I ask you to build tractors, but you build rockets?

Chapter 166 Two weapons shoot at each other

When it comes to deep space exploration networks, the moon is naturally one of them.

The Queqiao relay satellite currently operating in lunar orbit and the lander on the lunar surface can be counted as a detection node.

The Explorer robot has been exploring a large area since it landed on the lunar surface on May 11.

Since the Queqiao relay satellite is large enough and has strong broadcasting capabilities, the entire landing process that day was broadcast live. Although it was a 720P video, the bit rate was very high and the picture was clear and smooth.

If it were the original design of Queqiao, it is likely that due to insufficient bandwidth in order to retain sufficient information channels for operators, the picture would be abnormally blurry and stuck.

Although the Chang'e-3 mission landed before it, Chang'e-4 is still very popular because everyone is very concerned about the lunar rover with a very different style: the Explorer Spider.

After all, although there have been detectors with all kinds of strange shapes in the past, this is the first time I have seen one with a spider shape, including a large number of foreigners watching it on the Internet.

When the rugged moon surface appeared under the camera, Lin Ju's first reaction was that it was desolate, so desolate.

The lander hovering in low lunar orbit preparing for landing quickly skims the lunar surface and then finds the right opportunity to slow down.

There is no change in data in this process, which is invisible to ordinary people, but it does not prevent them from being surprised.

Many people's impression of the landing is that the lunar surface in the picture is getting bigger, the crater quickly changes from a small circle to a huge mountain peak and then disappears out of the picture, and the lunar soil is magnified in front of the eyes, which is almost the same as looking down from the near-lunar orbit, but the picture It suddenly stopped because the lander had stopped.

Only then did people realize: Oh, it turns out that the fine dust that just flew up was caused by the air flow.

At least in the live broadcast, it seemed that the process of landing on the lunar surface was very deceptive. If you think about it this way, you know that Armstrong was still quite skilled in manually operating the lander to land when the computer crashed.

The camera switches from below to above the lander, and then the lander lowers two folded alloy hollow plates to form a ramp. In the picture, a lunar rover exactly like Yutu 1 slowly appears, and then uses a lunar rover that makes people wonder whether it is He drove down the ramp at a slow speed, leaving his own mark on the lunar surface with the roller.

The 150-kilogram Yutu 2 actually only generates 25 kilograms of downforce under low gravity, which is about the same as a shopping cart loaded with a lot of things.

Applause broke out in the command center and in front of the TV, but it was not as enthusiastic as expected.

Because they're waiting for the second detector to come down.

It's just that Yutu 2 has started walking on its own, and the Explorer robot has not appeared for a long time, which makes people wonder if there is something wrong.

In the command center of Chang'e-4, this scene is happening:

"Hurry up, stay further away, or what if I pounce on you?"

"Can't you just walk down? What are the two ramps for? You put so much effort into the electronic control and it's not just for the sake of looking good. You can't even do this."

The two parties involved in the dispute were the control teams of the two patrol vehicles, Yutu 2 and Explorer. While the two parties were talking to each other, Yutu 2 walked out five meters, and then began to turn slowly to prepare for the exchange of shots between the two instruments.

All the viewers watching the live broadcast were a little confused at this time and did not understand why the Explorer robot was not moving. When they were focusing their attention on Yutu 2, a gray figure flashed past the camera.

The Explorer robot used its eight spider legs to jump off the lander!

In the live broadcast, a monster larger than Jade Rabbit 2 suddenly fell from the sky, and then landed heavily on the traces of Jade Rabbit 2, completely destroying Jade Rabbit 2's maiden journey.

When the Queqiao relay satellite transmitted back the amphibious transmission footage captured by Yutu, what people saw was the explorer flying into the sky.

The timing was just right, it was captured at the highest point of the explorer's jump. The explorer in the air opened his eight claws, like an alien monster.

When Explorer 1 landed with the potential energy accumulated from high altitude, the eight spider legs calculated with precise timing lowered themselves in turn, allowing the Explorer to stand firmly.

Then, just like a real spider, this mechanical spider uses its eight flexible legs to change direction on the spot. The integrated photoelectric detector mounted on the front end is connected to the main body through a micro-manipulator arm, which is as stable as a chicken head.

Viewed from the lander's camera, the explorer's flat photodetector looks more like a crab than a spider.

Under the control of the ground, the explorer raised one of its front legs and waved it gently towards the location of the camera.

This movement is much more flexible than during the ground test. The explorer, which was even difficult to move freely on the surface, turned into an elf on the moon, showing agility everywhere, forming a strong contrast with the dull Yutu 2.

However, the latter did not just stare blankly. In front of the lunar rover, the originally folded flag suddenly stood up like rabbit ears, indicating their identity as visitors from the earth.

Explorer 1 did not have a flag to use. It just pointed the photoelectric detector at Yutu 2, and at the same time transmitted back the influence of flags in two directions.

Everyone in the command center of the Chang'e-4 mission applauded enthusiastically, but Xinyuan engineers were very sorry.

Their original idea was to bring a large flag, like the Stars and Stripes of the Apollo program, and then use the Explorer robot to drill a hole and insert it into the ground. This is completely possible.

However, the space agency disagreed with this in every possible way, and in the end simply ignored it on the grounds that "this matter is left to manned landings."

After all, it is the first flag, and the space agency certainly does not want it to be planted by a private company. In that case, the project leader will have to write a review.

So I’d better get a mini flag for Yuetu 2. It would be nice to have a symbolic meaning.

In the live broadcast, the host's introduction to Explorer 1 was slightly cold and completely businesslike, but this could not resist people's enthusiasm.

Although to the Chinese people, the name "Explorer" sounds a bit different from the traditional Jade Rabbit and Chang'e, but the technologically advanced Explorer is much more interesting than the dull Jade Rabbit 2.

It's a pity that the live broadcast source is organized and broadcast by Queqiao, and there is also a process plan in advance. Otherwise, if the Explorer's picture is independent, the ratings may be higher.

However, the live broadcast was very short and ended after the two rovers completed taking photos of each other. However, before the end, the explorer specially adjusted the angle so that the lander sent back a clear photo of the machine.

The explorer flattened out one of the side spider legs and gently placed it in front of Yutu 2's solar panel. It looked like two friends holding hands.

After leaving a huge shock to the audience and astronauts around the world, the explorer disappeared like a ghost, with only a few photos occasionally sent back by Yutu 2.

But in fact, Explorer 1 is quite busy.

I have a cold. I only coded 6K words yesterday, and it consumes the few manuscripts I have~(;д`)ゞTrouble

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