"Passenger plane? This is COMAC's business and we have nothing to do with it."

When Androv came up with two imaginary diagrams, one using two XXW-10 wide-body regional airliners and the other using two XW-30 wide-body mainline airliners, Zhu Chi suddenly realized that this was for a purpose!

But all large commercial aircraft have been handed over to COMAC, so why should he get involved? It's not right either.

"But C919, please speak with your conscience. Is it made in China? Is it worth spending so much money?"

Zhu Chi was speechless again. He must have understood what the localization rate of C919 was, and what he said was indeed good.

Lin Ju took over the conversation and continued his attack: "The regional airliner we designed has 220 seats and the mainline airliner has 320 seats. They are much better than the C919. The most important thing is that the engines are all self-produced. If necessary, we can do it without using any foreign parts. Is C919 okay?"


"Xinyuan does not have the ability or financial resources to mass-produce large passenger aircraft, but Chengdu has the 611. We develop engines and technology. If you look at the An-1250, you will know that there is absolutely no technical problem.

The Civil Aviation Administration of China invests in two purely domestically produced large aircraft, with a branch line of 30 billion and a trunk line of 60 billion. If you add a piece to build a new factory and establish a new aircraft group, you can operate it yourself for 100 billion. Do you think this investment is worth it? "

Lin Ju and Androv, like salesmen, instilled ideas into Zhu Chi, making the latter's psychological defenses crumbling.

China spends hundreds of billions on imported passenger planes every year. If it can really build two passenger planes with 100 billion... Zhu Chi is really moved.

Androv: "The An-1250 is expected to make its first flight before April 30. If she flies, will the superiors doubt our technical strength?"

Zhu Chi shook his head. If he really saw this plane take off with his own eyes, the title of the world's largest giant transport aircraft would never escape. Who would doubt it?

"Can we build a large airplane?"

"Yes, you'd better call 611 and inform the provincial leaders as well."

Lin Ju immediately figured out that if he could really build another base to produce large passenger aircraft in Sichuan, even if his superiors did not provide funds, the province would still have to sell it, and even if he took pandas out to parade and perform circus performances, they would still have to raise enough money.

Any local government understands how much economic value a large high-tech manufacturing enterprise creates.

Xinyuan actually spent about 15 billion in cash in Sichuan in the past year, but it directly created economic benefits for hundreds of local companies, causing a total economic increase of more than 100 billion, as well as surrounding universities, For housing and entertainment construction, the province uses Xinyuan Company as its ancestors to support it!

How big is the passenger aircraft industry? China's civil aviation market alone can support the two giants Boeing and Airbus, and can also squeeze out a share of the pie for other manufacturers.

As long as the Sichuan passenger aircraft base can build aircraft that meet the requirements, even if the performance is slightly lower than the same level of Boeing and Airbus aircraft, they will definitely sell well.

If it could produce 500 passenger planes a year, its sales would be in the hundreds of billions. It would be enough to become a trillion-dollar manufacturing giant and affect the development of the entire western region.

So then Lin Ju first went to the province, took out the engine and explained his idea of ​​building a passenger aircraft, and invited Chief Engineer Yang Wei to come over to demonstrate the feasibility of the project.

After confirming that it was technically feasible, the provincial leaders expressed their absolute support for the passenger aircraft project. They immediately wrote a document to their superiors, attached a lot of information, and asked a senior leader to fly over to discuss it in person.

After receiving the province's full commitment and Xinyuan's engine support, 611 no longer hesitated and expressed its participation together with Factory 132.

With such attention, on January 20, superiors held an executive meeting.

Seven years ago, it was also an executive meeting that approved the "Large Aircraft Program Demonstration Report" and the C919 project was initiated.

Seven years later, the Sichuan Provincial Government, 611 Institute, and the Civil Aviation Administration jointly submitted a proposal, suggesting that Xinyuan Aerospace Power, 611 Institute \u0026 132 Factory, and the Civil Aviation Administration jointly establish Southwest Commercial Airlines in Southwest China to manufacture branch lines and aircraft with completely independent property rights. Mainline airliner.

Since the three parties who submitted proposals were all important, and Xinyuan Company's proposals were all given high priority by default, an executive meeting was held the next day to discuss the joint proposals of the three companies.

Also present at the meeting are several aviation experts in the capital, who will help judge the authenticity of the content of this proposal.

