During the lunch break at the No. 8 Affiliated Middle School in Chengdu, Zhou Qingfeng and two exchange students gathered together, their eyes focused on the mobile phone screen that was flush with the bottom of the table.

At the beginning of the video, the title flashed: "If I had known earlier, boys would also be..."

This is a "good thing" that the exchange students from Taiwan Junior High School and No. 8 Middle School exchange program said. They have never seen it in mainland China, so they got together after class to share it.

The three children watched so intently that they did not notice the dangerous gaze flashing outside the window.

"Look at this Binbin, he's just inferior."

"Come on, let's take you back to your room to check on Kang."

"Brother Jie, what is this?"

"Brother Jie, no, no, Brother Jie!"



Zhou Qingfeng jumped up from his stool with a scream. This was not because he was shocked by the content of the video, but because a pair of big hands suddenly grabbed his ears.

With a dark face, the dean pulled out his cell phone and said, "Go to the office." Then he checked what was on his cell phone.

When the video ended, the junior high school exchange student reluctantly turned his attention to the dean and forced a smile:

"Teacher, this is education..."

"go out!"

After being scolded and having his phone confiscated, Zhou Qingfeng and exchange student Huang Xiaobin went to the cafeteria to eat together. The latter complained a few times about how expensive his HTC phone was, and then quickly forgot about it and moved on to other topics:

"Zhou Qingfeng, do you want to be an astronaut in the future?"

Zhou Qingfeng put down his chopsticks and puffed up his chest: "Of course, I have also flown on Xinyuan Company's training aircraft and have entered the preparatory astronaut sequence."

"What does it mean to be a preparatory astronaut? Weren't we just ordinary people before we were preparatory astronauts?"

"No, I want to be a reserve astronaut, so I will be a reserve astronaut."


Huang Xiaobin was speechless for a while, but Zhou Qingfeng had an astronaut grandfather, and the possibility of becoming an astronaut in the future was indeed not small.

"By the way, Abin, why do you want to be an exchange student?"

Huang Xiaobin: "I also want to be an astronaut. I think this place is very good. I will take the exam here to enter the Southern University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, and maybe I can become an astronaut."

Their university requirements are a bit different. Only students from mainland China who take the unified examination can enter, not those from Bay Island. "

Zhou Qingfeng: "Wow, your family must be very rich to send you here to study alone."

Huang Xiaobin: "Actually, it is at the level of ordinary people. The main reason is Mr. Ma's exchange scholarship fund project.

After Mr. Ma was re-elected, he said that mainland China will be able to go to the moon in a few years. At that time, astronauts from the Bay Island will also go there. We need to strengthen cooperation from now on. I heard that schools in more than 20 provinces in the mainland are accepting students like me. Each of the students can receive at least 1,000 RMB a month from the exchange scholarship fund. "

1000 RMB? There are two of our classes, a total of 10 classes, with exchange students. I heard that four grades from the first year of junior high school to the first year of high school participate in the exchange program, that is 80 people, and the monthly stipend is 10,000?

Zhou Qingfeng calculated in his mind, and then became shocked:

"One thousand yuan. I only spend 100 yuan in pocket money a week. Doesn't that mean that if I go to your place, I can get more than twice the living expenses in a month? I also want to be an exchange student. I also want to exchange!"

Huang Xiaobin: "Although I have a lot of pocket money when I get here, I feel that the mainland is safe and large. I don't want to go back. My father said that my ancestral home is Fujian and I will go back to my hometown to recognize my ancestors."

Zhou Qingfeng: "I still want to go there. I heard that the people there talk like oh oh oh oh."

Huang Xiaobin: "Actually, this didn't happen long ago. We used to use Mandarin, but the current accent has only been implemented for less than 20 years. Mr. Ma now said that it needs to be changed and re-corrected to Mandarin."

Zhou Qingfeng: "I feel like I forgot something."

Huang Xiaobin slapped his head suddenly and shouted:

"Today is the launch date of the Chang'e-5 mission! It launched at 13:30, and it's now 13:20!"

The two hurriedly packed up the plates and ran all the way back to the classroom. They found that the classroom was already filled with most students, all watching the CCTV live broadcast on the multimedia screen in front.

At this time, there were still 5 minutes left before the launch, and the female host of the TV station was still chatting with guests from the Aerospace Development Commission’s lunar exploration project:

"Mr. Zhang, the Yutu 3 robot looks very similar to the Explorer 1. Is there any relationship between them?"

Guest: "First of all, let me say that the Chang'e-5 mission is a lunar exploration project conducted through internal bidding by the Aviation Development Commission. Each department can choose the bidder's plan and then conduct joint development.

Just like the rover for this mission, Xinyuan Aerospace Power won the bid for a new generation universal multi-legged robot platform developed based on Explorer. Then it started joint development with the Fifth Academy of Engineering and was given the name Yutu 3.

Other parts such as lander design also involve the participation of other private enterprises. Through this division of labor and cooperation, research and development costs can be greatly reduced and the space agency's energy can be saved. "

Host: "Yutu 3 is said to be equipped with a nuclear battery. Can the specific information be disclosed?"

Guest: "Yutu 3 is equipped with a new generation of high-power nuclear batteries with independent intellectual property rights held by Chinese companies. It can output 280W of power while maintaining a weight of 50 kilograms. It can output 5.6W of power per kilogram. The same type of nuclear battery in the world The battery can only output about 3.1W per kilogram.

Therefore, Yutu-3 is at a leading level in the world as a whole. "

Seeing Huang Xiaobin's slightly confused eyes, Zhou Qingfeng immediately seized the opportunity to express:

"What this expert is talking about is the nuclear battery on the Amae Curiosity rover. Our nuclear battery has twice the power as their weight, ranking first in the world!"

"Wow, Aomine, you are so awesome."

"Our country is great!" Zhou Qingfeng corrected Huang Xiaobin's wrong choice of words. "Better than Ami!"

Huang Xiaobin: "I didn't expect that mainland China has surpassed Ami. It's great."

On TV, the host glanced at the rocket launch countdown next to the teleprompter and ended the guest interview session:

"The Chang'e-5 unmanned mission carried a total of three 5.8-ton landers, six Yutu-3 robots, and four cube microsatellites designed by the Baodao Academy of Sciences. The Chang'e-5 mission will be the single human mission to date. The heaviest of all landers launched on the moon, it is also the one that carries the largest number of rovers and has the widest detection range.

They will provide preliminary preparations for our country’s future lunar landing and development and lead our lunar dream forward. "

After the words fell, the screen switched to Station 3 of the Qiongzhou launch site. The Xinyuan-2B rocket was painted with the traditional blue and white paint of the space agency. The gray and black rocket body was painted with a series of logos of the Aviation Development Commission. The reusable secondary color is a bit too dark and jarring.

Zhou Qingfeng and his classmates counted down together. At the zero moment, seven methane engines took the rocket away from the launch pad.

On December 14, the Chang'e-5 launch mission was successfully completed.

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