Class B base.

In a vacant factory space, an oversized humanoid machine nearly 2.1 meters high was hoisted to the center with a crane, lowered and placed on one of two treadmills placed side by side.

The robot's shoulders were suspended by ropes, but its two humanoid feet were in contact with the treadmill.

Then a person wearing a jumpsuit with electrodes all over his body walked onto another treadmill. After his back was also connected to a cable hanging from his head, he moved a little and then made an OK gesture.

Around him, there are sensors and cameras surrounding his body. The data from these devices, like the sensors on his body, will transmit information to the robot's computer.

The staff immediately powered on the robot, and the miniature screen on the head of the humanoid robot, which was almost the same as a Terminator, lit up. It ran through a series of data and then stopped. It was no different from when it was not powered on.

"Zhang Wei, start walking!"

Zhang Wei, who was on the treadmill on the right, heard the instructions, hesitated a little and then started walking at a normal pace. As he walked, the electrodes all over his body moved in space with his body.

The surrounding cameras and the sensors on the body acquire his movement data from two directions and transmit it to the robot while also displaying the captured 3D real-time dynamic model on the controller's computer.

Zhang Wei did not deliberately adjust his movements. He just walked easily on the treadmill and his hands naturally swayed slightly. After a few minutes, he was ordered to run fast.

Then there were various movements such as jogging, jumping, spinning on the spot, crawling, rolling, etc. After more than an hour of tossing, beads of sweat gradually appeared on Zhang Wei's forehead.

In addition to the instructions for constantly changing movements, there are only the constantly beating indicators of the infrared camera and lidar.

Of course, equally busy is the Star-1 supercomputer running at full power under the cooling of a large number of air conditioners in a three-story basement a few hundred meters away.

It's just that what's running at this time is not the base's artificial intelligence "Shan Hai", but the single learning robot AI: Brave.

This is the name of the AI ​​model used in the humanoid bionic robot jointly developed by the Ministry of Microelectronics and the Ministry of Light Machinery. The name was given by Serev.

Bravery can be explained as "Valentin" in Russian. Serev happened to have a close comrade named Valentin Petrovich Grushko.

Serev was deeply impressed by his friend, so when he was soliciting names internally, he did not hesitate to name it Brave, in memory of his dear Valentin.

"Brave" is the first new design of the Microelectronics Department after absorbing SC09 technology. It is a self-learning artificial intelligence model prepared for assistive robots from the beginning.

It only needs to be fed as much data as possible during the research and development stage, and it will be able to learn skills independently. After iterating to a mature state, it can be loaded into the chip of a single robot and be able to perform various tasks perfectly.

Now, it has to learn to walk.

Zhang Wei almost did all kinds of actions that humans can do before he was let go in the end.

This is the first individual data received by "Brave". It quickly learned this data on the Star-1 computer, and was then given control of the "Warrior" robot.

More than a dozen researchers and Zhang Wei, who was so tired that he sat on the ground, looked nervously at the Warrior 001 robot. It had been taken over and controlled and given the "instruction to walk 50 meters on the treadmill."

The moment Warrior 001 was taken over by "Brave", his posture changed. His originally bent leg joints stood up straight, and the ropes hanging from his shoulders immediately relaxed.

The two robotic arms made different movements asynchronously, just like a normal human being, with his hands relaxed and slightly open, standing firmly in place.

A researcher exclaimed because they did not write any walking program and only preset the basic parameters and parts data of the Warrior robot to let the AI ​​understand its own body.

As for how to move, it is theoretically possible to walk on two legs like humans, stand upside down, or crawl on all fours like a strange species. It all depends on the AI's own judgment.

Obviously, "Brave" chose to learn the humanoid walking style of the sample.

Warrior 001 paused for a second or two, and then started moving on the spot. It immediately took a big step forward with its left leg, and its entire body leaned forward quickly due to the change in its center of gravity.

Warrior 1 is not light. The 2.1-meter-long body is packed with various equipment, and the mass reaches 270kg. This is the result of some weight reduction measures.

As soon as it made its first move, people present noticed that its posture was a bit uncoordinated and stiff. Its arms did not move in time to adjust its center of gravity, and they felt that it was bound to fall.

This is indeed the case. The whole body of Warrior 1 fell forward, but the ropes fixed on the shoulders tightened immediately. The ropes with some elasticity caused the robot to suddenly experience a huge force, and suddenly there was another Reverse downward trend.

But "Brave" did not wait for it to stabilize itself under the action of the rope. Its limbs and movable joints on its body began to suddenly move like a drowning person, and its body weighing more than 500 kilograms staggered and moved randomly on the treadmill.

In the eyes of everyone, the process from taking the first step to falling over and struggling on Warrior 1 only lasted a few seconds. However, within these seconds, researchers who already had an in-depth understanding of artificial intelligence were shocked beyond words. .

Because "Brave" tried to correct its posture too quickly after realizing that it was about to fall down. It directly mobilized all the movable parts of the body and constantly adjusted its center of gravity based on the sensors and databases all over the body at a speed that was almost human instinct. Trying to stand firm.

Such batch instruction processing instructions and response speed are far beyond this era.

The manufacturing of robot technology, including joints, micro-motors and other technologies, actually had the potential to be almost as human-like around the 1970s, but control technology has always been a difficulty.

As for the performance of Warrior 001, it will definitely make people think it is fake.

At this time, Warrior 001 has almost stood firm. Its two legs are leaning forward and backward, and the rope straps on its shoulders have returned to a relaxed state. Warrior 001 carefully retracts its legs and returns to the position waiting for instructions. Standing state.

At the same time, the researchers also realized that the reason why they were a little stiff when taking the first step was because "Brave" was hesitating and testing whether he could take such a step.

After standing firm, Warrior 001 started its task again. This time, it still stepped out with its left leg, but at the same time, it began to move its hands in tandem.

Then under the surprised eyes of everyone, Warrior 001, who moved forward with his left hand and left foot at the same time, took his second step, completing this step in a way that no one expected:

Its right leg was slightly curled, and it moved to the position of its left leg with its toes dragging the ground, and then stood up straight with both legs.

After that, Warrior 1 was like a disabled person with a problem with his right leg. Every time, he stepped out with his left leg and left hand at the same time. Because the same hand and foot were slightly tilted to the left, he stepped out about 1 meter away, and then stiffly moved his right foot over. Stand firm and start the next cycle.

With this weird posture, Warrior 1 started walking on the treadmill, limping and repeating. Perhaps because it collected data on its own, the speed seemed to be slightly faster in the last few steps.

The researchers were stunned. It was obvious that after Warrior 1 tried to walk successfully once, it completed the instructions in a repeated manner without making any more attempts.

Although this sounds "not enterprising", it is obvious that Warrior 001 has completed the task assigned to it.

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