September 10, Astronaut Training Center.

Aerospace hero Deng Lei was eating with the aerospace brigade in the cafeteria when he suddenly received a call.

"Hello? Aunt Li, you introduced a girl to me? What day of the week is it? Next Thursday, I'm not free next Thursday, and I can't do it on Wednesday either.

Oh, yes, I have a mission on the 17th to send five astronauts to the International Space Station, including one American, two Europeans, one Lucia and one Kazakh.

Can we meet on the 19th? Well, okay, okay, thank you Aunt Li. "

After hanging up the phone, Deng Lei saw that the team members around him had dark faces and wanted to come up and beat him, so he quickly lowered his head and speeded up his meal.

Sitting opposite him, the second generation Li Sheng let out a long sigh:

"Oh, it's really hard work for Deng Da, the space hero. Flying once is like running a taxi, and he is a little reluctant."

As soon as he said this, many people immediately echoed with a sour taste:

"That's right. I went to space three times in three months. I've never flown so frequently before."

"Deng Lei, can't your body handle such a high-intensity flight? Why don't you let me do it? I'll fly the H1 simulator 10 times for 90 points. Just think of it as my help. You don't need Director Lin's flying allowance."

"Is this your result? Did you say that I have 500 simulator flight hours? Why don't you invite me? I have flown the J-8II and have a lot of experience in supersonic flight."

Well, as a commercial astronaut, Deng Lei gets a flight allowance of 200,000 yuan for every flight, which is independent of salary.

However, Deng Lei will not be busy for too long. The remaining four professional pilots recruited should be able to fly into space around November. It is also rumored that Lin Ju will deploy engineers to work as part-time astronauts once the B-level base has enough manpower.

But even knowing this, the astronaut team is still very envious of Deng Lei for being able to fly frequently. In terms of space flight experience alone, many astronauts older than him have to regard him as their predecessor.

However, all this will soon be reversed, because the first phase of the Tiangong project is preparing to send 6 astronauts before the Spring Festival, and they will definitely learn to drive the H1.

Now the astronaut brigade has a new subject: flying the H1 simulator. Only after 120 flight hours can you be qualified to select the H1 commander. In fact, this number may be 300 or even higher.

There are also rumors within the brigade that Captain Li may fly another mission.

I don’t know where this rumor came from, but Captain Li’s training time has increased significantly recently, which makes everyone doubtful.

September 13th, Sunday.

Senior members of the Arab Space Agency, all members of the embassy, ​​Arab astronauts training in China, Crown Prince Hamand and some Arab celebrities gathered at Xinyuan's original C-level base.

While busy manufacturing Unity and Progress for its own manned missions, Xinyuan produced a lot of spare parts.

After the manned launch was successful on July 21, the C-level base did not stop work. It used some spare parts and some newly produced parts to build a new H1 passenger version, which is theoretically Arbor's "Zi Mecca".

The factory specially chose to go offline on Sunday. People from all walks of life in Arbor who had received the news in advance came here to attend the offline ceremony.

At the same time, TV stations in Aberdeen also flew over immediately and prepared for filming with the most solemn arrangements.

At 10 o'clock in the morning, in front of the closed final assembly hangar, the Arbor domestic orchestra began to play music. The sliding door of the hangar moved to both sides, slowly revealing the center of the hangar, which was decorated with red and decorated with red floral silk cloth on the nose. plus.

Although the appearance of H1 has long been active in the media and is widely known, when the Arabs saw the true appearance of the Zimakka full of Chinese joy, they were still shocked as if they had seen it for the first time.

The prince who leads the space agency reveled in looking out of the porthole of the Mecca:

"Praise be to Allah, look at those blue portholes, they are like gems."

He glanced at Lin Ju, who was standing next to him with a professional smile, with a solemn expression. In the latter's confusion, he took off the ring set with a sapphire the size of a quail egg from his right finger, and put it into Lin Ju's hand without any explanation. inside.

"Lin, you will always be Uncle's friend. Chinese people are always the friendliest. You are the only one who sincerely only wants to make money."

Lin Ju wanted to let go, but the prince was tall and strong, and firmly held the huge gem in Lin Ju's hand, and the latter could only reluctantly accept it after several attempts to avoid it.

At this moment, the welcoming crowds on both sides suddenly burst into cheers again. It turned out that Crown Prince Hamand was sitting in a tractor, slowly pulling the Mecca out of the hangar. People on both sides who had been prepared began to walk towards the middle of the road. Sprinkle a lot of petals and enthusiastically welcome the departure of the Mecca from the factory.

Then on the red carpet outside, Lin Ju and Crown Prince Hamand jointly cut the ribbon for the Mecca. Then Lin Ju handed over a key in a transparent gift box to Crown Prince Hamand, symbolizing the transfer of ownership.

After that, the Mecca officially "belongs" to the Arbor Space Agency, and then the shuttle door is opened, allowing two people to take a guided tour at a time.

As a manufacturer, Lin Ju first brought Crown Prince Hamand and Prince in.

As soon as he entered the cabin, Crown Prince Hamand saw that there were quite a lot of golden parts inside the cabin. It seemed that it had been specially designed to make the interior look luxurious and noble. He couldn't help but ask:

"Are these gold ones gold? Why aren't Unity and Progress there?"

It's in Chinese. After several months of training in China, Hamand, the master of human beings, can already speak fluently in Chinese.

Lin Ju had had a lot of contact with Hamand in the past few months, and it was immediately clear why he asked.

Arbor people like to use gold as decoration very much, but because of their status as a nouveau riche, they have always been looked down upon, and they are considered to be very tacky when decorating with large areas of gold.

Hamand studied in the West and felt it more deeply than other people in China. Although he liked it, he was a little afraid of being called stupid. Lin Ju responded seriously:

"We will make improvements with each batch of space shuttles. Gold foil can protect against cosmic rays. We add these gold foils just to enhance radiation resistance."

This answer made the prince and Prince Hamand nod with satisfaction, and they kept exploring here and there in the Mecca. Hamand even took pictures in the cab and tweeted, saying to the prince and Lin Ju:

"It won't be long before I can fly the Mecca to heaven!"

Lin Ju: Smile.

Prince: Meaningful.

Old King: No, you don't want to.

During the subsequent visit, other Arabs even worshiped at the Mecca Ship. It is said that the Arab invited several holy men, who were bathing and fasting, and would soon come to consecrate the Mecca Ship by sprinkling holy water...

Since the delivery of the Mecca, the impact has exceeded Lin Ju's imagination. Three days after the news came back to Arab, countless Allah believers donated money to the Arab Space Agency, totaling more than 4 billion US dollars.

The old king Alert was also fierce. He directly announced that he would transfer an additional 10 billion US dollars to the Arab Space Agency, and he would expand the Arab space program again and increase investment to send astronauts from the brother countries of the entire Central Asian world to the sky.

Ten billion dollars.

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