Gao Qitao's matter can only be considered a trivial matter for Lin Ju, but uncontrolled airspace and free flight have indeed caused a lot of trouble to the surrounding cities and counties of Xinyuan.

Although Aramco is more open than China, and the number of owners of small private jets is dozens or hundreds of times higher, the difference is still huge.

The terrain of Ami is a large plain, the population is not large, most areas are large farms, and the flight density is not very high, so the impact is only average.

But things are different around Xinyuan. The population is concentrated and there are many planes at Hushan Airport. In just a few months, the number of small and medium-sized sports aircraft stationed at Hushan Airport has exceeded 1,300.

With so many planes, especially the thousands of students at Xinyuan Flight School, rookies often fly blindly over the city. Every day when the air traffic controller opens his eyes, there is a dense area on the radar. There are so many planes that it makes people confused.

Although no major accidents have occurred, nearly a thousand planes fly around every day. While bringing huge supporting facilities and tourism income to the surrounding areas, they also have a considerable impact on daily life. .

In July, several colleges and universities that cooperated with Xinyuan were on vacation. 87% of the nearly 3,800 students chose to stay here to learn flying. Then the instructors took the opportunity to bring the first batch of graduates to demonstrate flying.

It was nothing fancy, just the formation flew over the three surrounding counties and two cities. The number... was 470.

The surrounding residents could really feel the scene of a massive bombing by thousands of planes. Nearly 500 planes were flying densely at low altitude. It felt like the whole city was enveloped in the sound of aircraft engines. The darkness was really shocking, but it was too noisy. !

Even the higher-ups now feel a little regretful. Originally, they thought it would be a reward for companies like Xinyuan to allocate free airspace for test flying aircraft, but for a flight school...

This loophole was exploited so skillfully that it is difficult to take it back now. What will happen to Xinyuan's more than 2,000 aircraft? What should we do about Hushan Airport, which is an extremely important economic growth point for the local area? What to do with the supporting industries established in more than half a year?

The superior leaders are also having a headache, and Xinyuan's position is also very important now. They will definitely not be happy if there is a sudden change, so they must be cautious.

As for Lin Ju himself, he only thinks that the Gao Qitao incident means that the talent pool built by Xinyuan has finally paid off. The new employees in the future will be all-round talents who can immerse themselves in building rockets and dig helium-3 on the moon.

Speaking of the moon, Lin Ju is currently in the capital, watching an experiment at a test base.

In a wasteland, a lander-like thing was tied by chains fixed to the surrounding pillars. Then the engine underneath it started, emitting a light blue tail flame and bringing the lander into the air for more than ten seconds. , and then reduced the thrust and hit the ground.

"This is the 8-ton liquid oxygen and liquid hydrogen rocket engine we are preparing to use for the moon landing. It was modified from the YF75D and is now called YF75M."

The person in charge here said that because it works in a vacuum, the nozzle of this YF75M engine is particularly large. However, due to different test conditions on the ground, there is a slight change from the actual situation.

In the Dawn Project, the mass of the lunar lander is about 25 tons, and the landing engine is this YF75M, with a thrust of 8 tons, which is completely sufficient for the moon, whose gravity is only one-sixth of the earth.

The moon landing plan has also been determined. The spacecraft will carry three astronauts, one will stay in low-Earth orbit, and two will land on the moon.

One thing to mention here is that after the implementation of the Dawn Project, the Aerospace Development Committee believed that since the country was preparing to carry out extraterrestrial landing missions, the term astronaut could be abandoned and it would be more appropriate to use "astronaut" instead.

Although there is no official document, astronauts appear more and more often in official use.

Lin Ju also knows that if the YF90, rich-burning and afterburning cycle 220-ton hydrogen-oxygen engine is successful before 2020, the second stage of the Long March 10 will be replaced with this engine, and the lunar orbit transportation capacity will be increased to 50 tons. Take four astronauts and try to land on the moon with three or four people.

However, the prospects of YF90 are obviously not optimistic.

Accompanying Lin Ju here is Academician She, the general person in charge of the Dawn Project.

Academician She: "The YF77 test results have come out. There are 12 production defects and 7 design defects. The Sixth Academy promised that they will be resolved within 6 months, but I still feel a little troublesome."

It's more than a little troublesome!

Lin Ju knew, however, that YF77 in the original world line had malfunctioned during testing in 2019. It was only in this year that it was completely stabilized, and then the old Long March 5 ushered in a period of high-frequency launches.

It can be said that in the last world line, if YF77 had not been a hindrance, the space station should have been built before 2020.

Therefore, although the current YF77 has definitely increased the scale of personnel and technology investment due to the high investment in the Dawn Project, it is really hard to say whether it can become reliable three years in advance.

The hydrogen-oxygen engine seems to be a bit inconsistent with the space agency. The YF77's three major indicators of specific impulse, thrust-to-weight ratio, and thrust appear to be a bit behind directly, but it is still stumbling, and I don't know where it is stuck.

But Academician She obviously foresaw this, so a few days ago the First Academy placed an order to purchase one H240 and one H80.

Obviously, if the YF77 is really not reliable enough, one H240 and one H80 can be used to replace the second and third stage engines of the Long March 10. However, this is a desperate move and will at most be used for the second launch, especially for the official landing. I definitely still have to use YF77.

The greatest significance of Long March 10 is that the space agency used self-developed rockets to send astronauts to the lunar surface. Every word is important.

Lin Ju: "Xinyuan will fully support the Dawn Project. Whatever we have, we can provide it to the Long March 10. So, if there are some difficulties in the design and materials of YF77, Xinyuan may be able to provide technical support."

"Technical support?" Academician She was a little surprised.

Since the K120, Xinyuan has not conducted any aerospace engine technology exchanges with the outside world, nor does it need to. Their engine technology is amazingly high, and they have never seen a failure!

However, the space agency has a very high evaluation of the K120. It has a high specific impulse, large thrust, high thrust-to-weight ratio, and a small size. It is simply an exquisite work.

The K120 also has great potential. After evaluation, the Sixth Institute believed that if the combustion chamber pressure continues to be increased and the nozzle diameter is slightly enlarged, a 200-ton single-combustion chamber high-thrust kerosene engine can be developed. However, this plan was replaced by the more powerful YF135. That’s all.

But even YF130 and YF135 still have the blood of K120, which can be said to be family heirlooms.

Lin Ju does not attach much importance to the technical support of the space agency. The space agency is not weak, and the YF90 and YF79 developed for the Long March 9 in their plan, especially the latter's closed expansion cycle hydrogen and oxygen engine, can be said to be It is the most advanced in the world at its level.

Traditional technology should be promoted by CASA.

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