The entire Whitebeard Pirate Group can be described as exciting, anyway, Mitsuki Ota is also a member of the Whitebeard Pirate Group.

In the eyes of almost everyone, as long as they are also members of the Whitebeard Pirates, they are family.

Now one of his family members has died in a foreign country.

How does this make the people of the Whitebeard Pirates not angry?

One by two, they can’t wait to crush the person who killed Mitsuki Ota!

Endless anger brews in everyone’s chest.

Some pirates even gritted their teeth angrily, already holding the handle of the knife with one hand.

The arm holding the handle of the knife is even more bruised!

This shows how angry it is.

Even Marko, who is usually the calmest, is clenching his teeth at this time.

Marko is now trying to restrain himself…

Anger rising in my heart.

He was afraid that he would be too angry…

Thus reason becomes too impulsive.

Raised his head and said to Whitebeard: “Dad, give an order, our Whitebeard Pirate Group will definitely not be able to stand this kind of grievance.” ”

“If we are still indifferent after our family members are killed, then what face will our whitebeard pirates have in the future, and you will continue to mess around in the new world?”

“I didn’t expect Mr. Ota to actually … Alas! In fact, if you think boldly, you may have guessed a long time ago. ”

“After all, Mr. Ota has not seen us for more than ten or twenty years.”

Marko clenched his fists and glared at the frightened samurai.

Gritting his teeth, he asked, “The guy you just said is called the Black Carbon Big Snake, right?” ”

“This guy killed Mr. Ota, right?”

Marko’s questioning, and the kind that leaked out, if nothing, murderous.

Let this samurai’s hair stand on end, and there is a feeling of walking around the ghost door closed.

“I, I, I… I don’t know! The rumors outside are that the Great Snake General killed Mitsuki Ota, but our boss Jiu Tenmaru said that the Great Snake General was just an accomplice. ”

The samurai’s voice trembled and replied, “I’m just a fallen little samurai, I just joined the boss of Jiutenmaru yesterday, and I don’t know too many details!” ”

“After all, when that Mitsuki Ota died, I… I’m just a brat! ”

“Gentlemen, spare your little life!”

“After the little one, I won’t be a!”

“What’s the difference between what you said and what you didn’t?” Marko frowned, he tried to suppress his emotions, looked at Izang next to him who was also trying to control his emotions, and said: “Izang, what do you say is the person called Sake Tenmaru, is also Mr. Ota’s vassal, right?” ”

Ezang wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes, took a deep breath, and replied, “Yes! His real name is Asura Tongzi, and Jiutenmaru is a nickname for him as a bandit mountain thief. ”

Marco nodded: “Then he should know best, what happened!” ”

Marko looked at the samurai again: “You take us over, find your boss!” ”

“Huh?” The samurai was stunned: “I… I can’t betray …”

“Huh?” Marco narrowed his eyes.

“Happy to serve the adults!”

“The little one will take you there!”

“Please don’t kill me!”

The samurai’s mentality collapsed.

That’s called a cry.

Full of thoughts just to live.

Marco nodded in satisfaction, and then looked at the white-bearded man next to him: “Dad, let’s go find that Asura boy!” ”

Whitebeard didn’t speak, in fact, through Roy’s heart, he knew who the real murderer was.

But he still nodded silently and took a deep breath.

The complexion looks slightly complicated.

Roy, this stinky imp…

You know everything!

Whitebeard’s heart is also particularly complicated.

At the beginning, he didn’t want to believe that Mitsuki Ota had really been killed by Kaido, so he wanted to personally come to the country of Okuni to confirm whether Ota was dead or alive.

As a result, I didn’t expect Roy, the smelly little ghost, to say the right thing again.

This little devil is as if he is all-wise and all-powerful.

It won’t really be a fruit ability, right?

Eavesdropping on fruit powers?

Or intelligence fruit capabilities?

Or is it some weird, other superhuman Devil Fruit ability?

This stinky imp is hiding too deeply!

Whitebeard’s eyes flashed, and he said to the group of sons behind him: “Ninth and tenth teams, stay and protect the Moby Dick!” The other fourteen teams, a total of 1,439 people, plus the two interns of Roy and Ace! All follow Lao Tzu and march to attack the country of Wano! ”

“Be sure to put the guy who killed Ota on the spot, no matter who the other party is, you must take revenge!” As Marko said, our revenge is not said to be unsuccessful, but if we are indifferent, people in the new world, what else do we think of our group of whitebeard pirates? ”

“When Ota was on Lao Tzu’s ship, he said that his biggest dream in life was to let the country of Wano open the country, that is, to let the country of Wano lift this state of isolation and isolation!”

“This is Ota’s dream before his death, and it is also his last wish after his death, we as his family!”

“Have this responsibility and obligation to help him fulfill this last wish!”

“Start today! The country of Wano is the territory of Lao Tzu’s white beard! ”

“Who is stopping us! It’s against us! ”

“Lao Tzu, but the white beard!!!”

The terrifying overlord-colored domineering of Terror Island burst out instantly at this moment, and the whitebeard’s emotions also burst out instantly, and black arcs in the air were constantly flickering.