"Although Xinyuan Company is mainly focused on aerospace, there is evidence that they have also made great achievements in aviation. One of its advanced engines participated in a confidential military project and achieved good performance. The two proposed civilian engines have also been manufactured. They have come out and flown it, and their boss’s business jet uses its own engines.”

At the front of the conference room, experts analyze technical accuracy for leaders.

"Aviation engines are known as the crown of the industry. As long as they solve other problems, our country does not need to spend too much extra energy on research. In addition, it is reported that Xinyuan Company is building a larger transport aircraft than the An-225, which is currently the world's largest transport aircraft. Twice the An-1250 giant transport aircraft.

Its take-off weight is more than five times that of my country's self-developed transport aircraft Y20. Therefore, I believe that the proposed technology is true and feasible, and it meets the goal of achieving the first flight of the first passenger aircraft within two years as they said. "

At the end, the expert who gave the explanation also specially posted a comparison chart provided by Xinyuan, which shows the size comparison between the An-1250 and the world's mainstream transport aircraft, which made the leaders below directly feel that the size is really an exaggeration.

Everyone didn't quite believe that their country could build such a super-large transport aircraft, so they whispered to each other and asked questions from time to time, just to confirm the accuracy of this information.

After a while, the leaders got down to business.

"If it is technically feasible and it is completely independently built, I support the establishment of Southwest Commercial Airlines. Localization is the most important!"

"There is already a Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China, so let's just give it to them."

"It's not good for one company to be the only one. You can't put all your eggs in one basket. It's also a good thing to have more high-tech manufacturing bases in Sichuan. They will continue to create value in the future, and the central government can use less financial support."

There was a burst of laughter after saying this. Every year, Sichuan always ranks last in the fiscal revenue that local governments turn over to the central government, and the number is still negative!

Not to mention turning losses into profits, I would be satisfied if I could reduce subsidies from the central government.

"Xinyuan Company is already a giant company. Wouldn't it be bad to let them enter the aviation industry again?"

"They don't have the energy to cover everything, and this is a three-party cooperation. Isn't Xinyuan Company responsible for the engines and avionics?"

"The giants are just giants. There are many private giants who are doing good work. This is still a pure Chinese enterprise. Can it still fly to Aramco?"

After a while of discussion, everyone at the meeting basically agreed.

The large aircraft project is very important to them. The reason why C919 is a one-off project is not because they are reluctant to spend money, but because there are too few capable units.

Therefore, when the technical conditions can be met, funding is not a problem.

To achieve this premise, there are two questions in the end:

First, the amount of capital injection and shareholding ratio of Southwest Commercial Airlines (referred to as Commercial Airlines);

The second is what to do with COMAC’s C919 and follow-up project C929.

The final decision on the first question is that the three companies will share 30% equally, and there are many companies that can divide the remaining 10%; of course, this is actually 60% of the official shareholding, peace of mind~

The site is initially set to be in Yizhou, with a total investment of 100 billion yuan for commercial aviation and two regional and mainline passenger aircraft projects.

The 220-seat regional airliner is named C822, and the 320-seat mainline airliner is named C832.

The last two digits of C919 represent 190 seats, and the first 9 represents "long".

The 8 in C822 and C832 gives the homophonic word "fa". At the same time, 8 and 9 also represent the two brother enterprises of COMAC and COMAC.

The second issue is that the C919 plan will continue as usual, but it will no longer be a key support target, because even if the C919 succeeds and goes abroad, it will not be as good as the C822 and C832 that only fly domestically.

More importantly, the C832 is a mainline passenger aircraft that can fly long-distance transoceanic routes. This means that the national leader’s special plane can finally be used without a 747. How prestigious is it to fly your own aircraft?

This is also one of the many reasons that have a slight influence on the determination to promote C833.

January 26th.

The government passed the plan of the "Resolution on Domestic Large Aircrafts" and approved the establishment of Southwest Commercial Airlines in Yizhou. It also approved projects for two large passenger aircraft, C822 and C832, with a total budget of 100 billion yuan.

Sichuan Province also provided a special allocation of 10 billion yuan and a policy support loan of 20 billion yuan, and used a huge deduction to occupy 3% of the shares, making Commercial Aviation a behemoth involving local, military, private and central governments. enterprise.

Most people didn't feel anything when watching the news. Only COMAC raised a question mark.

Sneak attack!

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