The embers that fell from the sky and swooped down, naturally also saw that incomparably terrifying slash, and his pupils couldn’t help shrinking slightly, feeling a feeling of heart palpitations.

At this moment, he actually felt a sense of crisis, which made him feel extremely unbelievable in his heart.

Because at this time, he has already chosen to go all out.

In the case of his full shot, he can still feel a sense of crisis?

How can it be? Doesn’t that just illustrate…

This intern of the Whitebeard Pirates…

Stronger than his Flame Ember’s strength?


No way!

No way!

Ember couldn’t accept this fact, he was already thirty or forty years old this year, and he was also the imperial deputy of the Hundred Beast Pirate Group and one of the three big kanbans of the Hundred Beast Pirate Group.

As a result, in a little ghost who was less than eighteen years old, he felt this sense of crisis.

This is hard for him to accept!

Isn’t he as good as an intern imp?

Damn it!

No way!

Ember watched himself get closer and closer to the slash that made him feel palpitations, and he who had the opportunity to dodge, did not choose to dodge.

Instead, he collided directly into it, and he wanted to prove that he was not weaker than this little ghost!


When the attacks of both sides collided with each other, the heavens and the earth seemed to change color for a few seconds.

The extremely exaggerated air shock wave spreads outward circle after circle.

Black arcs of electricity are constantly flickering.

The atmosphere is violently shaking!

The scene becomes distorted!

Flying sand and rocks!

The earth cracks every inch!

Ember’s eyes gradually changed from the strength of not admitting defeat at the beginning to an unbelievable look, and he clearly saw the slash in front of him, and it was clear that he did not touch his body.

But it was as if there was a layer of transparent energy, which collided with his body.

“Overlord color domineering entanglement !!!”

Ember recognized this attack at a glance, he didn’t expect that an intern of the Whitebeard Pirates actually had an overlord-colored domineering.

It’s absolutely appalling to say that.

The terrifying power carried by the slash is like the waves of the sea, layer by layer, and the waves are rough!

That huge power turned out to be hard…

Push him up into the sky!


Ember’s pupils shrank suddenly!

The whites of his eyes were bloodshot.

A streak of bright red blood slowly dripped down his paws.

His own armed color domineering defense was actually broken by this little ghost’s slash!

How can it be?!

But the pain coming from the claws, and the blood dripping down…

All told Ember.


Broken defense!

“Not good!”

Ember knew that something was wrong, and if he couldn’t take this slash, he would most likely suffer a very serious injury!

The problem is that in this glued situation, then he simply does not have a second choice.

In less than a second of this electric flint.

Thousands of thoughts flashed through Ember’s mind.

But at this time…

He suddenly saw!

Roy, who cut out this terrifying slash, actually bent his legs and jumped directly without saying a word, and the whole person suddenly jumped into mid-air, and just happened to be in the air behind Ember!

This little ghost!

An anxious emotion flashed in Ember’s heart, and he knew that something was wrong at this moment.

He underestimated the enemy.

So much so that now it has fallen into this passive state.

He looked back.

I saw Roy in the sky, holding a long knife, and slashed down through the air!

The pitch-black slash tore through the air again.

There is an extremely sharp whistling sound.

It’s heart-wrenching!

This knife made Ember can’t help but be creepy, because it was cut off at his head!

There were wolves before.

After there is a tiger.

Now in a passive state, he can only make one choice.

Or choose to be seriously injured and save your life.

Either choose to be stubborn and not hide, and then die violently on the spot!

As long as it is a person who has no problems with his brain …

will go to choose the first choice.

“Damn it!” Ember gritted his teeth, and he decided to avoid the slash that fell from the sky and went straight to his head.

But this was bound to be cut by the slash from the bottom up, but he didn’t have time to think so much.

Ember gave up resistance and, as fast as he could, flapped a pair of huge wings.

And rolled to the side in a very embarrassed position.


The sound of slashing and tearing open the body suddenly sounded, and the white blood of Ember’s eyes was everywhere.

The intense pain made him snort.

A seemingly huge pterosaur claw…

Slowly separated from his body!

One cut!

Broken leg!

And a slash that fell from the sky behind swept over the edge of Ember’s body, colliding with the slash below, producing a huge shock wave and flying the Ember directly.

And there was a deafening pop.

The shockwave rolls up a wave of flying sand and stones!

Ember’s body was like a cannonball out of the chest, flying diagonally towards the ground of the Hahua Capital.

When his huge body smashed on the ground.

In an instant, the ground sank into a huge pit!

The diameter must be tens of meters!

The surrounding buildings were also destroyed!

“Ahem! Ash’s body had returned to its human form, and he held up a piece of rubble beside him and stood up.

