In the sea more than 100 kilometers away, the electronic reconnaissance ship belonging to the Fifth Fleet monitored the launch trajectory of the rocket and also noticed the sudden increase in the number of satellite communications in this area.

It is impossible to build many measurement and control facilities just for the Aber launch site, but fortunately this is the space age, satellite monitoring is equally accurate, and the Yuanwang-3 radar ship has also gone abroad to illuminate the Persian Gulf with a large antenna to guide the new Yuan No. 2 has no problem at all.

"...This is Arab National Television. At 12:37 this morning, Arab successfully launched the last module of the 'Hila' space station using the Ahal Tekin heavy rocket affiliated to the Arab Space Agency in Mukala. It will be put into orbit and is expected to complete the docking within two hours, and completely complete the 'Hilla Space Station' before the arrival of the gift..."

When the news of the successful launch came from the radio and television, the pilgrims in the holy city of Mecca burst into cheers. The local clergy had never felt such enthusiasm!

At the Mukala Space Launch Site, dignitaries from the four countries and engineers from Xinyuan Company shook hands with each other and took photos together. Alert, who was already terminally ill, straightened up a lot at this time and hugged Chen Xuan, the engineer from Xinyuan Company who was sent there in high spirits.

"Thank you, thank you to our friends in the East, Allah says you have friendship and we feel this friendship."

Crown Prince Hamand was right next to him, holding Chen Xuan’s hand:

"The Hilla Space Station will be open to our friends. I look forward to one day going into space with Lin to spread the gospel of God to the world. Abel hopes to purchase another TV broadcast satellite from Xinyuan and introduce latitude and longitude navigation to Abel domestic."

Chen Xuan: "Thank you, Your Highness Hamand, I will tell you the truth."

"Look, Jiejin is back!"

An exclamation diverted everyone's attention. It turned out that the first-stage rocket of Xinyuan-2 had appeared in the field of vision and was about to complete the landing procedure.

Above the launch tower in the empty desert, the Ahal Tekin rocket in Aber's heart reappeared in front of them. Many people who had witnessed such a scene for the first time could not help but admire such a miracle.

The tail flame of the M220 in the middle is like the tail of a horse, waving a fiery red trajectory in the air.

Most of the carefully drawn verses were burned away by the atmosphere, but some deliberately fortified sentences remained.

The clergy who had been prepared long ago used the transmission tower's broadcast to announce to the outside world that this was an oracle left by God. He was very satisfied with the palace and generously allowed the Arabs to go up and serve it.

Then Chen Xuan saw that the height of the audience area of ​​the launch site had dropped visibly to the naked eye. Except for tourists and reporters, most Arabs were prostrate on the ground, respectfully listening to God's instructions.

Although they are all overused sentences in the Quran, they can be interpreted here with new meanings, which roughly means that God is very satisfied, you have done a good job, King Alat will go to heaven, and Crown Prince Hamand will come to heaven. Waiting for everyone's expectations.

With just a few paragraphs, the clergy had to explain it for half an hour before it ended, leaving Xinyuan engineers and reporters speechless.

"The latitude and longitude of the sky, aerospace quality, use the latitude and longitude navigation when traveling!"

"Longitude and latitude navigation, accurate to the last detail!"

Advertising slogans like this suddenly began to appear on the roads in cities and towns, indicating that a map software company called "Jingwei Navigation" was trying to enter the market.

Whether it is a high-end TV advertisement or a slogan painted on a residential building next to a national highway, Jingwei Navigation is promoted everywhere.

Jingwei Navigation, as the name suggests, is a civilian navigation software developed mainly based on the Jingwei smart satellite network. It provides navigation and satellite communication services for cars, ships, and aircraft through different terminals.

Unlike the slow Beidou navigation system, Jingwei Smart Network relies on its own high-performance ternary chips to quickly build networks. Its 70 satellites have completed coverage in most areas of the world and full coverage services in Asia.

It was obviously too wasteful to provide such a network to Xin'an Company alone, so Lin Ju started anew and organized "Jingwei Information Technology and Satellite Communications Company" to specialize in navigation and satellite communications services.

Jingwei Information Communications is not a wholly-owned subsidiary of Xinyuan, but a three-party joint venture between Xinyuan, China Satellite Navigation Management Office, and the Science and Technology Commission. The latter two do not interfere in commercial operations and occupy 19% of the shares.

Jingwei Information Communication was not born to make money. Its main purpose is to collect data and establish a transportation database to develop more advanced autonomous driving artificial intelligence.

Jingwei Navigation is connected to Jingwei Smart Network and Beidou Satellite Navigation at the same time, and also cooperates with transportation departments across the country. It aims to create the best navigation software in the country.

In addition to the functions of normal map software, Jingwei Navigation can also connect any car using Beidou or Jingwei smart network to each other for prompt functions.

For example, when driving on a curve in a mountainous area, and the oncoming car happens to be using the latitude and longitude navigation, both car owners will receive prompts to mark the speed and location of the other party on the map to reduce the risk of accidents.

Another example is by contacting local traffic control departments to obtain road control and traffic light conditions, plan the best route for car owners, and wait for traffic lights as little as possible, or even wait for traffic lights.

However, this is a little troublesome because the current national traffic management department is not as efficient and unified as later generations, and it can only be carried out in large cities with good development for the time being.

Of course, in addition to these, Longitude Navigation also has a very special function: conversational artificial intelligence "Longitude".

Xinyuan engineers used the still open network environment to crazily crawl major forums and social software data, fed it to the evolutionary artificial intelligence core extracted from SC09, and cultivated a conversational artificial intelligence similar to the later ChatGPt. intelligent.

Although the XW151/161 series intelligent system already has artificial intelligence, it is very professional and relies on the built-in X321 series chip, which is expensive to use.

"Jingwei" is different. It is a conversational model that can be used as long as it is connected to Xinyuan's server and does not require local computing power.

In order to save computing resources, "Jingwei" runs on a cloud server rented by Xinyuan, and is only open to users who use Jingwei navigation with restrictions. The number of conversations per person per day is limited, but it is basically enough.

The design purpose of "Jingwei" is firstly to be the voice control part of the navigation software, and secondly to chat with the driver to relieve boredom on the way, although it is still very stupid now.

SC09, which takes the "latitude and longitude" of big data models and the path of real-time calculations, has the same origin, but they are two completely different paths. In future autonomous driving applications, everyone still prefers SC09.

Jingwei is just an attempt, but it still brings novel experiences to people, artificial intelligence!

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