Today’s flower capital.

Not calm!

All the shogunate samurai in the flower capital were all mobilized by the black charcoal snake, and he knew that he was no match for the white-bearded pirates, so he racked his brains to survive.

And he can think of a way to survive, that is, to capture the civilians of the country of yi Dadui Wano!

Then use the lives of these civilians to coerce the Whitebeard Pirates and let him go!


The Black Carbon Great Snake is such a plan!

At that time, he was able to rely on civilians as hostages, and let Mitsuki Ota dance for five years.

Today he also depends on civilians as hostages!

Coerce the Whitebeard Pirates!

He didn’t believe it, how to say that the country of Wano is also the hometown of Mitsuki Ota, and the civilians of the country of Wa, rounded up, are also the hometown of Mitsuki Ota.

Could it be that the Whitebeard Pirates would ignore the lives of these fellow villagers of Mitsuki Ota?

The black charcoal snake in order to survive.

Already ignored!

Already crazy!

He asked the few remaining shogunate samurai under him to arrest innocent civilians, especially children and young women, all over the streets, only such weak civilians can arouse people’s sympathy.

The streets of the Flower Capital were suddenly chaotic, and all kinds of chickens and flying dogs were dancing everywhere.

“Samurai-sama! Samurai-sama! Please, Samurai-sama! This is my granddaughter! This is the only granddaughter, she is only five years old this year! ”

“The child’s father and the child’s mother both work in the mines, and I am all raised alone!” If I wait for the two of them to come back, how can I explain to them! ”

“Please, Lord Samurai, please spare my granddaughter!”

“If, if you have to arrest someone and leave…”

“Then get me out! Please! ”

On the chaotic streets of the flower capital, an old woman who looked old tears grabbed the sleeve of a samurai.

I saw this katana holding a katana in one hand and a little girl’s back collar in the other.

The little girl who was picked up…….

Apparently frightened by this situation, he did not even dare to struggle.

Just a hard choked cry.

“Fuck off! Old lady! The samurai looked disgusted, and without saying a word, he directly kicked the abdomen of this old woman, and the huge force kicked the other party a few meters away.

The samurai sneered and said, “This is an iron order from the Great Serpent General, and all children under the age of eighteen, as well as women under the age of forty, cannot be spared!” ”

“You’re glad you’re fifty or sixty years old, otherwise even you old woman will be arrested together!”

“As far as it is, give Uncle Ben as far as it goes!”

“It’s just dirty of my feet!”

After speaking, the samurai turned his head and left.

Something like this…….

Inside the capital of flowers…….


This is the last and most extreme way for the black charcoal snake to save itself, how many children under the age of eighteen and women under the age of forty in the entire flower capital add up?

At least there must be hundreds of thousands of people, right? Naturally, it is impossible to catch all of the black carbon snakes.

But just a few thousand people need to be captured, which is enough to coerce the Whitebeard Pirates.

Could it be that the Whitebeard Pirates could still see death and not save it?

I have to say…….

This method is very inferior.

It’s also very extreme.

But sometimes…….

Very effective!

From the experience and end of Mitsuki Ota, you can see how effective this method is.

The capital of flowers…….

Messed up!

“Help! Father! Father save me! I don’t want to be arrested! Woohoo! Father, save me! Woohoo! Father-sama! Father-sama! Save me! Woohoo! ”

“Samurai-sama, please release my child, he is only eleven years old this year, and he is only a child!”

“Damn it! I’ve put up with you for a long time, Lao Tzu is going to fight with you! ”

“The untouchables also want to resist? Bah! Waste one! ”

“All for Lao Tzu to stop! If anyone dares to escape, don’t blame the katana in Lao Tzu’s hand, it doesn’t have long eyes! ”

“The samurai is crazy! The samurai went crazy!! ”

“Run! The big snake general has caught someone! ”

“Please, let me go!”



Seeing the chaos in front of him, the mad death man who saw all of this had a thick anger in his expression, but it quickly disappeared.

