“How much should it cost to land a man on Mars?”

Academician She: "If we do it ourselves and make full use of the space station in lunar orbit or low-Earth orbit for acceleration, the conservative estimate is about 80 billion to 100 billion yuan; but if we use traditional spacecraft to land on the moon, it is technically the same as landing on the moon. There is not much difference, and it cannot have as much technological impact as the moon landing to drive technological and economic development."

Although the Shuguang Project was launched in a hurry, it invested a huge amount of money, mobilized the power of almost all scientific research institutes and universities across the country, and was controlled by the Aerospace Development Commission and absorbed the power of private aerospace.

To be honest, the number of people participating in the Dawn Project may exceed millions, the number of companies involved reaches tens of thousands, and it has led to quite a few technological breakthroughs.

The Sixth Institute imitated the streamlined engine production of Xinyuan Company and specaX, which greatly reduced costs and increased production to a level that was unimaginable in the past.

The supporting subordinate factories have also ushered in technological upgrades and specification updates, which is also beneficial to the manufacturing of other products.

Another example is the development of the lunar rover, which was contracted to two private companies to develop new batteries and special motors. These expensive technologies will eventually be commercialized, giving their products an advantage to earn back their research and development costs.

Not to mention the countless scientific research groups formed by university research institutes, all of which are participating in various ways.

It is true that for every US$1 invested in aerospace, US$7 to US$12 can be recovered in other areas, but there are conditions.

Landing on the moon can bring technological upgrades, but landing on Mars is different. The technology used in traditional methods is no different from that of the moon landing. There is no scientific research dividend and it is purely money.

Therefore, regarding China's manned mission plan, both the space agency and superiors are really not in a hurry, and they don't think it is that important.

The resources of the moon are abundant enough, and the population pressure on the earth has not yet reached the level of explosion. The significance of manned landing on Mars is not small spiritually, but not materially enough.

Academician She continued: "In the past, we imagined that we would complete the manned mission to the moon in the middle of this century, complete the moon landing in the 1930s, and spend 20 years preparing to reduce investment costs; now, if we start preparations in 2020, It is almost possible to land on Mars before 2030;

In this way, the cost will be much lower. For ten years, an average investment of 3 billion per year in this direction will be enough. Due to the technological breakthrough of the moon landing, it may not be as much as the Dawn Project in the end. "

Superior: "Mars is different from the moon. Its scientific exploration significance is stronger."

Academician She thought about the meaning of this sentence for a while, and then suddenly realized it.

Scientific exploration is of greater significance, which does not mean that there will be no competition, but that it does not require the space agency to work alone.

The superiors have taken a fancy to the Qianjin space station!

He finally understood why his superiors kept silent after seeing the forward space station plan. The latter's idea may be to use the power of Xinyuan Company to jointly land on Mars.

It is right to be the first to land on the moon. Just the thousands of years of Chinese people's longing for the moon will not allow the space agency to fall behind. But Mars is different. It is not as close as the moon and has no special complex.

Moreover, the investment is very huge and the return is low. In the past, people thought that it would be difficult for a single country to achieve it, and it would require several space powers around the world to unite.

In this case, it would be okay to involve private companies. Anyway, the space agency has landed on the moon. It cannot be because of technical factors that it cannot be done alone. As long as the Chinese people can land on the moon on their own, it will be fine.

"It seems that Xinyuan Company has already manufactured part of the cabin? We don't have to join the forward space station, but we can try to participate in the subsequent cabin construction plan. They are not omnipotent, right? Master some technologies, and when the time is right, Hua China also wants to develop its own centrifugal space station."

When is the right time?

Academician She knew that this time would not be long, and he couldn't help but get excited when he thought of using the country's power to build a centrifugal space station.

"Then I'll ask, but their supply chain already has factories affiliated with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, and they should have been involved, but I didn't know it."

Superior: "Very good, by the way, do you know the ternary computer clearly? I have received a lot of reports."

Academician She:?

Three days ago, at Jinghai Air Software Company in Beijing, four employees held cardboard boxes, greeted their former colleagues and bosses with smiles, and then got into the commercial vehicle that had been waiting outside.

Jinghai Haier was formerly established by Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics. The most famous product their company has ever produced is called CAXA.

In the field of modern industrial design, the most important and basic link is electronic drawing.

CAD, Computer Aided Diagnosis, was first born in Boeing's independent plan in the 1960s to improve drawing efficiency. In 1982, Aramco launched the world's first CAD software: AutoCAD.

Any part drawings, assembly drawings, processing drawings, and then up to three-dimensional modeling and simulation, all need to be applied to these industrial software.

Aramco's AutoCAD, CATIA developed by Dassault, Solidworks, Germany's Siemens' NX, China's CAXA, and Zhongwang CAD are all mainstream and well-known CAD software.

This is the basis of modern mechanical manufacturing. Without CAD software, there would be no complex CNC processing, and there would be no mass production of complex parts.

Ordinary people or small factories with only a few people can easily find pirated CAD software to use, but for slightly larger companies, especially formal enterprises, they must use genuine versions.

In order to make profits, software companies have built-in complex anti-piracy mechanisms in CAD software, such as automatic networking, copyright certificates, activation codes, etc., and have set up agents for each region.

Agents spend all day staring at those manufacturing-related companies, and then looking for what kind of CAD software they use. If it is their own pirated version, they will immediately come to their door for legal rights protection.

For regular major manufacturers, if the products developed using pirated software are infringement, they are not protected by the laws of various countries, so they usually spend money to buy genuine products.

Software manufacturers are not philanthropists. Purchasing CAD software is not a one-time deal. Each set of software is only provided for one to several years, and must be renewed after expiration. Of course, software manufacturers also have to bear responsibilities such as software maintenance and experience improvement.

Xinyuan spends hundreds of millions of yuan every year on the use of various industrial software, including Windows, which costs several thousand yuan for a set of Windows 7 Professional Edition CDs.

Last year, Xinyuan purchased thousands of sets of Jinghai Air's CAXA series software with a two-year license, which made the company a lot of money. I just don't understand why it only lasted two years. Could it be that the agent's price was too high? Want to switch to another home?

It doesn't exist. Xinyuan doesn't just buy from one company. Each company's products have different focuses and are used by domestic and foreign software.

As a result, in recent months, Jinghai Vocational and Technical College has discovered that the number of employees resigning has increased, and many of them are old employees. When asked, they all gave nonsense reasons such as their wives were in another place, their parents died, and they were supporting their parents. After a little inquiry, they found out that they were poached by Xinyuan. It's past.

It seems that Xinyuan Aerospace is planning to develop its own CAD software? But not to mention the investment cost of redevelopment, there is no way to bypass the software patent alone?

CAD software in various countries has been developed for so many years, and it is involved in windows, Linux, and even DOS systems. An airtight patent wall has long been formed. What is the purpose of self-development?

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