On the runway, an ARJ21 passenger plane with an engine larger than the original one started the engine, quickly pulled up after a beautiful taxi, and took off at a speed far exceeding that of ordinary passenger planes.

After buying this business jet back, the two engines with a single thrust of 9 tons were replaced by the XW-10 with a thrust of 15 tons. Its empty weight was only 24.9 tons and its maximum take-off weight was 40 tons.

As a business aircraft, it will definitely not fill the designed 90 seats. It can usually carry up to 10 people and will not exceed 30 tons. In other words, as a passenger aircraft, its thrust-to-weight ratio exceeds 1...

Not only did this ARJ21 have its engine replaced, but its flight controls were also replaced with SC09's automatic system. Flying in the atmosphere is too easy for it, and it is even more reliable than ordinary civil aviation pilots.

The first flight after this modification was unmanned. The maximum ceiling of the powerful ARJ21 was increased to 13,000 meters, and the maximum range was increased to 4,600KM. The original manufacturer would kneel down when they saw it.

Since the thrust-to-weight ratio exceeded one, SC09 even tried to climb vertically under ground commands, which stunned the air commander of the Chengdu Military Region who had been staring here.

When did the ARJ21 become so powerful and the thrust-to-weight ratio of civilian aircraft become so outrageous?

However, the passenger plane in the sky returned not long after flying, and it wanted to give up the airspace to the students.

Xinyuan Company converted four large hangars near the runway into temporary flight schools. It teaches students from various universities on Saturdays and its own students on Sundays.

During the theoretical class, the instructor would take turns taking two people up to the sky to experience flying. Anyway, the aircraft body for beginners has a long lifespan and is not valuable.

But today they had to wait for the call sign CDX0001 to take off, Director Lin's special landline.

Lin Ju was sitting in the front cockpit, increasing the throttle thrust and simultaneously turning off the wheel brakes. The Caiyun trainer began to glide under abundant power, while Deng Lei in the back seat held onto the rudder tightly.

This is Lin Ju’s last flight with an instructor, and his next flight will be solo.

But Deng Lei is not very worried, because in addition to flying lessons every day, Lin Ju also has to fly the H1 simulator. His driving skills are already quite good. After all, he is the boss. He has complete freedom in the flying time every day, even if he wants to fly up to the sky to see the moon in the middle of the night. , the ground crew also had to prepare the aircraft.

After taking off, Lin Ju maintained an altitude of 1,000 meters, then pushed the throttle all the way to fly at maximum speed. Not satisfied with this, he lightly pressed the nose of the aircraft and dived, the speed instantly exceeded 350 kilometers, and then flew levelly 100 meters above the ground. Skimming through woods and hills at high speed.

Flying has now become Lin Ju's biggest hobby. He also bluntly stated on his blog that he will take his own spacecraft to space and land on the moon and Mars in the future.

After he flew for more than an hour, students and instructors at the airport began to take off one after another. By about 11 o'clock, there were as many as 20 aircraft flying in this airspace.

Fortunately, most of them are led by instructors, and they form independent formations, so even if there are too many, there will be no chaos.

And people who happened to be in this suburb suffered. During this time, the sky was always buzzing like the air raids seventy years ago.

There were even five planes forming a formation that deliberately flew at low altitudes, flying along roads and rivers, swooping and pulling up from time to time, attracting a lot of attention.

The air commander of the Chengdu Military Region kept calling on the radio according to the regulations and almost fainted from fatigue. Then when he thought that there would be as many as 2,000 aircraft in the new far future, if they formed a formation, a dark cloud would be able to raid the city, and he suddenly felt pressure. The mountain is big.

But when a series of planes roar over the top of the mountain, the sense of pride and excitement that is intuitively felt cannot be erased. If there are hundreds or even thousands of planes flying like this, I am afraid that I can apply for it. World record spectacle.

Lin Ju flew for nearly two hours at a stretch, but he had to wait for a while when he returned to land because the Progress hitched the back of IL-76 and landed at the airport.

When it landed, the Progress had been lifted onto a transfer truck and was ready to be transported back to the assembly plant for modification.

She will be replaced with the SC09 intelligent flight control, and the sister aircraft Unity will also have its avionics replaced soon, making the aircraft safer and more reliable.

At the same time, there are three consecutive pieces of good news in this December.

The first good news is that the Xingchen-1 supercomputer has finally been successfully installed after the components are in place. It has just completed a trial run. With the customized system, it has achieved a peak computing speed of 3.59 billion times. The peak power of the whole machine is 6,000 kilowatts, which is more than General supercomputers save much more electricity, and the electricity bill is only 4,000 yuan per hour.

