The space agency thinks that the idea of ​​a nuclear electric vehicle is very reasonable, but it has doubts about the indicator of achieving 38KW power with 3.4 tons.

The greater the power, the greater the heat dissipation pressure, and it has to be made mobile. Will Xinyuan really be able to handle it next year?

Although it is good that Xinyuan Company has money, it is nuclear technology, and the space agency still bought Lucia's nuclear batteries.

They also know that Cheng Nankai, the current head of Xinyuan Nuclear Department, whose resume can only be regarded as an entry-level nuclear physicist, may not be able to hold a big position.

Therefore, even if Xinyuan poached some less important nuclear experts from several universities, they were not stopped, because in their opinion, these people really cannot achieve such an advanced nuclear propulsion plan. Can such a powerful nuclear electric car be realized? Hard to say.

But of course it would be great if it existed. When the space agency builds a lunar mobile base of about ten tons, it will have wheels that can run around, astronauts can live in it, and there will be a transition module for out-of-vehicle activities. If a nuclear tram is attached , then you basically don’t have to worry about energy.

The Aviation Development Committee can only keep discussing the debate. Anyway, it is a project for next year and time is not that tight.

Lin Ju returned to the hotel and heard about Okada Masashi.

For the moment, Lin Ju didn't know how to deal with this old devil who wanted to join him but had no way out.

Xinyuan naturally has no shortage of technology, so the key point is whether the benefits brought by acquiring Okada can outweigh the costs.

As the chief designer of the H3 rocket, although H3 did fail repeatedly, Masashi Okada cannot be blamed for many reasons.

Just like the alliance's N1 rocket exploded four times in a row, can the blame be entirely blamed on chief designer Korolev?

No, because the only high-thrust engine Korolev can use is the NK15, and the thrust is only 150 tons. What should I do if it is not connected in parallel? Besides, Corvo had already been in Hexi for a few years at that time. If he had been in N1, his quality control might not be so bad.

The same goes for JAXA. Investors are constantly thinking about H3 low-cost launch and Falcon 9 rocket to seize the market. The island country’s aerospace industry is not doing well in the first place. If something goes wrong, it will be all down to the chief engineer.

But in the final analysis, it all depends on how good Okada's abilities are.

Lin Ju thought for a while, and then called Guo Shen and asked him to sign an external consultant contract for Okada first to try out the quality.

More than an hour later, Lin Ju saw the B+ engineer in the institute +1, whose specialty was space propulsion technology.

B+ grade! In addition to using upgrade cards, Lin Ju also recruited the best engineer who was C+! Generally it would be good to have C.

If you want to upgrade an engineer from C to B+, it will cost hundreds of millions!

Now there are only 6 B+ and 10 B-level engineers in the entire company. It is still very tempting to have one more B+-level engineer.

As expected, he is worthy of being a rocket master selected by the power of a country. After all, he still has some real abilities.

Moreover, when the H3 rocket failed to launch later, Okada was forced to admit his mistake. A 43-year-old man looked similar to an old man in his fifties or sixties, which shows that he is quite responsible.

Lin Ju thought about it all night, and the next day he came to the space agency and entered the boss's office.

"It's so early, Xiao Lin. Have you eaten? Go down and eat two steamed buns? Our cafeteria is famous for its steamed buns and porridge."

The boss was a little surprised by Lin Ju's arrival. He thought it was about the nuclear power train and felt that Lin Ju was too anxious about this matter.

But when Lin Ju told the story about Okada Masashi, he said "oh" and fell into thinking.

He didn't ask why he wanted to keep Okada Masashi, but after thinking for a while, he said:

"Masashi Okada is a free man and naturally has his own reasons for choosing his own job. Neither we nor JAXA have any reason to interfere, so as long as he is willing, the worst he can do is pay some liquidated damages to Mitsubishi Heavy Industries.

However, I still want to remind you that Xinyuan's status is quite special now, and it may be risky to accept foreign engineers hastily. "

Lin Ju: "To be honest, Okada's ability is very good. Our engineers evaluated him and found that his performance was actually restricted by JAXA. His actual ability is almost at the same level as Guo Shen and Androv. So we Only then did he want to keep him, and he himself did so of his own free will;

We can promise that any project Okada participates in will not involve the space agency or the military. It will be entirely civilian and commercial in nature. His main direction should be space vehicles. "

"That's good, but since his attitude is so resolute, it's better to ask him if he has any intention of naturalization. Anyway, it is unlikely that he will return to the island country."

"Here, let me ask."

"Naturalization? Really? Can I become a Chinese?"

Okada tossed and turned for half the night in the temporary dormitory assigned to him at the B-level base. Early the next morning, Guo Shen knocked on the door and asked him if he wanted to be naturalized.

Although he didn't say whether he would accept him to join Xinyuan, Okada obviously knew that the matter was almost done, and he asked excitedly three times.

"Mr. Okada, this is not a mandatory requirement, it is just a question we raised for the convenience of future work. If foreigners work here, there will be inconvenience in many places."

"Of course I am willing! But I heard that it is difficult to obtain the nationality of your country. Could it be...ah, you are such a big company, it must be no problem. I have learned Chinese proficiently since last year, and I can also change my name. Yes, it would be great to be a Chinese."

Guo Shen was a little surprised by Okada's excessive enthusiasm, and he also got a hidden message: Is this old boy thinking of running away last year?

However, it is a good thing that Okada is willing to cooperate. Although it is indeed difficult to obtain Chinese nationality, Okada's special status allows him to immigrate as a technical expert and apply for it through a fast track. As long as he becomes a Chinese citizen, it will be easy.

If you retain the island country's nationality, visa and foreign affairs issues alone will be a lot of trouble.

Guo Shen immediately told Lin Ju the news, and then the boss reported the matter.

Okada's matter is both big and small.

As the chief engineer of an important rocket for a national space agency, it does sound a bit big to run away, but for an ordinary scientist and technical immigrant from an island country, if you think about it carefully, it is not a big deal after so many years of globalization.

Then this matter will wait for the opinions of the above, but the boss told Lin Ju that this matter will probably be successful, because it is completely normal in nature.

Of course, he also warned one thing in particular. There was a 100% or even 90% possibility that JAXA would request Okada's extradition on the grounds of stealing secrets. However, as long as there is no evidence, it would be nonsense. Don't let Okada be caught.

Lin Ju knew this very well and asked Guo Shen to talk to Okada about it later. Maybe he would go and meet Okada in person. Anyway, how could Xinyuan steal JAXA's technology?

While waiting for a response from superiors, at 11 a.m. that day, the space shuttle Steadfast was launched from the Qiongzhou Space Launch Site.

Since it was a fully commercial manned launch mission, the atmosphere was quite relaxed. The four crew members were even able to interact live through the computers on their seats 30 minutes before launch.

Chen Jun kept boasting to netizens about how good Xin'an's new car is and what new technology applications it has;

Chen Wei answered various questions calmly and calmly. As a traditional coal boss, what he wants most when he gets old is reputation. He keeps doing good deeds, so he took the opportunity to answer patiently;

Xie Qian’s Chinese language is also quite good, and he has learned the essence of being a UP owner in China: he can brag about infrastructure network and watermelon cheapness, and only say goodbye to netizens at the last moment.

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