On October 20, the Long March-7A made its first flight and sent three Laurel series resource exploration satellites into lunar orbit.

And its overall recycling method, which looks bulky but is actually clever and whose dead weight is not too big, has also been a complete success.

The first and a half stage of the Long March 7A successfully landed at the landing site of the Qiongzhou Space Launch Site. Compared with the Long March 6, its attitude is much more stable due to its larger weight and volume, and its descent process is also smooth.

This launch of CCAV (ChinaCentrolAudioVideo) was still broadcast live. The female anchor of the news channel was as unprofessional as ever, yelling about the recovery process of Long March 7, successfully raising the audience's expectations.

In fact, the conditions of the Qiongzhou Space Launch Site are quite superior. Although it is located at 19 degrees north latitude instead of the equator, it is still much better than Aramco's Cape Caraveral, which has a latitude of 28 degrees.

The reason why Lao Ma is keen on maritime recovery is because the maritime recovery journey is shorter for Falcon 9, and it can recover at low latitudes to reduce the fuel used for recovery, thus increasing its transportation capacity.

Falcon 9 has a land recovery LEO capacity of 13.7 tons, and the sea recovery LEO capacity can reach 19.4 tons. There is a huge gap.

Qiongzhou does not have this trouble. The transport capacity of this dimension is not much different from that of equatorial launch. Land recovery is enough. It is not meaningful to go to sea to recover. It is just that Xinyuan 1 has been carried out several times as a technical reserve.

The space agency is extremely excited about the success of this recovery. The Long March 7 (recovery) LEO transport capacity is 25 tons, the GTO transport capacity is 14 tons, the lunar transfer orbit has a transport capacity of 9.8 tons, and the Mars orbit has a transport capacity of 4.4 tons.

This kind of transport capacity can already be used as a heavy-duty rocket, which can carry manned spacecraft, space stations, large cargo spacecrafts, large lunar probes, and large Mars probes. The price is still low, only one-seventh of the old Long March 5B originally developed. .

Compared with the Long March 6, the Long March 7 is where the space agency officially masters the ability to launch payloads into space in large quantities at low cost. The internal launch cost is at least half cheaper than that of the Falcon 9.

The entire Long March 7 received collective praise. At the same time, Chief Engineer Feng Ruixing and another rocket body (level one and a half) design researcher were directly assigned quotas for space training next year as a sign of encouragement.

It's just that the Sixth Institute is under a little more pressure, because the success of the Long March 7A is due to the H80 in the second level and the YF75 hydrogen-oxygen engine in the third level. If it is the original YF115, it will definitely not work, but the YF75 in the third level is okay. .

There is only one H80. If we want to continue to maintain the recyclable LEO capacity of 25 tons instead of being forced to return to YF115 and drop to 20 tons for stability, we must make the YF77 particularly stable for the Sixth Institute.

After all, YF77 has already made a fool of itself in front of the people of the country. Both Long March 7 and Long March 10 will carry people, and the stability is best to be infinitely close to 100%.

The Long March 8, a slimmed down version of the Chang 7, has actually been built, but its launch mission is mainly to high orbit and sun-synchronous orbit. The satellite will have to wait until next year, so it will be put there for now.

"Mr. Guo? How are you feeling now?"

"Happy, I'm very happy!"

In the crew cabin of the Unity, Guo Shen connected with the TV host in Beijing and shouted out his feelings.

The connection time for the interview was not very good. It was one hour before the launch of Unity. The ground found that there was a strange smell in the crew cabin due to maintenance work on the interior. The ventilation was being carried out at full power, and the whirring noise made the microphone a little noisy.

But it doesn't matter even if you can't hear Guo Shen's words clearly. At this time, the latter's mood was beyond words, and he almost wrinkled up with laughter.

Because he was wearing a jumpsuit, Guo Shen's Mediterranean hair was perfectly covered, and he looked a little handsome.

Zhou Qingfeng looked enviously at the internal images of the Unity that were broadcast live on the square screen, imagining that he was sitting inside.

Next to him, Zhou Rui did not pay attention to his grandson as before. Instead, he stared at his mobile phone intently, making uncontrollable laughter from time to time.

Zhou Qingfeng glanced at the middle-aged woman swaying in the picture, which planted a less serious seed in his growing heart.

Looking around again, many people are also lowering their heads and giggling. The recently popular BGM can be felt from the rhythm of the play without listening carefully.

It has been online for more than a month, and with stronger promotion, Douyin is even more popular than the original World Line.

The charm of short videos is unprecedented. With the beginning of the 4G era, traffic has found its true destination.

After Zhang Yingming himself opened an account to bring goods to Jingwei Satellite Network, his video views exceeded 10 million in three days and he had millions of fans, which is unmatched by other social platforms.

Xinyuan Aerospace Power now has more than 5 million fans. In addition to being the first official user to settle in, the content output is very unique. Many short videos of life on the Tiangong Space Station are also posted here, which can be found in other places. can not see.

But although Zhou Rui was already addicted to short videos, he was clearly aware of its addictive nature and strictly restricted Zhou Qingfeng from watching short videos.

In order to find something for Zhou Qingfeng to do without thinking about short videos all day long, he took one day off and three days on the weekend to take his grandson to the Zhuhai Air Show to see technological products while the junior high school was not so busy.

"Grandpa? Green light, green light!"

"Hey...uh, oh, let's go."

Zhou Rui clicked the red heart twice to turn off the screen, then led Zhou Qingfeng and walked quickly across the road. It was only a few hundred meters away from the exhibition hall.

There was a sudden loud noise in the sky. Zhou Qingfeng subconsciously looked up and saw two silver-gray fighter planes passing by at low speed, passing over the war zone and flying into the distance.

This year, the J-20 has officially entered service and announced in advance that it will have a demonstration flight at this air show. The opening is tomorrow, and now it is obviously a simple rehearsal.

Many passers-by shouted "Wow" and "Wow" and picked up their mobile phones to record short videos, but Zhou Qingfeng and Zhou Rui were not among them. As people from Chengdu, the yellow-skinned and gray-skinned J-20s were already used to flying overhead all day long. , it has been 5 years since the first flight and local residents can see it when they look up.

"Qingfeng, do you want to fly a J-20 when you grow up?"

Zhou Qingfeng: "No, I want to be an astronaut, I want to fly a space shuttle and land on Mars!"

"If you join the Air Force, you will have the opportunity to become an astronaut. The astronaut brigade will have little stars for you."

"But there are a lot of people flying into Xinyuan."


It was a simple reason, but Zhou Rui had to admit that the temptation was indeed very strong.

According to public information, we can know that the internal flight cost of Xinyuan is very low, so it can continue to send people into space.

There are rumors at Southern University of Aeronautics and Astronautics that the earliest batch of students established by the School of Aeronautics and Astronautics, that is, more than 200 students who changed majors, will graduate in 2017. Among them, the top 100 students with outstanding professional scores and flight school performance will graduate in space. graduation.

It is unknown whether it is true or not, but it does sound scary. Xinyuan has the ability to send 100 people into space.

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