I ask you to build tractors, but you build rockets?

Chapter 146 New Observations on Defense

CCAV-4, a new look at defense.

Host: "Welcome to today's new defense observation program, my name is Li Li."

On the sofa at the other end, today's special guest Zhang Juzuo also greeted the camera.

"Hello everyone, hello host, I am Zhang Juzuo."

Host: "Zhang Juzuo, we saw a piece of news two days ago, that is, the super-large giant transport aircraft independently developed by my country's private enterprises successfully made its first flight. Many netizens were very excited. What do you think of this?" "

Orange Seat: "The full name of this transport aircraft is An-1250. The designer is a Tatar Androv, who is of course now Chinese. The aircraft they designed is very large, with a length and wingspan of An-1250." 225, which is 1.5 times that of the previous largest transport aircraft in the world, and its take-off weight has doubled to 1,250 tons, which is astonishing in the entire history of human aviation."

Host: "What is such a big plane used for?"

Orange Block: "The plane must be used to transport cargo, and we know that Xinyuan Aerospace Power Company is an aerospace company. According to them, this plane is used to transport rockets and spacecraft. For example, we saw it before As for the H1 space shuttle, for example, the heroic aircraft Unity was transported by the IL-76, and the Xinyuan 2 rocket, etc., were all transported by aircraft, and there are many pictures on the Internet."

Host: "So they will use the An-1250 to transport rockets that are larger than these heavy-lift rockets, and will build two aircraft specifically for this purpose?"

Orange Block: "Aviation and aerospace are inseparable. For example, Aramco's aviation giants Boeing, Lockheed Martin, and Rocketdyne are most famous for their various aircraft, but in fact the US military's missiles are also They contracted it, so the intersection between aerospace and aerospace is very deep, but it’s not actually a cross-border one.”

Host: “Before the An-1250 came out, our country’s largest aircraft was the independently developed Y-20 transport aircraft, with a load capacity of 66 tons. So the load capacity of the An-1250 is six times that of the Y-20. Does this mean that the military is also very Do you need such a transport aircraft?"

Orange seat (the tone started to be vague): "Whether it is needed or not depends on the demand. For example, the purpose of the Y-20 is to transport a main battle tank. However, theoretically speaking, the bigger the transportation capacity, the better."

Host: "According to the published data, the length and width of the An-1250 are very large, so are most airports unable to take off and land on it?"

Orange Seat (getting serious): "This problem actually does not exist. Most large airports can take off and land at An1250. It's just that there are some problems with the deployment. No matter how wide it is, it is only more than 100 meters. Basically, it can take off and land on An1250. It’s no problem to settle down to 1250.”

Host: “So, does that mean that An-1250 actually has a very broad range of applications?”

Orange Seat: "Yes, many items that have time-limited requirements but are limited by volume and weight and cannot be transported by air can be transported using the An 1250, and generally users like this don't care about a little bit of freight at all.

For example, some heavy construction machinery, etc... Haha. "

For Chinese people, the impact of the An-1250 is no less than that of the J-20, which first flew in 2011.

Especially among aviation enthusiasts, countless people have changed from staying at the 611 test airport to staying at the B-level base airport.

You don't even need to squat, the J-20 will be out of sight after flying into the sky for a few times. The An-1250 is so big, and it's not like fighter jets can't fly at high altitudes. A decent camera that's far away can take a clear picture.

One week after No. 4043 completed its first flight, No. 4143 also completed its first flight. Then the two planes came out and flew a few laps when there was nothing to do. During this time, people standing on the open ground could be seen throughout Xinyuan City. From time to time, the roar of eight XW-30 engines can be heard.

When the flying friend who took the clearest picture of An 1250 uploaded it to the NGA forum, many people ridiculed it as a P video, pointing out obvious flaws in many places.

As a result, after official verification, this post gained tens of thousands of posts overnight, and An1250 became the new darling of the domestic aviation sector.

Not only domestic but also more aviation enthusiasts abroad are also very excited. These owners are not short of money and buy plane tickets overnight to take pictures.

Besides, many people came with money and took pictures carefully.

Major airlines have expressed strong concern and shock about this super transport aircraft that broke the world record and doubled the number of An-225.

Xinyuan Aerospace Power, listen to your name. You are a space company, not an aviation company. You cannot compete across industries!

The An 1250 certainly has no impact on Boeing and Airbus in terms of product competitiveness, but it represents that Xinyuan also has quite formidable technical strength in aviation.

Boeing engineers just took one look at the huge wing spar and kept shaking their heads, saying it was impossible.

