breath…

Looking at the waterfall mountains that were becoming clearer and clearer, and at Wano Country, which was almost at hand, he tried to suppress the worry in his heart, and the smile on his face gradually converged.

In fact, the subconscious inside him…

I also feel that Ota is no longer there…

After all, that guy from Ota has not opened the country of Wano for so many years, which explains the problem. He has such a strong strength, and he can’t let a country of peace open the country, it is very likely that he has encountered something tricky.

It’s just that Whitebeard doesn’t want to admit the kind of speculation in his subconscious.

He preferred to believe that Mitsuki Ota was still alive now.

I don’t want to believe it…

The other party is dead.

Maybe it can be said that he is too stubborn, or it can be said that he is too paranoid, but Whitebeard’s personality is like this, and he cares and attaches great importance to his family.

Even if there was only the slightest possibility, he believed that Mitsuki Ota was still alive!

However, his hopeful mentality is also a big problem.

Because if his hopes are shattered…

If the last possibility is broken…

He will brew a monstrous rage…

This anger is enough to destroy everything!


“Roy-senpai! Ace! Is that the legendary country of Wa? I heard the elders in the little Terrans mention the country of Wano, and I heard that this is a powerful country that is closed to the country. ”

Elsewhere on the Moby Dick, Manshirley walked on Roy’s shoulders, her hands clinging to Roy’s clothes.

So as not to be blown away by the extreme weather of the sea near Wano Country.

She said with a look of joy: “I remember Ace, you said, you have been to the country of Wano, right? ”

Listen to Man Shirley shouting in her ear.

Roy showed an unloveable expression.

Who would have thought that the two interns who had just entered the Whitebeard Pirates, Manshirley and Ace, were all that kind of self-cooking.

And the two of them, who is not familiar with him, but with him.

And took him as a friend without permission.

This made Roy feel very tired.

Is this how pirates make friends?

It’s really unique enough!!

Ace on the side, pressing the hat on his head, lest the cat be blown away, he grinned and explained: “Some time ago, when I met the Whitebeard Pirates, I passed through the country of Wano by chance, and I still had a fight with a man named Yamato above. ”

“That guy is still the daughter of Kaido the Beast, she is quite beautiful, and like me, she doesn’t like her father, or Roy and I introduce her to you?”

Roy glanced at Ace expressionlessly, and Ace immediately shut up in amusement.

They are a small group of three, and they don’t know why.

Led by Roy, the “weakest”, probably because of seniority.

After all, Roy joined the Pirates before the two of them.

Of course, the “weakest” of the so-called three … It’s just the surface.

What a fight, Roy can beat Ace to the ground.

As for Manshirley, the little Terran princess?

Her fruit ability is still remarkable.

As for her combat strength…

That’s a round-up!

[Alas! Tired! After all, it still arrives in the country of Wa, Whitebeard still has to know about Ota’s death after all, and the Whitebeard Pirate Group still has to clash with the Hundred Beast Pirate Group after all. 】

[Also, Ace, this stinky boy, also introduced me to the daughter of Kaido the Hundred Beasts? ] Good fellow, that’s a filial daughter, comparable to the existence of Tichy! 】

[As the daughter of Kaido the Hundred Beasts, the person she admires is the person Kaido hates the most, and she wants to be a person like Mitsuki Ota. ] 】

[Good fellow, to become a person like Mitsuki Ota, isn’t this to kill your father? ] 】

[I don’t know how Kaido educated his daughter. 】

[This is even more outrageous than Karp!] At least none of the grandchildren and sons of the Kapu Sect wanted to eat him back, but one or two were quite afraid of him. 】

[One with a filial daughter, although a little more beautiful. ] 】

[But it’s really a little unbearable! ] 】

Roy silently complained in his heart, if he wanted to say which characters in the country of Wano were the most slotted in his mind, it was undoubtedly Mitsuki Ota and Yamato.

One is Tie Han Batch.

One is with filial piety.

Really meowed!

Make up a pair!

Crouching Dragon Phoenix Chick!

Roy remembers the extent to which Yamato adored Ota, even to the extent of frequent cosplay, dressed in the strange aesthetic of Mitsuki Ota, and very spicy eyes.

[One day Ota can be resurrected, see Yamato and Momonosuke’s words.] 】

[Do you think that Momonosuke’s pink dragon is Kaido’s son, and then slashed it.] 】

[And then recognize Yamato as his own child?] 】

[Poof, hahaha!!] 】

[It’s really possible!] 】

Looking at the country of Wano that was already close at hand, Roy’s thoughts had long drifted to him, and he didn’t know where to go.

At this time, the Moby Dick was less than two hundred meters away from the territory of Wano Country.

Ahead lies mountains hundreds of meters high.

and an exaggerated waterfall!

Although it is not as large as the countercurrent channel of Upside Down Mountain, it is also one-tenth the size.

Enough for the Moby Dick to pass.

