I ask you to build tractors, but you build rockets?

Chapter 218 H2M Passenger Transport Version

"Selev? Doesn't the name sound a bit Lucian?"

"Haha, he is an authentic Chinese, maybe because of the influence from Bingcheng, he gave him an ambiguous name."

Xinyuan Company's major personnel changes have long attracted attention. The space agency was the first to discover that a college student who had graduated one year had suddenly become the first vice president, one person below ten thousand people?

During the second manned launch of Steadfast on August 7, the boss caught Lin Ju in Qiongzhou and asked his doubts.

Serev has been checked for a long time. He is indeed an orthodox Chinese who moved from the south a generation ago. When he was studying in school, his grades could only be said to be good. Then he became depressed due to family changes and traveled around the world.

Such an ordinary college student was actually given an offer from Xinyuan Company, and then rose to a high position without being ostracized?

The last point was said by the experts from the Fifth Academy who cooperated in building the experimental cabin at the B-level base. The employees in the base had no objections to the fact that the second boss was young and lacked qualifications. He should still do what he should do. Several senior executives not only had no objections, but even Someone said they seemed to respect Serev?

Lin Ju didn't explain much about this. Anyway, unlike others, Serev had a clean background and had no problems.

"In our company, it all depends on ability. Serev's ability has been recognized by others. As for directly becoming a vice president, our internal situation at Xinyuan is actually different from other companies. The first vice president prefers technical positions."

This vague explanation made the boss nod and realize that he didn't say anything at the same time, but it was hard to ask. Anyway, it was Xinyuan's own business.

He mainly came to see the Long March 10, and Lin Ju came to supervise the launch mission of the Steadfast, and they just happened to meet him.

This time the Steadfast is doing a great job. Xinyuan's own astronaut Hu Dong serves as the commander, with two newcomers acting as deputies. The remaining 7 passengers are 4 foreigners in commercial spaceflight and 3 were lucky enough to win space tickets last year. lucky car owner.

At present, Xinyuan and Oriental International have successively accepted more than 100 space tourists, and the first batch of tourists have just finished their training. After that, there will be at least one flight mission every month, ushering in the period of ultra-high frequency manned launches.

To this end, the Steadfast will also be launched intensively, and at the same time, its own astronauts and engineers will be sent into space one after another.

It is also expected that in the next year or so, Xinyuan will also send school students who have signed employment contracts with Xinyuan into space to continue to enrich its space team.

When the Steadfast is no longer enough, a low-Earth orbit tourist version of H2M may be built. The cabin is completely a passenger aircraft layout, with 4 seats on the left and right, a total of 24 rows, and can accommodate 192 passengers.

The single maintenance cost of H2M is about 140 million yuan. Because there is no need to replace the insulation tiles, the cost has actually dropped significantly compared to H1. The Xinyuan-2A rocket that launched the space shuttle does not need a second-stage rocket, so the cost It is not too high. The fuel consumption and maintenance required for each launch of the combination are about 520 million yuan.

There are 192 seats, which means that the cost of a single seat is only 2.7 million yuan.

If the cost of the passenger version of H2M is set at 3.5 billion, with an average of 100 launches, the cost each time is 35 million, then the cost of a single seat is about 2.9 million yuan.

If it is fully used for external commercial use, each ticket price is 5 million yuan, and the manufacturing cost is recovered in almost 9 flights. After that, the net profit is about 400 million yuan per flight, and 40 billion yuan can be earned after 100 flights.

Counting the need for thorough overhaul and inspection every 15 flights, assuming there are 15 flights per year, most of the time will be mixed with sending people up, which is basically a small profit.

But the greatest significance of the H2M passenger version is that it can send people into space in large numbers, nearly 200 people at a time.

Moreover, because the H2M is very heavy, the thrust-to-weight ratio of the Xinyuan No. 2A is not high. In theory, it can be climbed up if you are healthy and does not require additional training. It is similar to a passenger aircraft, except that the speed when returning is a bit high.

This is the real era of space tourism. As long as nothing unexpected happens, the H2M passenger version will be unparalleled in terms of cost performance and practicality, allowing people to travel to and from space in batches.

Even if the risk is a little over 100 million, that's nearly 200 lives, and it's still aboard a space shuttle. I'm afraid it won't be easy to get approval for a manned flight.

Of course, this is also due to helplessness, because with current technology, before the space shuttle can enter orbit in a single stage, the space shuttle is already the cheapest way to go to space.

However, even at a cost of 2.9 million yuan per person, it is still very expensive, and it is difficult for these 192 people to play a role unless large-scale development of the moon is possible.

But just the current launch capability of the Steadfast is enough to be envied by big names.

At 10 o'clock in the morning, four foreigners and three lucky car owners took a group photo with Lin Ju to show that the latter guaranteed the mission. Then seven passengers wearing the ultimate simplified version of the in-cabin spacesuits went to the launch tower. .

In order to continue to reduce costs, Xinyuan has developed the latest generation of in-cabin spacesuits together with the space agency. At best, it is extremely light, but at the worst, the performance is very poor, which can only be said to be makeshift.

Its only purpose is to ensure that when an accident occurs to the space shuttle, the humans inside can survive for 120 minutes without being exposed to the vacuum and die of blood boiling and suffocation. During this period, the space shuttle quickly returns to the earth and enters the atmosphere. I can survive this.

The mass manufacturing price of such a space suit can be reduced to about 1.5 million, and it can be reused as long as it is not exposed to vacuum, which can also reduce a large amount of cost.

At 11 o'clock sharp, the three crew members and seven passengers were sent into space by the Xinyuan-5A rocket at Station 2 of the Xinyuan Space Launch Site, and then embarked on their own 24-hour space journey.

It was also on this night that Lin Ju saw the Long March 10 that had been mostly hoisted in Building 1 of the Qiongzhou Launch Site.

The core first stage and four boosters have been installed, only the upper stage is missing.

Unlike the Xinyuan rocket, which prefers to use a counterweight as the upper stage for its first launch, the space agency's Long March 10 Yaoyi rocket is a full-state three-stage rocket that can theoretically send payloads to the moon.

Standing at the bottom of the assembly building, Lin Ju and his boss, accompanied by Yun Hongjun, looked up at the tall Long March 10 rocket.

Because it also uses the structure of four liquid boosters, sometimes people think that the Long March 10 is a big old Chang 5, but in fact, the height of the 5-meter booster of the Long March 10 is more than 40 meters, which is almost It has caught up with the overall height of the old Changzheng No. 5B.

In order to increase the manufacturing speed, Long March 10 uses a universal core stage. The core stage and the booster are exactly the same, with the same height, diameter, and number of engines. This means that its first stage will be exhausted almost at the same time as the booster. fuel.

So the second stage is designed to be longer to extend the working time to continue putting the payload and third stage into orbit.

This makes the overall length of the Long March 10 exceed 110 meters after including the escape tower, which is also higher than the Saturn V.

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