In the cockpit of the An-1250, the captain manually pushed the throttle to the bottom, and the eight engines exploded with a total thrust of 264 tons, directly disrupting the sky above the entire airport.

The acceleration of the aircraft is faster than expected. The current An 1250 is empty and has less fuel. The thrust-to-weight ratio has reached 0.6. Early fighter jets were only at this level. The large number of wheels also makes the average ground pressure not exaggerated, so the An 1250 In fact, he is a super fat man who moves as light as a swallow.

In the eyes of his superiors, the tall An-1250 exceeded the 7,000-ton warships he had seen in both length and height, not to mention the exaggerated wingspan. At this moment, it was like a warship gliding quickly on the runway. It passed everyone in less than ten seconds.

When the An 1250 passed by the runway in front of them, it had already accelerated to 200 kilometers per hour. If it were a car, it might have passed by in a flash, but for the An 1250 with a length of 130 meters, it just stayed in their sight. For three whole seconds, it occupied the entire field of view for a moment!

It looks like a train. With a speed of more than 200 kilometers per hour, it does not appear to be fast at all. Its huge size makes people feel that its speed is not even 100 kilometers.

However, the airflow rolled up by the An-1250 immediately told them that this was an illusion. The huge nose of the aircraft suddenly opened a channel in the air. After the aircraft passed by, the air from the surroundings immediately rushed to the low-pressure area behind the tail of the aircraft. People felt the impact from behind. A hurricane blowing towards the runway.

Tao Changhong almost calculated the terrifyingly huge cross-sectional area of ​​the An-1250 based on the wind force. He didn't even tidy up his messy coat blown by the wind. He just turned around to see that the speed had reached 290 kilometers per hour and he had already started to pull the aircraft. Head's Ann 1250.

Due to the extra effort generated under the flaps, the two test pilots sitting in the cockpit did not feel heavy at all. They just gently pulled the rudder back, and the fly-by-wire flight control caused the ailerons to deflect, and the six wheels in front Lift easily.

From the perspective of the crowd behind the aircraft, the huge An 1250, which had almost no change in size, suddenly lifted upwards. At this time, the wings were so wide that it felt like it could cover half of the airport, like a sea wing spread out. Dongqing.

In less than four seconds, the An-1250 completely left the ground at a climb angle of 22 degrees, and the 440-ton aircraft took off into the air.

The wake ejected by the eight 330KN engines looked very obvious at this time, tracing the take-off route of the An-1250 like a mark on the sand.

More than ten kilometers away from the B-level base, a group of aviation enthusiasts who originally came to Hushan Airport to see the actual situation suddenly felt their car window glass vibrating slightly and there seemed to be a loud sound outside.

When they rolled down the windows, they simultaneously slowed down the car. As a flying enthusiast, they immediately heard the roar produced by a jet engine, and it must be a subsonic passenger or transport aircraft.

The sound was getting louder and louder, which meant that the jet was flying in their direction, so they simply stopped and got out of the car to stay.

Because they all judged through their own experience that this was a quite large aircraft, probably a large transport aircraft like the Y-20, some people did not hesitate to take out their cameras and point them at the sky in advance.

Then they saw a sight they would never forget:

The blue sky is covered with pale white clouds, evenly dispersed in stripes. However, at this time, an astonishingly large and exaggerated flying object is forcibly thrust into the clouds. The huge size looks like an aircraft carrier in the sky, which makes people unable to help themselves. Tremble.

An 1250 is too big and wide, and the turbulent airflow caused by it is too strong. When it rises to an altitude of more than 800 meters and begins to contact the clouds, it is like a scraper passing through the girlfriend's legs covered with hair removal cream. The huge fuselage cleared the area it passed, with the blue sky behind it.

The person holding the camera reacted first and directly opened the video to completely record the entire process of the An-1250 from appearing to disappearing in the clouds. During this period, the aircraft was so big that it felt like the camera screen could not fit in it.

When this completely unfamiliar behemoth continued to climb higher and disappear, the traces of its passing were still quite obvious. A rectangular hole appeared in the clouds that was at least 200 meters wide and several kilometers long!

After a while, the few people who recovered from the shock hurriedly came to the camera and replayed the scene of the monster passing by. Only then did they dare to believe that they had really seen such a big plane.

"Is 225?"

"No, she has eight engines, eight in total! And even the An-225 is smaller than her!"

"Wait a minute, have you seen the serial number of her fuselage? It belongs to the Civil Aviation Administration of China. We can check it immediately. There must be information on the website!"

"Go take out the computer, go quickly!"

The An-1250's first flight process is very simple, just fly around the base and then fly back.

However, because its body was too large and its turning radius was exaggerated, the actual situation in the end was that it basically circled in a large circle close to the boundary of the airspace under Xinyuan's jurisdiction, and countless people saw it.

However, even if it is flying with such a large turning radius, it is still in people's field of vision at all times and can be watched effortlessly.

The superior looked at the half-circle of the flight with relief and emotion, and then looked at the area where several researchers from the aircraft design institute were.

Their expressions were uniform at the moment: confused and shocked.

Because based on their education system and work experience, how could such a big thing succeed so easily!

Kean 1250 has completed a full circle of flight, immediately entered the landing route, aligned with the runway and started landing, which completely showed them that this project has been successful.

The head of the space agency also had a complicated expression on his face, and he put his hand on Lin Ju's shoulder:

"Honestly, when will Xianyuan-3 fly?"

"It will be around June 10th. The mission will start in July. The two An-1250s will have to fly for at least a month to carry out the transportation mission. The time is about the same."

"...So you built An 1250 just for it?"

Lin Ju: "Not only that, but also Xinyuan No. 2A. The CBC configuration requires three core stages. An 1250 can easily put one in its belly, and two can be put in with the fairing on its back. It can be transported in one go. The IL-76 has to fly three times, so the efficiency is not that high."

After hearing this, the boss sighed and turned to the An-1250, which had begun to lower its altitude and prepared to land, with his hands behind his back. His voice suddenly sounded particularly old:

"The Long March 10 will also be launched in July. Our plan is not like that of private companies that can be adjusted at will. Even with full mobilization, it can only be launched once every six months. This is already a speed that is unimaginable, but you are still faster."

Lin Ju: "But space is a race against time. In fact, it's just a different attitude. For Xinyuan, space is the only purpose of his existence, and he can do whatever it takes."

"Is space the only purpose of Xin Yuan's existence?"

"Yes, or rather, it is the only purpose of my existence."

Others didn't notice that the last sentence was said with a slightly wry smile.

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