On March 28, the aerospace exchange meeting organized by the Aerospace Development Commission opened again in Beijing.

The day before, the Queqiao relay satellite was put into orbit.

Xinyuan took over the power part of this satellite and installed it with a 1N "large" thrust Hall thruster with very good performance, so that it can decelerate into orbit while consuming very little fuel, and it can adjust itself. Track, very useful.

On the first day of arrival, it sent back ultra-high-definition images of the lunar surface, and the Aerospace Development Committee selected the best one as the promotional and background image for this conference.

This time, Xinyuan Company did not send any heavyweights. The PPT presentation was similar to before, and NAPE remained confidential.

So the limelight is all on the space agency, especially the Long March 10 of the First Academy and YF130 of the Sixth Academy.

In any case, the Long March 10 is a giant rocket with a capacity of more than 100 tons in low-Earth orbit and a take-off thrust of more than 5,000 tons. Even though it uses some mature technologies, it still has many remarkable features. The first hospital completed the overall design before the Spring Festival. , the first rocket appeared in July and will make its first flight before August 27.

There were some minor problems in the joint test of the turbine pump and gas generator of the Sixth Institute, but they were not fatal, so the prototype in April was still produced and mass production will begin once the test is successful.

It is no exaggeration to say that this efficiency is 10 times faster than in the past.

Spending a small amount of money to do big things is based on long progress. Now we are spending a lot of money to do big things. Funds are unprecedentedly abundant, and the scientific research team is also quite powerful.

Just at the end of the exchange meeting, April Fool's Day, a piece of news came from the Qiongzhou launch site.

The Xinyuan Launch Site will undergo minor modifications to two launch stations to enable them to accommodate rockets with a maximum diameter of 18 meters.

In addition, several launch stations in Qiongzhou have also made minor adjustments, mainly in terms of operations.

The Xinyuan No. 2A, which has been publicized for a long time, is ready for launch.

Three 6-meter-diameter core stages are connected in parallel, with a maximum length of 18 meters, but there is no need to build a new transmission tower.

Wenchang Launch Center and Xinyuan Launch Center are both vertical transfers. In addition, mobile launches can accommodate rockets with a width of 18 meters, but they have to be tilted in the diagonal direction. 18 meters is just the limit.

Therefore, Xinyuan-2A has to turn 45 degrees sideways when it is launched, and people have to change the angle to see its wide side.

Although the Long March 10's low-Earth orbit transportation capacity has reached 120 tons, the load factor of Xinyuan 2 is very high, and the recovery is 135 tons, which is very exaggerated.

However, the Long March 10 still has the highest take-off thrust, although this is not something worth boasting about.

But compared to Xinyuan No. 2A and Xinyuan No. 3, another thing will bring greater shock to the world.

On April 3, the "Tianhe" core module jointly manufactured by the Fifth Academy and Xinyuan Company left the factory. While loading the IL-76 and preparing to be shipped away, experts from the Fifth Academy saw an unprecedented figure sticking out of the tall hangar not far away. The largest aircraft head I have ever seen.

They asked what it was, and then the person in charge of Xinyuan's aviation department said calmly:

"Well, we built a big plane to transport the rocket. It's too long. The final assembly has to extend part of it. No way, 130 meters is really a bit long, huh?"

Fifth Academy:!

Also on the same day, An-1250 was officially registered with the Civil Aviation Administration, and the two aircraft were numbered B-4043 and B-4143 respectively.

B starts with B. According to international standards, all civil aviation aircraft start with B. 4 means it is a military aircraft and is registered with the Air Force.

"0" and "1" represent the first and second An-1250, and 43 represents the registration date of April 3.

If it is used as an ordinary civilian aircraft, it would be too troublesome to apply for the physical and transportation type of the An-1250, so it is much easier to directly use the relationship to register it as a military aircraft, and separate takeoff, landing and management.

