The reason why the boss came to Qiongzhou is definitely not because he likes to watch rocket launches.

According to the public information he has seen, Xinyuan’s space launch will usher in a small peak:

On June 4, the H1 technology demonstrator was launched by Xinyuan-5B in Qiongzhou;

On June 6, module 3 of the Hila Space Station was launched using Xinyuan-2 in Qiongzhou;

On June 7, the fifth "Gaoshan" large satellite platform will be launched into synchronous orbit by Xinyuan-5A in Qiongzhou;

On June 16, the Mecca conducted an unmanned test launch by Xinyuan 2 at the Mukala launch site;

On June 24, the sixth "Gaoshan" was launched;

On June 26, a Xinyuan-2 will launch the No. 5 module of the Shira Space Station to low-Earth orbit at the Aboumkara Space Launch Site;

On June 28, the Mecca will be launched from Xinyuan-2 at the Mukala Space Launch Site, carrying six astronauts into space.

There were 7 launch missions, three of which were heavy-duty missions, but only two Xinyuan-2 and one Xinyuan-5 (modified) were used. This saving and high efficiency made the boss's eyes red.

He also knew that in July and August, the first batch of 24 passengers from the Oriental International Space Hotel, which was established last year with Italian Alenia Aerospace, Belmond Group, etc., took the Steadfast ship in four batches (once). and Unity (three times) into space, with a total order value of US$640 million, approximately RMB 4 billion.

Those who fired these four times were all gringos. The Chinese country guys were still training and had to wait and wait in line.

4 billion yuan, but even though it is a lot, these wealthy foreigners are quite happy. The 24-hour trip on the Steadfast only cost more than 10 million US dollars, and the 7-day trip on the space station only cost more than 30 million US dollars.

This is really cheap, and if you come back a second time, as long as your physical fitness does not drop significantly, you can save more than 8 million in training costs, and reduce the cost of traveling to orbit for the first time to less than 10 million US dollars.

Anyway, these rich people said in interviews that as long as they survive and survive, they will definitely come back next time. They know better what it means to amortize costs over times, and 8 million U.S. dollars cannot be wasted!

The space agency is extremely jealous. If they can get billions from this every year, many projects can be started on their own.

The boss looked sourly at Prince Abe, whose face was already bursting with laughter, being congratulated by his compatriots everywhere, and couldn't help but sigh.

"How are you preparing for An 1250's circumnavigation? Have you applied for the route?"

Lin Ju shook his head: "No, the island countries have approved it, Europe and South Asia have also approved it, but Aramco has not approved it. It also said that the An-1250 may bring instability to civil aviation and suggested that we fly over the high seas."

"High seas? Let you go around South America and Chile?"

Looking at Lin Ju's constipated expression, the boss understood, and pressed Lin Ju's shoulders with a hint of sarcasm:

"You were trying to save trouble by registering a military aircraft, but now they have a reason to detain you, and it can stand anywhere."

"Then if I build another No. 4 plane and register it as an international airline, there's nothing he can do, right?"

"...You are rich and you are willful."

Of course, Lin Ju was joking when he said that he would build another No. 4 aircraft to fly around the world. There is indeed a No. 4 aircraft, and there is even a No. 5 aircraft, but it is not a civil aviation aircraft, but a serious military aircraft.

One for the Western Military District and one for the Capital Military District. This is the order the military placed for the An-1250.

Since Xinyuan is not a state-owned enterprise and does not have such deceptive profit margin indicators, the military held its nose and spent 12.4 billion to purchase two of the world's largest super transport aircraft.

The extra cost is the modification cost. They don't want the back load of the aircraft. They only require the cargo compartment to be strengthened. It doesn't matter if it is heavier. The load capacity of the Daan 1250 is still there, so it can't be less.

The two aircraft will be delivered in December next year. First, because Xinyuan's current production capacity is limited and it cannot allocate many people to the aviation department. Second, it is difficult for the military to get money. The deposit and balance payment are paid in batches, and they are paid quickly.

Lin Ju knew about the Yun-35 project that 603 was working on, but he didn't care. The Yun-35 built by 603 had orders for at least 80 XW-30 engines alone, and at least 20 backup units. The price of XW-30 is 78 million yuan, and these engines are 7.8 billion yuan.

Don’t be too expensive. The thrust of the XW-30 is 2.2 times that of the XW-10. The price is less than three times, which is very conscientious. This is a discount if you buy more, otherwise it will cost more than 90 million.

However, this 7.8 billion is for the future. It is estimated that it will only be purchased starting in 2019 and will be delivered around 2021. I can only think about it for the time being.

Seeing that Lin Ju was distracted again, the boss coughed and returned to the topic, explaining his main purpose here.

"When will your No. 3 rocket be launched?"

Lin Ju was silent for a moment, thought for a while, took out his phone, and clicked on a photo to show the boss.

The latter came closer and saw a group of workers standing under an unprecedented huge horizontal white arrow body, with a banner with yellow characters on a red background:

"Warmly celebrate the offline ceremony of the Xinyuan-3 Yaoyi rocket assembly"

"The Xinyuan No. 3 came off the assembly line the day before yesterday. However, because the first stage rocket body is too long and it is difficult to transport, it was not announced to the public. It may be made public tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, and then it will be airlifted."

Seeing the boss deep in thought, Lin Ju continued to add:

"This first-stage rocket body is too long and troublesome, 77 meters. During the final assembly, because there were other parts being processed in the workshop, we could only extend one-third of it outside the workshop for semi-open installation. During those days I’m particularly afraid of rain.”

The boss didn't speak, but looked at the workers standing next to the rocket in the photo, who were not even one-fifth of the diameter of the rocket body.

The diameter of the core stage is 11 meters. This is a truly giant rocket, with a take-off thrust of up to 7,500 tons and a take-off mass of nearly 6,000 tons.

It takes several days just to pump fuel. It is an absolute aerospace artifact.

According to Xinyuan's schedule and speed, it will obviously make its first flight before July.

Thinking that the Long March 10 has already lost its No. 1 position in the world before its first flight, the boss can only console himself that third place is good. This number is quite auspicious for China.

Lin Ju looked at the boss's heavy expression, but after all, he still didn't tell anyone about Xinyuan-3's two bombs being built at the same time, otherwise the latter might have a mental breakdown.

In fact, he also thought about whether Xinyuan-3 should be launched later, but the problem is that the two axial modules of the Forward Space Station will be offline in July, and the three axial modules must be launched before September. .

The first batch of two regular versions of the H2 space shuttle, H2M "Pioneer" and "Glory", have officially started construction on June 1. It is expected to take six months to complete the manufacturing and will complete the first flight before December 20.

The H2M space shuttle is the only project that will be delayed this year. In order to control the budget a little, Lin Ju did not use too many system research institutes to accelerate, so the progress is a little delayed, but it is not a big problem. The manufacturing of the forward space station's cabin will not stop. , just launch it and install it together next year.

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