The captains of the Whitebeard Pirate Group who did not eat the Devil Fruit jumped directly into the choppy sea without hesitation.

The purpose is to catch a few larger sea kings and forcibly pull the Moby Dick up.

Even Tichy can only be broken labor.

Holding back, they jumped down together.


At the same time, the distance from the country of Wano is about a hundred nautical miles away.

A dog-headed warship is heading in this direction.

This is obviously Karp’s warship.

Didn’t chase after the red-haired Shanks.

Let the Karp these days…

Extremely annoyed.

“Abominable!” Karp bit the fairy shell in his hand fiercely, looking like an old urchin, gritting his teeth and saying to himself: “The hateful red-haired pirate group, how can they run faster than rabbits, and even warships can’t catch up with them.” ”

“What are those scientific research departments of the Navy headquarters for? Why is the speed of warships so slow? There is no way to catch up with even a pirate ship, how can this chase the pirates? ”

“And Ace, that stinky boy, I don’t know, whether that stinky boy is on the whitebeard pirate group.”

“And that whitebeard, the injury actually healed…”

Karp’s expression became slightly solemn, and the whitebeard who had recovered from injury was not so easy to mess with.

The guy who is called the strongest man in the world.

That kind of power is no joke.

“Healing fruit?” Karp bit into the fairy shell and muttered to himself: “If that bastard Roger had found the healing fruit, maybe he would still be alive now!” ”

“However, it’s better if that kind of villain dies, this guy can make such a big storm when he dies, if he lives for another few decades, will he still have it?”

Although the relationship between Karp and Roger can be regarded as a relationship between enemies and friends.

But from the point of view of the Navy…

Karp thinks that Roger’s death will be a little better for the situation on the sea.

No way, who made him a navy …

And Roger, is a pirate?

“If the person with the ability to heal the fruit appears earlier, the mother of that kid of Ace may be able to save a life, and may be able to lead Ace to the right path.”

Karp’s mood fell, and he knew that nothing if.

If there really are so many ifs in this world.

The world wouldn’t be so bad.

“Blu Bru Bru ~”

“Blu Bru Bru ~”

“Lieutenant General Karp! It’s Lord Marshal’s phone bug, contact your phone bug! ”

At this moment, a naval soldier, holding a telephone worm, hurriedly ran over.

Karp finally came to his senses, muttering in a puzzled tone: “Warring States? What is he looking for me for?! ”

After Karp answered the phone worm, he heard the voice of the Sengoku.

“Karp! Where are you now? ”

Hearing the familiar voice of the Warring States, Karp’s tone said with a big grin: “Now on the route to the country of Wa, the distance is about a day away!” ”

While rejecting Xianbei, Karp added: “Warring States, I told you the day before yesterday that Whitebeard’s dark disease is now gone, and the Whitebeard Pirate Group has become more difficult to deal with. ”

The Warring States on the other side of the phone worm was silent for a few seconds and said: “No matter how difficult it is, we are also the navy!” ”

After speaking, Sengoku continued: “I have asked Borusalino to also go to the new world, he will soon receive you, and the situation in the country of Wano must be stabilized.” ”

Karp was stunned and wondered, “Stabilize the situation?” ”

Warring States nodded and said: “At present, the sea lou stones of the world’s zheng mansion are basically from the country of Hezhi, or from the Hundred Beast Pirate Group. But if the development of the Sea Lou Stone falls into the hands of the Whitebeard Pirates, the World Zhengfu will be forced to cooperate with the Whitebeard Pirates. ”

“Compared with the Hundred Beast Pirates, the Whitebeard Pirates are more uncontrollable, because the Whitebeard Pirates are more powerful than before.”

“In addition to the fact that the dark illness of that white-beard has healed, according to the latest intelligence of the Navy headquarters…”

“That Fire Fist Ace with a reward of 400 million Bailey…”

“He joined the Whitebeard Pirates!!”

“The Whitebeard Pirates are growing day by day, and we can’t sit back and watch it grow even more, and if necessary, even intervene in the disputes between the countries of Wano.”

“Of course, if the situation develops beyond expectations, don’t interfere in it.”

“So as not to get bogged down.”

“After all, the navy does not have much strength in the new world, and it is already the limit to be able to do this.”

“If it happens, something we don’t want to see, we can only go with the flow.”


“Karp? Are you listening? ”


“Hey, hey?”

“Is the signal broken?”


The Sengoku who was far away in the naval headquarters did not know that Karp could not hear any sound at this moment, because he was already stunned by shock, and the senbei he was holding in his hand had fallen to the ground.

Both eyes bulged out, their jaws almost dragged to the ground, and the whole person was like being struck by lightning.

The whole person was greatly shocked.

What did he just hear?

That Fire Fist Ace, who offered a reward of 400 million Baileys, joined the Whitebeard Pirates?

Karp still knows a lot about the Whitebeard Pirates.

Ace joins the Whitebeard Pirates…

Isn’t it true that Whitebeard is a father?

Karp was stunned!




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