From the beginning of the Dawn Project, from 1972 to 2015, a total of 43 years, there were too many debates and too many thoughts about the moon landing, and it has never been finalized.

However, after several days of expert group meetings, when the superiors were convinced that Lin Ju was not bragging and that he really had the ability to send people to the moon, they had to deal with it with an unprecedented seriousness.

Even if it is surpassed by Aramco and Europe, it doesn’t matter, but this is just a private company!

Based on the production capacity of Xinyuan's B- and C-class bases, the space agency estimated that Xinyuan could achieve the moon landing around May 2018 at the earliest. Therefore, after careful consideration, superiors requested that the space agency's manned moon landing be advanced as well. Before May 2018.

The space agency... agreed.

Because during the discussion of the manned moon landing project, superiors decided to inject 30 billion instead of 20 billion into the project.

31 months, 5 billion US dollars, this is the largest amount of funding for a single project in the history of the space agency, but the task is also quite difficult.

The Long March 10 is a monster with a take-off thrust of 4,890 tons and a weight of 3,600 tons. The seven Long March 2Fs are not as heavy as it, and are four times as heavy as the Long March 5.

Fortunately, in addition to the maturity of engine and rocket body technology, the development of a new generation of manned spacecraft test ships is also coming to an end. Landers and space suits are minor issues.

After the simple demonstration meeting, the superiors immediately held an executive meeting to discuss the manned moon landing.

At the beginning, the executive meeting raised many questions, including economics, safety, necessity, etc., but the superiors overwhelmed all opinions with just one sentence:

Xinyuan Company has the ability to achieve a manned moon landing in 2018, and they have received sufficient funds and are currently implementing it.

If Lin Ju was allowed to land on the moon first, they could not imagine the impact. All factors were put aside under this article, and they agreed to carry out the moon plan in advance. However, landing on the moon before Xinyuan was a non-negotiable prerequisite. .

September 21, 2015, exactly 23 years have passed since September 21, 1992.

That year, China's manned space project was approved for implementation.

On the same day 23 years later, the Space Development Committee held a press conference to notify the media in advance. Then the spokesperson of the space agency stood up and read out the manuscript expressionlessly:

“The theme of today’s press conference is: Important instructions on my country’s immediate implementation of the manned moon landing project and supporting rocket and spacecraft plans.

Based on my country's national strength and the mission requirements of great rejuvenation, and starting from the current development status of the domestic aerospace industry, the government has adopted a plan to immediately launch a manned lunar exploration project and the construction of a lunar surface scientific research station, code-named Project 2921, and the overall lunar project plan name: Dawn Project, After demonstration by the Aerospace Development Committee, it will be implemented using the Long March 10 giant launch vehicle under development. "

In the audience, reporters from various countries were stunned for a moment after hearing this, and then immediately became excited.

Sitting in the front row, the resident contact person of Xinyuan Company who did not receive any news in advance:? ? ?

The spokesperson looked at the noisy group of reporters and signaled for silence, and then the first reporter stood up and directly smoked the CCAV.

"Hello, may I ask why our country suddenly wants to implement a manned moon landing project? According to the previous timetable, the original time was changed to 10 years later."

Spokesperson: "You are talking about the turn of the century. Due to the rapid development of our country's economy and science and technology, the decision to implement the moon landing plan was made based on the actual situation; this is completely reasonable and prudent, next."

The reporter from ABC suddenly stood up. She was still a blond woman, with an exaggerated expression on her face:

"Mr. Spokesperson, NACA's Artemis program also aims to send humans to the moon within five years. Is China going to restart the space race and drag the world into the Cold War?"

Spokesperson: "We have no intention to compete with anyone. The manned moon landing plan was not interfered with by any political factors. It was purely for the purpose of scientific exploration. The Cold War has long ceased to exist. Next up."

Reporter from the island country: "So, may I ask, Mr. Spokesperson, when will your country's space agency's moon landing plan be implemented? Is there a specific plan for reference?"

The spokesperson looked down at the manuscript, quickly made eye contact with the person next to him, and then said firmly:

"According to the planned timetable, our country will send no less than two astronauts to the lunar surface and return safely before 2019."

reporter:! !

Xinyuan Liaison:! ! !

The latter was no less shocked than the reporters, because such a big matter was approved directly without discussion by the Aviation Development Committee?

And this is not called the space race. NACA said 2020, but the space agency CASA said 2019?

Not only the liaison officers, but also the reporters thought the same way. They were very excited for a while and kept raising their hands to ask questions.

NACA, outside the gate, a young man held his mobile phone high and ran over cheering. The guard saw that he was the assistant of NACA Director Claire and did not stop him.

This assistant, who didn’t know whether he had won a millionaire or married a Kardashian, sang and danced like crazy, making the originally orderly NACA noisy, and entered Claire’s office all the way.

At this time, Claire was discussing with ISS director Montal how to use Ma Yilong's Dragon spacecraft to carry out manned missions. Then she heard the noise outside, and she suddenly felt a little bad.

Then his door was banged open by someone's shoulder. Claire was startled and realized that her assistant had taken the wrong medicine. He was disheveled and came in with his mobile phone in a hurry:

"Mr. Director, Mr. Director, look at it, look at it!"

"See how you got high and brought hallucinations into NACA? This is a space agency, not a house party! Pierre, I..."

Before Claire could finish her anger, she was interrupted by Pierre:

"China announced that they will land on the moon in 2019!"

At the mention of "moon landing", Claire's originally angry brain seemed to have been hit by some kind of switch, her face changed visibly, and she snatched the assistant's cell phone.

The above is a video that a BBC reporter just sent to the newspaper. The editor-in-chief sent it to NACA without processing it. The spokesperson in the picture is talking:

"Project 2921 aims to bring my country's aerospace industry one step closer. It is also a test of the aerospace development over the past 23 years. The Space Development Committee will lead all parties, with the space agency as the main force, to send humans to the moon before 2019... …”

Claire finished reading, crossed over and read it again. She still couldn’t believe it:

"How could those conservative guys be so radical all of a sudden? Is there an alien spacecraft on the moon? Or is today April Fools' Day!"

At this time, Montal, who was also shocked, skillfully opened the Chinese government website, and then handed over the phone with a look of disbelief on his face.

An official document appears on the front page, which translates to a manned moon landing.

The red-headed document is officially issued and there is absolutely no fraud.

Claire was stunned for a while, her anger and confusion gradually subsided, and an uncontrollable joy surged up from her heart.

The staff outside the office suddenly heard the bureau being silent for a while and then suddenly heard even more hoarse laughter, accompanied by the sound of desks and chairs falling to the ground and doors being kicked. They all stuck their heads out to check.

Then NACA staff saw a shocking scene:

Director Claire was trembling all over, shouting "Praise God" and "Praise the Chinese" while jumping so high that he tore open his shirt and waved the rags. Finally, he knelt down and knocked down the black aunt who was mopping the floor. The latter's buttocks, as wide as a tire, slammed together.

Finally, after finally venting her emotions, Claire shouted loudly:

"Back to the moon, we are going back to the moon!"

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