"You robots are really..."

Although the Chang'e-4 project was completed by two companies, Shen Zuozhou couldn't help but complain when he saw the Explorer robot.

For the space agency, Chang'e-4 was originally supposed to be a continuation of the Chang'e-3 mission. The technical level and mission content were not much different, but due to the intervention of Xinyuan, it was modified.

The mass of the lander is as high as 2.8 tons, more than double the original 1.2 tons.

Yutu 2 also benefited from the increase in the mass of the lander from 135 kilograms to 150 kilograms, but it is still the smallest lunar rover in the world...

Even if the 420-kilogram Explorer robot emerges, it is still small. The mass of the "Lunokhod 1" and "Lunokhod 2" launched by the former Alliance is almost 800 kilograms.

Aramco’s lunar rover weighs 210 kilograms, but it was used for astronauts during the Apollo missions.

Of course, it is incorrect to rashly judge capabilities based on quality. Yutu 2 is still very good, but the Explorer next to it is too technologically advanced.

Jumping around on the moon and having eight robotic legs?

The Explorer's eight mechanical legs are still different. The first two are "auxiliary legs", which are more flexible and can carry a lot of equipment. The rear six "main legs" are mainly used for traveling or doing heavy work.

The two "auxiliary legs" in the front and the middle pair of six legs in the back can be used to clamp or transport things. Don't look at the maximum output force of each pair of mechanical legs is only 50 kilograms. On the moon, which is only one-sixth of the earth's This is a 300kg lifting capacity.

In case of encountering aliens, the two pairs of legs can grab two astronauts and escape.

Each "spider leg" has a fully extended length of 1.6 meters. The Explorer is a big toy, so it can really be used as a vehicle, but there is no place to sit and you can only stand, and it is a little bumpy.

The Explorer's posture system can at least support movement with three legs, but four legs are more stable.

Of course, it is not without cost. Of the 420 kilograms, 240 kilograms are nickel-hydrogen batteries all over the body, 50 kilograms of scientific research equipment, and the remaining 130 kilograms are the explorer's body. On average, each foot is only more than 10 kilograms. It has been done Quite light.

But almost 60% of the weight of a detector is given to the battery... Shen Zuozhou, the chief engineer dispatched by the space agency, couldn't stand it and thought it was too wasteful.

If he were to come, he would allocate at most 80 kilograms for batteries and bring more solar panels in the remaining space. Anyway, this big spider can wipe the dust by himself.

Xinyuan engineers are very satisfied. Unlike the slow patrol, the Explorer has to work. More batteries can extend the time of each activity. It can be charged for a while.

The space agency has always been very worried about the reliability of this multi-step robot that relies on motors. This is the cold space and the temperature is low. Is such a high-speed mechanism really reliable?

But no matter what, at least in terms of science fiction level and design functions, the Explorer is much better than the Moon Rabbit, and it looks like a science fiction product at first glance.

In other words, it looks like it could be used as a movie prop.

"Ah, this one really wants to run on the moon and jump all the way forward? This is great. I don't even need to do special effects. I can just shoot the explorer and add a filter."

Guo Fan excitedly touched Explorer 2, which was the backup for Explorer 1. Explorer 1 had been transported to Qiongzhou and was ready for launch.

Last month, "The Wandering Earth" officially started filming.

With the support of super financier Dad Xinyuan Aerospace, the Wandering Earth crew, which requires capital, technology, and talent, has officially started work.

Unlike the previous world line where Guo Fan broke his leg due to running away, with sufficient funds, he only needs to move his fingers to get others to come to his door and solve 99% of the problems with funds.

The investors of the entire movie have also become more confident because of this. With Lao Liu’s IP and the strong support of a true high-tech company, judging from BUFF, there is no problem in getting the money back.

What's more, those who can invest in this science fiction film now still have a little support for domestic science fiction films, which are more tolerant than ordinary commercial films.

The rough script has been reviewed by Lin Ju. The latter feels that it is very similar to the previous life, but there is a big difference in the casting, but he still believes in Guo Fan's vision.

In fact, he himself doesn't have a big feeling about The Wandering Earth. He mainly wants to promote this project to accelerate the maturity and development of domestic science fiction. In this regard, the gap between China and Hollywood is still quite large.

Guo Fan's attitude is also quite "real". After receiving sufficient funds, he formed what may be the strongest props team in Chinese science fiction crews and began to design various science fiction props.

As a result, once Chang'e-4 was released, he discovered that the explorer robot had more science fiction elements than the props they designed...

So Guo Fan took a few people to the B-level base to look for science fiction inspiration, and there was a special person among them.

Liu, an electrician in his 50s, did not stand out among the crew at all. He originally went to the crew to check on the situation, but was taken to the B-level base by the way.

Although he is the most imaginative science fiction writer in China, Lao Liu still felt very novel after seeing Xinyuan's base and touched around in the visible area.

Lin Ju heard that he was coming and made a special trip to meet him.

Lao Liu: "I used to think that chemical rockets were just a group of people using manual methods to produce rocket parts bit by bit in a workshop-like space, creating exquisite but expensive, complex and inefficient products. But here at Xinyuan Factory, I There’s no such feeling.”

Lin Ju: "But the era of rockets is passing. We all understand this. Although it cannot be abandoned now, we are doing some epoch-making work."

Lao Liu was very surprised, and then he saw the surface parameters and imagined pictures of the XN90 spacecraft.

Is this something that humans can create now? !

Lin Ju smiled, then brushed off his clothes. After the Three-Body Problem, Old Liu had no passion for creation. This was not good. He had to be given some stimulation. Maybe he would be inspired to write another "Four-Body Problem".

Cultural and entertainment works are still very important. They represent the characteristics of a social environment and can also affect the thinking of one or more generations.

Although the settlement items of the "Fly Higher" long-term mission last year were speechless, we still need to continue to work on it. Stimulating people's enthusiasm for space will help some subsequent plans.

When it came to the rescue mission of "Operation East", China Film had already approached Lin Ju to discuss the possibility of adapting it into a movie. The cost was not very high and the audience was very wide. He had already authorized another crew to film it.

The title of the film is "Operation East", and some of the characters will appear in their true colors, such as the personnel of the Qiongzhou Launch Center and the Unity space shuttle. It is also possible to film on-site, but it is a bit difficult to film on-site in space. This is a Spring Festival movie. The launch schedule was too late and there was not enough time for the Wandering Earth crew.

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