However, Whitebeard controlled his overlord-colored domineering very well, and did not let this overlord-colored domineering hurt his sons.

Some clouds in the sky above were directly shattered by this overlord color.

There seemed to be a hurricane in the air that made people stand unsteadily.

All the creatures in the overlord-colored range are trembling!

The weak animal, even rolled his eyes directly, and directly fell into a coma.

This is the overlord color domineering of the Four Emperor level!

Seeing that Ace’s pupils were slightly constricted, he couldn’t help but gasp: “Shhh! Roy, did you see it? This is Daddy’s overlord color domineering! I didn’t expect that daddy also has a domineering overlord, oh… I almost forgot, daddy is the Four Emperors! Aha! If the Four Emperors didn’t have the overlord color domineering, it would be strange! ”

“Speaking of which, Dad asked you to go with me with me, but I didn’t let Mann Shirley go with me, probably because I was worried about Mann Shirley’s safety, after all, Man Shirley’s fruit ability is very important.”

“Huh?” Ace was suddenly stunned, extremely surprised, and looked at Roy next to him: “What’s wrong with you, Roy?” ”

“Why does something look wrong with your expression?”

Roy was silent for a few seconds, looking up at the sky, and the whole person looked like he couldn’t be loved.

It was as if the end of the world had come to him.

The whole person seemed to be emaciated for several points.

[Mom sells batches! ] Good you whitebeard! Even me, an intern, was not spared! Wouldn’t it be okay to let Ace go with him? At least Ace looks stronger, why let me go with him, do I look strong? 】

[Damn it! Lazhuangding is not as pullable as you! The sixty-nine-year-old white-bearded man does not talk about martial virtue and exploits one of my seventeen-year-old nephews, woo-woo! Damn it! 】

[Why can Mann Shirley stay on the Moby Dick, but I can’t, this is not fair! ] 】

[The same intern, why is the treatment of the two so different! ] 】

[Isn’t it enough to have Ace a coolie?] 】

[Why do you want to catch me!!! 】

At this time, Marko reacted, and he couldn’t help but say with some concern: “Dad, it seems a little unpleasant to let Roy go with him, right?” Why not let him stay on the Moby Dick with Manshirley, the ninth and tenth teams? ”

“After all, Roy’s strength is limited, and although the country of Wano is closed in the new world, it is also a strong country, and what we have to do next may be very dangerous.”

“Although we are not afraid of these dangers, it is because we have enough strength, but Roy…”

“Roy feels because of his special physical reasons…”

[Woohoo! Marko is a good guy! I took back all the words I complained about you before, I have never seen such a good person in my life. 】

[If there is a war in the future, I will definitely not say a word and put another bandage around your head.] 】

[By the way, comfort you again, woo-woo, tears! ] 】

[Seeing the truth in human tribulation! 】

[Old warm man, little horse brother! ] If I don’t introduce you to a beautiful daughter-in-law, I really can’t help you! 】

Roy was almost moved to tears.

“No need to say more!” Whitebeard shook his head: “It’s good to let Roy Little Ghost go to see the world, can’t we protect a Roy Little Ghost with so many of us?” ”

Whitebeard said so on his lips, but in fact, what he thought in his heart, only he himself knows.

He knew that Roy hid a lot of strength, maybe in the Whitebeard Pirates…

Apart from his white beard, the strongest man …

Not right Marko…

It’s Roy!

Marko was stunned, seeing that his father was so persistent, he didn’t say anything more, and nodded thoughtfully: “Indeed, it’s good to let Roy see the world, anyway, with so many people in our Whitebeard Pirate Group, can’t we protect Roy alone?” ”

Roy: “??????? ”

[Ah! What are you doing? Pony! What are you talking about? Pony! Damn it! I didn’t expect you, the thick-eyed one, actually chose to give up on me? 】

[Damn it! Your beautiful daughter-in-law is gone! Without introducing you to a daughter-in-law who weighs more than a ton, my Roy’s name will be written upside down and then upside down! 】

This stinky imp! Whitebeard, who heard Roy’s heart, almost laughed angrily.

The raging anger in my heart was also slightly relieved.

This little devil is obviously so powerful, but he has always pretended to be ordinary.

The most important thing is these stupid sons of their own.

Both of them also believed Roy’s nonsense.

This made the corners of Whitebeard’s mouth twitch a little.

When will these stupid sons of yourself be able to get the hang of it?

Such stupid words made him very tired!

Whitebeard sighed inwardly.

I felt quite speechless.

“Hey! Samurai imps! Whitebeard suddenly looked at the warrior in front of him, who was paralyzed in fright, and said with an expressionless face: “What are you still doing here?” ”

“Well… Good…… Good! The samurai hurriedly stood up and began to lead the way.

Whitebeard and the crew of the Whitebeard Pirates followed one by one.

Everyone had a sinister smile and anger on their faces.

It can be called a full evil!!

After all, they are all pirates!!

Don’t look at the Moby Dick, they are all very amiable internally, because on the Moby Dick, everyone is family.

But once outside, when facing other people, they are extremely vicious pirates!