The two feet have become one, and the other foot has long disappeared.

The blood flowed out as if it didn’t want money.

It’s like a faucet that hasn’t been turned off.

Stained the ground under my feet red.

One foot…


But he saved his life.

“This little ghost…” Ember’s bloodshot gaze stared at Roy in the distance, since he became one of the three calamities of the Hundred Beast Pirates, Ember had never been so embarrassed.

He can truly feel Roy’s powerful strength, definitely above him!

This little devil is only half a foot away from the top combat power!

Other words……

Even if this imp fights with Boss Kaido…

In a short period of time…

No defeat!

At least for hours!

What is this concept?

Damn it!

Is this sure that this is just a little ghost under eighteen? Is this sure that this is just an intern of the Whitebeard Pirates? If it weren’t for seeing Whitebeard fighting his captain in the distance, Ember would even wonder if Roy had changed into Whitebeard?

In this world, how can there be such a monster young man?

Are you sure it’s not some big sea king change?





No shortcomings!

No defects!

How can there be such a perfect powerhouse?

Surely this is not a joke?

Ember didn’t expect it at all…

Himself will kick on the iron plate!

Before he was in full bloom, he was a chess player, but now after breaking a foot, are you sure you can beat this little ghost? Is there no chance of a turnover?


There is a chance to turn over!

In the entire group of whitebeard pirates, only this stinky imp is an outlier.

It doesn’t mean everyone else is an outlier.

This is the home of the Hundred Beast Pirates.

When the Whitebeard Pirates are all at a disadvantage.

This imp…

It will definitely be distracting as well.

When the time comes…

It’s your own opportunity.

However, what Yan Ember did not expect was that the ambush of the Hundred Beast Pirate Group had long been expected by the Whitebeard Pirate Group.



Capital of flowers.

The Whitebeard Pirates were ambushed by the Hundred Beast Pirates because of the lack of numbers, and judging from the current situation, they were indeed at a disadvantage.


“Ace, Tichy, it’s time for us to play.” Jinping, who is one of the seven martial seas of His Majesty, looked at the chaos in the entire flower capital, and said with a solemn expression: “Whitebearded father arranged for us to be outside, and the people inside should be combined inside and outside, waiting for the ambush of the Hundred Beast Pirate Group to appear. ”

Saying that, Jinping looked into the distance, and the battle that fell apart that day.

Then he looked in another direction: “A mysterious great sword master?” He should be fighting with the people of the Hundred Beast Pirates, and the old man is very curious about who the other party is. ”

On the side, Ace moved his limbs and grinned: “No matter who he is, anyway, help us fight the Hundred Beast Pirates, that is our friend of the Whitebeard Pirates.” ”

Saying that, Ace looked at Tichy: “Are you right, Tichy?” ”

Tichy: “…”

Among the three people present, the one with the most complicated mood was undoubtedly Tichy.

Originally, he hid well, and I don’t know why he was seen through by Whitebeard.

So much so that he could no longer hide his strength.

Now I have to team up with Ace and Jinping.

This made Tichy’s heart very tired.

However, his acting skills are still very good, and a confident smile immediately appeared on his face: “Thief hahaha!” That’s right, as long as we help the Whitebeard Pirates, we are friends of the Whitebeard Pirates. ”

Ace smiled, and then looked at the flower capital in front of him.

He pressed his hat and said with a smile: “It’s going to be on!” ”

Jinping rubbed his fists: “Good! ”

The corner of Tichy’s mouth twitched: “Good!” ”

I saw that Ace rushed in first, as a natural Devil Fruit ability, he can fly in the sky for a short time, and he is the fastest to enter the battlefield.

When I saw that the crew of the Whitebeard Pirates were besieged by the pirates of the Hundred Beast Pirates and fell into crisis.

Without saying a word, Ace roared: “Fire Fist!!! ”

Heavenly flames descended from the sky, directly shrouding the group of pirates of the Hundred Beasts Pirates who could not react!

The scorching flames burned their bodies.

Let them let out one scream after another.

Ace did not hesitate, he went in the other direction and threw another punch.

“Fire Fist !!!!”

Boom –

Jinping was the second to enter the battlefield, and he came directly to the pirate encirclement of a group of hundred beast pirates.

His gaze froze, and he punched out in the air: “Fishman Karate – Five Thousand Wazheng Fist!!” ”

Suddenly! Invisible shock wave, directly blasted out!

A cadre of the Hundred Beast Pirate Regiment, unable to dodge, spat out blood, broke his bones, and was shot out.

Titch was the last to enter.

He didn’t eat the dark fruit…

It is also a simple physical battle!

Three people entered one after another –

Let the people of the Hundred Beast Pirates …

Quite caught off guard!

Caught off guard by killing!





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