Traditional methods for such a large component can only withstand such strength using a 10,000-ton forging machine or vacuum electron beam welding, and it is extremely difficult. It would take at least three months to process the wing spar alone, which is a lot of trouble.

How did he know about the 3D printing frame technology of Xinyuan Base? This processing technology is only known to a small number of people in the country.

China is no stranger to 3D printing aircraft bodies. In 2006, Chengdu Aircraft Corporation used 3D printing technology to manufacture the main frame of the J-20. The strength is fully qualified and the efficiency far exceeds traditional forging manufacturing.

So although Xinyuan's 3D printing technology is outrageous, at least they can accept it.

What is even more shocking is that engine manufacturers such as General Electric, Pratt \u0026 Whitney, Rolls-Royce, etc., after seeing the abbreviated data of the XW-30, they have no idea how such a high-thrust engine can appear and mature so quickly.

It is impossible to imitate. Although General Electric and Rolls-Royce have models with similar thrust, you can tell at a glance that they will never be imitated due to leaks.

This aviation development thing was the Alliance's 156 aid project to China back then. Teachers and experts provided all the technical information, and it was very difficult to teach it step by step. It could not be imitated by just leaking information.

An 1250 is like a mystery. It seems to be full of problems, but if you look deeper, you don't know where the problems are.

After all, the physical objects are there. Xinyuan also launched the XW-9 and XW-10 engines at last year's air show, so it cannot be said that they appeared out of thin air.

But, but... just like several domestic aircraft design institutes, they are all buts, and they just don’t understand.

But they don't understand it, and ordinary people don't have to understand it.

Nowadays, people are more curious about big airplanes than the trouble caused by the noise. Many people bring their whole families and small groups to watch the airplanes. Photography enthusiasts, aviation enthusiasts, and intelligence enthusiasts from all over the world gather in the surrounding area. The development of tourism economy has reached another level.

The leaders of Shuchuan Province also wandered around Xinyuan City in the name of inspection. They especially liked to see An 1250.

This is the largest and heaviest aircraft in the world, and most of the supporting companies are in Sichuan!

It was also on the day when the An-1250 officially made its first flight that many companies suddenly realized that they had actually participated in such an awesome project.

As a result, many street printing shops in Sichuan suddenly started a similar business, which was to customize the signboard of "An 1250 Giant Transport Aircraft Parts Cooperative Supply Unit" and hang it in the most conspicuous place of the factory for publicity.

This is different from military aircraft. The An-1250 is a purely civilian project. It does not involve any confidentiality issues and can be promoted at will.

Those who hold a different attitude towards the An-1250 are aircraft designers and manufacturers around the world.

Ermao’s Antonov Aviation Science and Technology Consortium is said to be preparing materials to sue the An-1250 for infringement of the An-225.

Although the An-1250 does seem to be an enlarged version of the An-225, any aviation person knows that this thing is not a copycat, it is only a reference at most.

Aerodynamics is a subject that relies entirely on blowing. There is absolutely no infringement of the aerodynamic shape, because there is no way to copy it. It can only be said that the technical route chosen is the same.

The Antonov Design Bureau actually knew this very well, and just wanted to blackmail Xinyuan, gain popularity, and attract attention to complete the second machine of the An-225.

Xinyuan is not Kiev. It is backed by the world's largest industrial country and has a complete industrial chain. As long as they want, they can build a thousand An-1250s without any problem. There is no one way to say it. They can use it hard and casually. It's useless. Just replace it with a new one, not as careful as the An 225.

Therefore, the Antonov Design Bureau is very envious of Androv, the guy with the same name as Konstantinovich Antonov in Russian, for having such a place to display his talents.

The domestic scientific community has also made a huge response. Androv and several deputy chief engineers of the An-1250 project team have been directly nominated for this year's Science and Technology Progress Award. Although they are outside the system, there is also a tendency to be hired as academicians of the Academy of Engineering.

After all, the potential uses of the An 1250 are too great.

Even though the cost disclosed by Lin Ju is close to 5 billion yuan, in areas with inconvenient roads such as plateaus, people understand that air transportation may be more timely and even more economical than land transportation.

The An 1250 has a cabin of 360 tons and a back load of 500 tons. It can also be transported quickly, which is very important in the military.

There is also demand in many places in the country, such as power grids, engineering rescue departments and other departments. Therefore, although the An 1250 was not born for business, it has received quite a lot of orders just after it appeared.

The female ticket is sick, and the time allocated for coding every day is less. I’m tired~

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