Although the people who Whitebeard returned to him rarely killed innocents, they never did anything unbearable.

But they are still a bunch of pirates.

It represents the sin of this world.

“Roy, you don’t have to worry!” While following Roy, Ace walked forward, and at the same time he patted his chest at Roy, who was full of lovelessness, and said confidently: “If you encounter any danger, I will protect you!” ”

“Thank you ha!” Roy looked up at the sky forty-five degrees and replied without yin or yang.

“Harm! What’s so polite with me! ”

Ace grinned.


At the same time, the Hundred Beast Pirate Group station, Ghost Island!!

“The Moby Dick is missing?” Kaido rarely drank a drop of wine today, he listened to the report of the people under his hand, and couldn’t help frowning: “Such a big ship, you say it’s gone?” ”

His gaze looked at the subordinate in front of him, and a pair of eyes narrowed: “Could it be that you are cheating and slippery, leaving without permission, and losing people?” ”

As soon as these words came out, this subordinate immediately broke out in a cold sweat.

He is a cadre of the Hundred Beast Pirate Group, specializing in controlling the intelligence work of the Hundred Beast Pirate Group.

Although the strength is not strong, but because there are brains.

So he was arranged for this job by Hundred Beast Kai.

Now after hearing Kaido’s words, he was so frightened that he broke out in a cold sweat.

Because he knew how serious the consequences of Boss Kaido’s anger were.

One carelessly will have to lie down for months!

Although Boss Kaido is able to maintain his sanity many times, it seems impulsive, but his mind is actually very delicate.

But the problem is that he can’t guarantee that Kaido Elder will not, and he will remain sane every day.

In case one is careless, an impulse …

Give yourself a punch…

This small body of his own…


Hit a little harder…

Killed on the spot!

Therefore, this subordinate, who could only tremble, hurriedly replied: “Boss Kaido, our people did not steal and slip, nor did they leave without permission!” The problem is that the sixteenth captain of the Whitebeard Pirates is a person from Wano Country, and the other party is very familiar with the terrain of Wano Country, and we don’t know where the people of the Whitebeard Pirate Group came ashore. ”

The area of Wano Country is not small, and in the New World, it belongs to a relatively large country.

At least, the kingdom of Dressrosa than Doflamingo, mostly.

The population of the entire country of Wano is in the millions.

And the area of the country of Wano is also several times the size of the Kingdom of Dressrosa.

Of course, if compared with the Kingdom of Alabastan …

The country of Wano seems pitiful.

“Boss Kaido! Now the Whitebeard Pirates may have landed in the country of Wa, but we don’t know what their purpose is for the time being, but if the Whitebeard Pirates actually come to the country of Wa, it must have a very big purpose. ”

The subordinates began to sweat coldly and analyzed: “It is very likely that they want to wrestle with our Hundred Beast Pirate Group, and they are very likely to want to compete for the right to speak and control the country of Wazhi. ”

“If we don’t stop the Whitebeard Pirates, with the strength of the Whitebeard Pirates…”

“It is estimated that the entire country of Wano is not the opponent of the Whitebeard Pirates!”

Kaido raised his eyebrows, lost in a little thought.

What exactly is the purpose of the Whitebeard Pirates? In fact, Kaido does not particularly care about this problem.

Because he knew that no matter what the purpose of the Whitebeard Pirates was to come to the country of Wano …

Since the Whitebeard Pirates have come to the country of Wano.

That old guy with a white beard will definitely know how Mitsuki Ota died.

With the character and style of the white-bearded guy.

Between the Whitebeard Pirates and the Hundred Beast Pirates…

I am afraid that a big war is inevitable.

“Hmmmm!” Kaido suddenly let out a strange and heroic laugh, maybe the laughter of these big people in the One Piece world is very strange, even Whitebeard.

“It seems that the white-bearded guy is likely to be rushing at the Hundred Beast Pirates this time. I used to be on the same boat with that guy, and I still know that guy very well. ”

“Hey! You! Go and call the Hundred Beast Pirate Group, all the people outside back, let them come back as quickly as possible. ”

“Because of the Whitebeard Pirates and the Hundred Beast Pirates…”

“There is going to be an unprecedented war!!”

“Cluck !!!!”


Soon after, a naval warship secretly boarded a landing site in Wano Country.

Huge dog-headed warship, docked on the water.

“Aha! The climate outside Wano is really extreme enough, and this country does not even have a normal dock, if it were not for the intelligence from the Warring States side, I don’t know where to land from! ”

Karp stood atop the navy’s warship, picked his nose, and laughed loudly.

“Card… Lieutenant General Karp, we seem to be surrounded. ”

At this time, a naval soldier nervously reminded.

I saw that on the shore, a group of samurai actually gathered.

All of them were armed with katanas.

Watch this naval warship warily.

“Oh?” Karp was stunned, not worried at all, but grinned: “Ahahaha! Samurai? ”

“I’ve heard rumors of samurai in Wano Country for a long time, and I’ve fought with that Mitsuki Ota before.”

Karp rolled up his sleeves and was enthusiastic: “I don’t know if these guys are strong or not?” ”



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