"Land Warrior?"

In the outer circle of the booth, a Pratt \u0026 Whitney staff who came to sell their own civil aviation engines thought of something and blurted it out.

Land Warrior, the "Land Warrior" individual combat system proposed by Aramco in 1991, includes a series of equipment including powered exoskeletons and combat robots. However, it was almost canceled several times, but many people know about it.

Is Warrior One the Chinese version of "Land Warrior"?

Northern Ordnance and Aerospace Science and Industry immediately thought of the practical value of Warrior One, and the image of Warrior One carrying the 89 heavy machine in a street battle raid appeared in their minds.

As a model example of artificial intelligence, Warrior 1 attracted a lot of attention on the first day of the exhibition.

Dayton Airport, Ohio.

Sierra Nevada Corporation joins Lockheed Martin and most of NACA's Dream Chaser personnel in welcoming visitors.

The visitors were a team of seven or eight people, the leader of whom was in his fifties and very energetic.

Dozens of people gathered in the hangar and it didn't seem crowded. This was an airport prepared for the Dream Chaser series of space shuttles. A comprehensive hangar was specially built to integrate inspection, maintenance, and renovation, covering a large area.

The Dream Chaser B1 space shuttle, which has completed its first flight, is being hoisted in mid-air and is undergoing further modifications inside.

There are still: 3 days until the boss election day.

"Mr. John, this is the Dream Chaser. It is installing follow-up equipment and will conduct a fully unmanned test flight in 15 days. It will be able to achieve manned flight next time."

The official in charge of NACA's Dream Chaser project proudly introduced it to the visitors, who nodded repeatedly and raised their heads proudly:

"Yes, I know this is the new shuttle, and Amy spent five years without the shuttle and now we have her again, which is good, very good.

The space shuttle is the symbol of advanced space technology, and I know we are still great. "

John tilted his head and cast a questioning look at the staff. After receiving a nod of permission, he wiped his hand on the red tie, and then gently placed it on the bottom insulation tile of the Dream Chaser.

Feeling the cold touch of the insulating ceramics, John turned his head and uttered:

"This is our H1. On behalf of John's company, I would like to provide a free donation of US$5,000 per person to all Dream Chaser workers, all of you. As an Aramco citizen, I commend you for your hard work."

Although he is one of the only two candidates, John does not regard himself as a preparatory BOSS and is very cautious in his words.

When it comes to cash rewards, John's tall figure of 1.9 meters becomes even more majestic in the eyes of everyone. They feel that although this former state legislator accompanying him is a bit unreliable, he still supports the aerospace industry!

"Thank you. On behalf of everyone, I would like to thank Mr. John for his selfless donation..."

Eamon, the general project leader of the Sierra Nevada Company, held John's hand, and then listened to the latter continue:

"I guess Dream Chaser must have a business plan, right?"

Eamon: "Of course, Sierra Nevada Company is a company dedicated to transporting people to and from the earth, so it naturally has plans in this regard."

John: "I had previously planned to go to space on the H1, but I'd be willing to pay $30 million if you could do a tourist flight next year."

"...wow," Eamon didn't expect that a passenger would come to his door and be willing to pay such a high price, and he was immediately touched.

"Thank you for your support of Aramco's space career, as you said, this is exactly..."

"Ami rises! Right?"

John didn't care at all about spending 30 million US dollars. Nowadays, more and more rich people are going to space, but many of them go to the Oriental International Space Hotel. He is more willing to support his own company and let the glory of freedom shine on the world again.

As a die-hard idol of Texas rednecks, John's image has always been dedicated to protecting local interests and shifting his focus to people's livelihood and social environment, which is very different from the traditional white elite like Diane.

Don't be right and only protect the small profits of the common people. Although it is not in line with traditional values ​​at all, John still doesn't intend to change.

After all, he had become a state legislator and knew what people really cared about.

The only variable was the Dawn Project, which forced NACA to start and accelerate the Artemis moon landing program in advance. After a year, the competition has entered a white-hot stage.

The launch of the Long March 10 in August reminded countless old AmeriCorps people of the greatness of the Apollo program. The astronauts of the Apollo program who were not yet dead frequently appeared in the media to fight against the moon landing conspiracy theory. There have been Buzz Aldrin, who suffered from Alzheimer's disease, went on a lecture tour in middle schools across the country, trying to inspire people to dream about space.

John and Diane's campaign slogans also inevitably included space elements, which in the former's opinion is likely to be an extremely important key point.

In the week before Election Day, John visited multiple aerospace companies and continuously made donations. After all, as a state legislator and his family business, there was no shortage of money.

Dream Chaser is the last stop, and he has thus clarified the basic structure of the current space race:

CASA has less experience and started late, but it has made rapid progress. Although some technologies are still lacking, it is maturing rapidly through strong industrial capabilities and a rich talent system, and its achievements in some aspects have surpassed NACA;

XAP, a mysterious and powerful aerospace company whose background is suspected to be supported by the world’s Chinese elites, has considerable technical foundation and strong strength;

CASA + See, the advantage is mine.