Engineers are still working overtime to perfect the AI ​​module separated and strengthened from SC09 that Star-1 is expected to carry, providing powerful computing power support and artificial intelligence analysis services to the two bases.

In addition, fluid mechanics motion simulation can also be done through Xingchen One. In the past, I used to rent supercomputers in Shanghai and Beijing. They calculated the money based on core time (the usage time of each CPU core), and the price was expensive. Have to queue up.

Of course, in addition to this, Star-1 is now the most powerful supercomputer in the world and the only ternary supercomputer. If the outside world knew about it, they would probably think it was a ghost.

The second good news is that the overall design of the An-1250 was completed four days overdue and has been delivered for production.

Since the body part basically copied the An (225), except for some changes in materials and structure, the design was completed quickly.

This is mankind's first giant transport aircraft with a maximum take-off mass of over 1,000 tons and a length and wingspan of more than 100 meters. It has as many as 32 landing gears, 16 more than the An-225.

There are 6 nose landing gears, arranged in a row of three. Each has two high-pressure tires with a pressure of up to 130 MPa and needs to be customized; the main landing gears have 13 on each side of the fuselage, and all landing gears total 64. tire.

However, since the empty weight of the An 1250 reaches 390 tons, if ordinary tires are used, even the highest grade tires will have to be replaced after 40 takeoffs and landings, which is really troublesome.

To this end, Lin Ju spent 120 million in the research institute, used the power of the system to advance, developed a brand new tire by himself, applied for a patent, and prepared to find a chemical factory to manufacture it.

New tires can only be installed for 1250 and should be replaced every 90 takeoffs and landings.

The airframe part has been handed over to the factory for production, and the other is the large turbofan engine XW30 adapted to the An-1250. The basic design is still a little rough, but a prototype will be built before the Spring Festival, and the official version will be delivered before March 2016, with a maximum thrust of 340KN. , bringing the thrust of the entire machine to 272 tons.

The first batch of An 1250 will be produced in two units, and the parts will directly involve 700 companies, 40% of which require customized production.

It is expected to roll off the production line around April 2016, and then complete assembly and first flight.

The third good news: the "Gaoshan" and "Jingwei" series satellite platforms have been successfully developed.

The "Jingwei" series is a 1,100kg low-Earth orbit multi-purpose satellite platform that can be equipped with different instruments as needed to perform infrared telemetry, space/ground guidance, communications and other functions. It can also be sent to sun-synchronous orbit to provide services in the polar regions.

"Gaoshan" is a large satellite platform, weighing about 5,800 kilograms. It is a large scientific experiment satellite that can provide powerful power and heat dissipation support for the required equipment. Its main design purpose is to launch six satellites into geosynchronous orbit to provide global communications and guidance. service, launched by the Xinyuan-5A rocket.

In addition, the "tilt" satellite platform, which weighs 40 tons and operates in low-Earth orbit, is also under development. It will be equipped with a nuclear reactor to provide power, with an output power of hundreds of megawatts. The purpose is... top secret.

In fact, there is fourth good news. The "Fly Higher" mission to expand aerospace influence is settled on January 1, which is exactly the settlement time.

Just after the early morning of December 31, Lin Ju couldn't wait to ask the system for the results.

[Long-term mission: Fly higher

In the past calendar year, you have strengthened the public's understanding of aerospace through various efforts, causing the policies of multiple aerospace agencies to be adjusted by human intervention.

Note: It is suspected of provoking the event "Space Race". This event will be confirmed when the competitor's first moon landing rocket is launched. Registered rockets: Long March 10, SLS Space Launch System, Falcon Heavy, Xinyuan-2A, Xinyuan 3, H2 space shuttle, XN90 spacecraft, competition node: before 2019, additional rewards will be obtained after the event is confirmed.

The 2015 annual settlement is completed, and the reward items are: 38% concentration 77-year-old standard uranium rods * 100]

Lin Ju:......

"Wouldn't it be fatal to take it out directly and radiate it?"

[The 77-year-old standard uranium rods are placed in special containers, and the external radiation does not cause harm to the human body]

Lin Ju struggled for a long time and wanted to say a few cordial greetings to the system.

In terms of value, these 100 uranium rods are indeed very valuable, but what is the use of giving them to him now? Selling them to a nuclear power plant?

Lin Ju felt suffocated when he thought that he had spent so much money on the mission.

But after thinking about it carefully, I think it’s almost the same. The uranium rod will be used by the spacecraft in the future, and it is quite expensive to buy it from the country, so let’s just save some money...

Fortunately, he has been thinking about it for so long. He only hopes that the additionally mentioned event "Space Race" can provide satisfactory rewards.

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