As long as there were no fatal incidents, he could endure them all.

“Mad Death-sama! More than a thousand children and more than five hundred adult women have already been arrested, do you want to continue to arrest them? ”

At this moment, a samurai with a sweaty head ran over and asked respectfully.

Mad Death Lang’s slender eyes glanced at the samurai.

Looking at the little blood stained on the samurai’s body, the killing intent flashed in the eyes of the mad death.

But this killing intent was quickly concealed by him.

Mad Death Lang raised the corners of his mouth evilly and said, “Keep catching!” The big snake general did not shout to stop, continued to arrest, and all of them were detained where I said, understand? ”

“Yes . . . Be! The momentum on Mad Death Lang’s body made the cold sweat on the samurai’s forehead even more.

But he didn’t know where the courage came from.

The ghost asked a question, “But, Lord Mad Death, why don’t you put those people in the prison that General Snake said?” ”

As soon as this sentence came out, he regretted it.

The samurai’s face was extremely flustered and frightened, and he hurriedly knelt in front of the mad death.

“Yes . . . I’m sorry! It was the subordinates who took the liberty! ”

“No problem!” Mad Death shook his head and explained, “Do you think there aren’t some strange people around General Big Snake? General Snake said that we should put the captured people in prison, which was just a smoke bomb released. ”

“The place where I told you was being held is where General Snake is really detained. This can’t be said nonsense, otherwise be careful that the whole family’s life is not saved. ”

Mad Death Lang narrowed his eyes and said with a smile: “Understood? ”

The samurai was so frightened that he nodded like a chicken pecking rice: “Understood……. Got it! ”

In fact, there is no such thing as a place of detention for the second one.

It’s all crazy nonsense.

He knew that it was already difficult for him to continue to hide, after all, the Whitebeard Pirates were about to recruit the Black Carbon Great Snake, and the Black Carbon Great Snake was destined to die.

What’s more, even the Hundred Beast Pirate Group has already given up the pawn of the Black Carbon Great Snake.

Before his identity is exposed…….

The last thing Mad Death Lang did…….

It is to interfere with the plan of the black carbon snake.

The black charcoal snake wants to repeat the old trick…….

He wants to use the lives of the civilians of Wano Country to coerce the Whitebeard Pirates to let him die.

How could the mad death man who knew about this matter let the Black Carbon Great Snake carry out this plan?

He naturally wanted to secretly sabotage the plan of the Black Carbon Great Snake.

This was before his identity was exposed…….

Things to do!

After so many years of enduring it, Mad Death Lang has endured to an extreme.

Look at the chaotic scene in front of you.

He was vaguely unable to control the anger in his heart.

But he kept it under control.

“Aren’t you going to arrest someone soon?” Mad Death Lang couldn’t help but stare at the samurai in front of him, who was trembling with fear.

Frightened, this samurai hurriedly crawled and hurried to the streets to arrest people.

Mad Death Lang looked at the chaos in front of him.

The corners of the mouth slowly raised an arc…….

“Before a person dies…”

“It’s going to go crazy!”

He seemed to have seen the fate of the Black Carbon Great Serpent, although it seemed slightly different from the prophecy mentioned by Lord Ota, but the ending seemed to be similar.

Mad Death Lang didn’t know, it was Lord Ota-sama’s prophecy, something was wrong?

Or is the Whitebeard Pirates already powerful enough to ignore prophecy?

Whether it’s the former…….

Or the latter…….

It doesn’t matter to him anymore.

Because he seems to have seen …….

The death phase of the black charcoal snake!

Of course, he can also stop the Whitebeard Pirates, and then continue to silently wait for the arrival of Ota-sama’s prophecy.

But Mad Death Lang thought about it carefully and gave up this eager idea.

No way, he can’t even beat a hundred beast Kaido…….

Even, even the Flame Ember can’t beat it…….

How do you stop the Whitebeard Pirates?