In terms of spacecraft, SLS is benchmarked against Long March 10, Dream Chaser is benchmarked against H1, FATS program is benchmarked against H2, Super Heavy-Starship is benchmarked against Xinyuan-3, Latitude and Longitude Satellite Network is benchmarked against Starlink, and ISS is benchmarked against Tiangong, which is roughly the same. .

The centrifugal space station is lagging behind, the super giant rocket is lagging behind, and the manufacturing capacity is lagging behind.

Especially the last one. It was true that the Long March 10 only took 10 months from project establishment to launch, which shocked the peers. This means that the manufacturing time of the Long March 10 will not exceed 6 months, or even just more than four months. No matter how hard it is, It can be launched three times a year, surpassing Ami during the Apollo program.

After clarifying these, John knew what he should do.

After leaving Ohio, John and Diane held their final general election debate at Texas Tech University on November 3, two days before the election.

Diane quietly watched John interact with the crowd and just read the manuscript silently.

Television debates are a classic part of a boss battle. Both sides have to debate from multiple fields and take the opportunity to express their work lines and win over voters.

Diane is obviously a sure winner. Even though John is very popular, he is just a successful real estate businessman. She has spent her life dancing in the political arena and knows better when to do something.

The host started with the economic, cultural, medical and other aspects. Although John also had a staff team, he obviously did not have the experience of Diane who had practiced it. It did not take long for him to be at a disadvantage.

Compared with Diane, who is calm and organized, John seems overly impatient. He is in his fifties and is slightly younger than Diane. He even said that Diane "doesn't have the look of a boss, she doesn't have the energy."

Diane countered: "As long as he first visits 112 countries, negotiates a peace agreement, a ceasefire agreement, assists in the release of dissidents...or even testifies for 11 hours before a congressional committee, he will come and talk to me about his energy. "

The atmosphere between the two parties was obviously not harmonious. Fortunately, the host ended the current topic and led to the last one: space.

Diane's answer basically continued Xiaohei's view of the Artemis mission, believing that NACA is the light of freedom, and particularly emphasized that the Artemis project is different from the "stereotypical" Apollo project, and that women and The black man, the unspeakable man, was sent to the surface of the moon.

This 100% correct statement received a lot of applause, and then waited for the response from Michael Jackson's best friend.

John lowered his eyebrows and glanced at the manuscript prepared by his staff, then turned it over face down.

"Gentlemen, citizens of the United States who have grown up free, I say to you, as they describe it, the second space race has begun.

This is different from the past. It does not mean that we spend a lot of effort to send humans to space and the moon just to get 'the NO.1'. What we are going to do is to build a new home on the moon and Mars. , looking for new colonies.

Six Artemis missions, 24 astronauts, twice as many as the Apollo program, but this is not enough. Our goal should be to put 240 or 24,000 people on the spacecraft and let them fly to the universe, just like crossing the Atlantic Ocean in the Age of Discovery of ancestors.

Its significance is far greater than we imagine..."

John's words were not gorgeous, but Diane was keenly aware of the meaning he wanted to express: Diane only regarded the space race as part of the campaign. Like the previous mainstream thinking, she believed that the formal moon landing was of limited significance. Nowadays, the public is more Concerned with the affairs of the earth;

But John obviously regards the space race as his main mission, and he is quite willing to fight at all costs.

This young man... doesn't want to do any big work, right?

Diane felt a little uneasy, and her intuition told her that John was about to say something shocking.

Compared to her formulaic speech, John tried his best to use popular sentences to make space closer to civilians. After all, the basic Texas red necks always believe in flat earth theory and shoe religion, and their educational level is still slightly behind the elite.

Fortunately, many of the audience present today are students from local universities. The effect was pretty good, and the emotions were mobilized well. John finally started to unleash his ultimate move:

"...No one knows how to be the boss of the space age better than me. If I am elected, I will fly into space on the Dream Chaser space shuttle next year!"

Audience: applauded wildly (shocked.JPG).

This is much more exciting than listening to current political news. As expected, John is able to make a living. The idea of ​​Ami boss going into space is a good idea as soon as he hears it.

John was very satisfied with the response and shouted out in a trembling voice the decision he made after discussing with his staff all night and visiting many NACA officials:

“The moon is just a small step in human exploration of extraterrestrial planets. It is not suitable for human survival. It is just an outpost of our homeland. It is desolate and small. The Artemis project is just the beginning.

The goal of the 21st century should be to colonize the solar system. We must move toward the Earth-like planets where colonies are most likely to be colonized, establish colonial cities with more than 1,000 people, and completely free mankind from dependence on the blue planet!

I want to promote the entire civilized world to carry out the Mars colonization plan of Ares, the God of War! The entire Ares plan will be completed by Aramco, creating 1 million jobs, solving the unemployment problem of at least 5 million families, and at the same time launching a two-trillion-dollar infrastructure plan in the new era, heading towards the interstellar era!

In 8 years, we will send humans to Mars and establish the first long-term colony by 2024! "

"We choose to go to the Mars, not because it's esay but because it's hard! We choose to go to the Mars in the next 8 years, overcome all difficulties and become great again!

(We choose to go to Mars, not because it is easy, but because it is difficult! We choose to go to Mars in the next 8 years, overcome all difficulties, and become great again!) "

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