It was also at this time that the specific data and dimensions of An 1250 spread to a small extent in the Chinese scientific research community.

With a wingspan of 136 meters, a length of 130 meters, and a take-off weight of 1,250 tons, such exaggerated data was directly considered a rumor by most people.

On April 15, Xinyuan Company announced that from April 16 to April 20, flights in the surrounding airspace would be prohibited.

Flight schools, stop, commercial flying, stop.

The local police cooperated with the army to ensure that the surrounding airspace was absolutely clear.

At the same time, in the previous week, Xinyuan sent invitations to multiple units to watch the first flight of their new model on April 19.

Including provincial and municipal leaders, space agency bosses, superiors, old acquaintances from various aerospace institutes, as well as some companies involved in the manufacturing of An-1250 parts.

During the notification process, the specific performance data of the An-1250 was also sent out at the same time. Only then did many supporting companies know that they had participated in an impressive aviation project.

Only then did the superiors and leaders realize that Xinyuan Company had dropped a blockbuster in the aviation industry without making any noise.

You are an aerospace company. Is this really a cross-border thing?

At the same time, various aircraft design institutes in China suddenly received notices from their superiors, asking them to go to Xinyuan Company to watch the test flight of the new aircraft.

Zhong Design Institute was confused at first, and then felt numb after looking at the data of An 1250.

Chang'an, Yan Liang.

The design team led by Tao Changhong has just completed the basic design of the Yunyou-20. The Yun-20 has already been basically finalized. The next step is to use it as a flight test platform to derive a variety of aircraft models.

The Y-20 has a load capacity of 66 tons and a maximum take-off weight of 220 tons. It has become the sixth largest transport aircraft after the An-225, C5, An-124, An-22 and C17. It basically meets the current needs, which is very good.

That day, I suddenly received an order saying that Xinyuan Aerospace Power Company, an aerospace company, had built a transport aircraft for transporting spacecrafts. Many people were invited for the first flight. The superiors decided to let each aircraft design office also send a few people.

Tao Changhong was very puzzled. He was no stranger to Xinyuan Company. Xinyuan originally rented an IL-76 and modified it to transport spacecraft. Why did Xinyuan build it himself? For an aerospace company, the most it can build is a small transport aircraft across industries, right? What did your superiors ask you to do?

Then, he got the "small" transport aircraft data shared by Xinyuan.

An-1250, designed by Androv, has a maximum take-off weight of 1,250 tons, a wingspan of 136 meters, a length of 130 meters, and is powered by eight 330KN XW-30 engines.

The first thing he thought was if this was someone's joke.

Not to mention anything else, just this 330KN engine. How come there is no news about such a powerful engine and it just appeared without any sound? The thrust of turbofan 20 is only 160KN!

One XW-30 is worth two!

The highest thrust engine he knew Xinyuan had was still the 150KN XW-10. Isn't this gap too big?

After repeatedly confirming with his superiors, he realized that this was really no joke. The An-1250 is a giant transport aircraft with a take-off weight twice that of the An-225!

How was this thing made?

Tao Changhong stared at these parameters and imagined them for a long time, and he didn't understand how this super giant appeared silently.

And when he was confused, Yang Wei was also confused.

On April 16, the An-1250 ground taxiing test was conducted. Yang Wei, leaders of the local military region were present, as well as some companies that supply An-1250 accessories.

Shu Rubber Group is the company that undertook the research and development task of An 1250 special tires and accepted the technical guidance of Xinyuan engineers to produce tires. It is a well-known local tire company in Sichuan and belongs to Wuliangye Group.

The person who came was the person in charge of this project. To be honest, this batch of tires was not much. Although the unit price was not low, the total amount was not outstanding. It was all for the sake of the Xinyuan Group.

The person in charge was surprised when he first took over this project. He didn't know what working conditions would require tires of such high standards and the technical difficulty of the tires to be publicized. Now he understands.

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