Isn’t it sent to death when it goes up?

Even if it is sent to death…….

It may not be able to stop the Whitebeard Pirates, such a death is just meaningless.




In the blink of an eye, it was the afternoon of the next day, and no one knew that there was a hidden crisis in the capital of flowers, even the black charcoal snake did not know, and the people of the Hundred Beast Pirate Group were already in the capital of flowers, lurking secretly.

And the high-level combat power such as Hundred Beast Kaido, Three Calamities, and Volley Six Sons are also about to move!

The entire sky over the capital of flowers seems to be covered with clouds.

The capital of flowers was originally in a depressive atmosphere because the black charcoal snake was crazy to catch people.

Now it’s even more depressing and breathless.

The Hundred Beast Pirate Group has already laid a heaven and earth net, just waiting for the Whitebeard Pirate Group to enter the Flower Capital.

The black charcoal snake was shivering and forced to calm down.

At present, it has been divided into three forces –

The weakest side is naturally the Black Carbon Great Snake, since the Hundred Beast Kaido took the Black Carbon Great Snake as an outcast, the Black Carbon Great Snake has become an independent force, and his identity is the general of the country of Wano.

The black carbon snake is definitely the most panicked person now, or in the past few days, he has been very panicked.

In the past few days, he has not even slept a good vacation…….

Do not sleep more than three hours a day.

And every time I sleep, I wake up by a nightmare.

Frightened, his spirit became a lot weaker, and his spirit looked very weak.

A pair of eyes became very gloomy.

And also becoming more and more suspicious.

Secondly, the Hundred Beast Pirate Group, the overall comprehensive combat strength of the Hundred Beast Pirate Group, in fact, is not comparable to the Whitebeard Pirate Group, but this is the home of the Hundred Beast Pirate Group!

The strength of the Hundred Beast Pirate Regiment in the country of Wano is as many as 20,000 people, and these 20,000 people are not comparable to those warriors of the Black Carbon Great Snake.

More than 20,000 people are all elites on the sea, and any one can fight ten enemies with one!

You must know that this is one enemy ten in the One Piece world.

Which person in the One Piece world is not physically exaggerated?

What’s more, this place is still a new world!

In the new world, you can fight one against ten!

Illustrate the people of the Hundred Beast Pirates…….

All of them are the elite of the sea!

Then there must be the Whitebeard Pirates, although the Whitebeard Pirates did not come, it seems that there are not many people, and there are two teams guarding the Moby Dick.

But this does not deny the strength of the Whitebeard Pirates, and the captain of each team of the Whitebeard Pirates is very strong.

Coupled with Whitebeard, the strongest man in the world, the combat power is even more terrifying!

The entire group of whitebeard pirates if full firepower…….

It is completely possible to compete against the powerful Hundred Beast Pirate Group on the home field of the Hundred Beast Pirate Group!

In fact, in addition to these three main forces…….

In the country of Wano, there are also two hidden or weak forces.

One of them is the retainers of Mitsuki Ota!

It is also known as the Red Sheath Nine.

Although many of the Nine Heroes of the Red Sheath are no longer in the country of Wano, there are also a few people left in the country of Wano, such as the Mad Death Lang (Denjiro) who hides next to the big snake, the Asura boy who follows the Whitebeard Pirates, and Leizang who is imprisoned in the quarry!

The last force that does not have a particularly high sense of existence is the navy that came in with the Whitebeard Pirates!

Whitebeard Pirates, Hundred Beast Pirates, Wano Country, Red Sheath Nine…….

The whole country of Wano can be described as a change at this moment!

It’s hard for anyone to see the situation!

And because of the big snake’s previous wanton arrest, many people in the Flower Capital began to flee out.

Today’s flower capital has been prosperous from the beginning, and has become sparsely populated overnight.

That’s actually a good thing.

At least for the Whitebeard Pirates.

That’s a good thing.

But for Kaido the Hundred Beasts…….

That’s not a good thing.


Ghost Island.

In addition to the army hidden in the Flower Capital, the Hundred Beast Pirate Group also gathers a huge fleet of pirates on the ever-changing pier of Ghost Island!

As the captain of the Hundred Beast Pirates, Hundred Beast Kaido suddenly poured a mouthful of wine into his mouth.

Expressionlessly, he looked at the wide river channel in the distance.

The tone was muffled and sullen: “The bastard of the big snake, really has more than enough successes and failures, and at this juncture, he actually made the capital of flowers chaotic, so that a large number of civilians, in order to avoid being caught, temporarily left the capital of flowers.” ”

This is something Kaido didn’t expect, who would have thought that he would have such a pig teammate?

If the number of civilians in the capital of flowers is scarce, then how can you let the white-bearded pirate group tie their hands?

Kaido’s eyes flashed with monstrous killing intent: “That bastard should have been beheaded a long time ago!” ”

“Leave him alive, nothing good happens!”

“Boss Kaido.” Drought Jack, who was one of the three plagues of the Hundred Beast Pirate Group, spoke at this time: “Do you want me to go over and directly kill that guy from Ota?” ”

Kaido shook his head and grinned, “No need! He won’t live long! ”

Looking at the river not far away, he continued: “Whitebeard will not let him go. ”

Although he and Whitebeard are now considered enemies.

But Kaido still knows Whitebeard well.

The people Whitebeard cares about most are his family, if he can be killed…….

Whitebeard this guy…….

It will definitely be furious!

“It’s been many years, haven’t fought that guy, cluck! Doflamingo, the clown, actually captive a little Terran who ate the healing fruit, the key is that the dark diseases on Whitebeard’s body were all cured by the little Terrans. ”

Kaido’s face showed excitement: “Compared to the peak, there is not much white beard!” It’s really exciting! Hmm ”

“I really want to fight him and see who is the strongest man in the world!”

“I’ve been waiting for this day for a long time.”

“Cluck cluck !!!!”



The country of Wa.


On a warship.

“Lieutenant General Karp, judging by the speed of the Whitebeard Pirates, it is very likely that they will enter the Flower Capital in just thirty minutes!”

An ensign, holding a map, spoke to Karp.

Since the Kapu warship is not large, it can sail on the rivers of Wano Country.

However, the warship clearly deliberately reduced its speed.

Otherwise, once the follower is too tight…….

It will definitely be discovered.

That’s a bit of a hassle.

“Aha! Thirty minutes to go, is it about to fight? Karp laughed heartily: “I don’t know if the current whitebeard is the opponent of Kaido the hundred beasts, after all, this madman of the armor is still very young, and the whitebeard is already old.” ”

“Lieutenant General Karp, shall we not meddle in?” The ensign asked curiously.

“Meddle? Why meddle? ”

Karp picked his nose: “Anyway, it’s just an infighting between pirates, why should our navy intervene in the infighting between pirates?” And if we intervene in it, we will definitely have to be besieged by two pirate groups together. ”

“At that time, the old man and I can walk, but can you little guys walk?”

Listening to these words of Karp, the ensign thought of that scene…….

I thought of the scene of being surrounded and beaten by two four-emperor-level pirates…….

Suddenly, he gasped.

Hurriedly shook his head: “Then don’t interfere!” ”

“Aha! Rest assured! As long as we don’t meddle in it, neither the Hundred Beast Pirate Group nor the Whitebeard Pirate Group will attack us for no reason. ”

Karp was not worried at all: “Whitebeard wants to kill that shit black charcoal big snake, let him kill it!” Anyway, it’s just a scumbag, dead and dead. ”

“The old man has also heard some rumors in the past few days, if the white-bearded pirate group kills the black charcoal big snake…”

“Aha! Maybe it’s still for the people! ”



The other side.

Capital of flowers.

The group of white-bearded pirates, without any hesitation, directly stepped into the flower capital!

Objectives –

Black charcoal snake!



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