I ask you to build tractors, but you build rockets?

Chapter 313 Meteorological Bureau Warning

“Two months ago, you said that NACA was about to reverse its backwardness and move into a parallel stage, and in the long run it would gradually surpass it;

One month ago, you said that NACA was following closely behind and could overtake at any time;

Half a month ago, the Dream Chaser had a flight failure, and we had to use Lucia's Alliance spacecraft to launch the crew again, and paid the highest ticket price in history. Aramco, as the defaulting party, paid 70% of the cost, but you still say, this It’s a small problem;

Now, Director Claire, are you telling me that we're going to lose the game? "

John slowly counted the changes in the situation in the past few months, his expression became stiffer and stiffer, and the anger in his heart reached the extreme.

Before taking office, we were slightly behind. After taking office, there was a space shuttle failure, and then we suddenly fell behind by a large margin. Who can handle this?

Could it be that the whole world is deliberately targeting me and the blessed land blessed by God? !

John took a lot of effort to calm down and asked Claire:

"Leaving aside our progress, according to CASA's schedule, they are the fourth rocket to land on the moon. That will have to be next year. Why do we say it is possible for them to land on the moon in August this year?"

Claire: "In the competition to return to the moon, many of the public parts of these plans are not credible. 56 years ago, we competed with the alliance to send the first man into space. What they claimed before launching Gagarin was just An unmanned experiment, no one knew that Gagarin had already launched.

If I were the director of CASA, with the advancement of modern technology, I would be able to take a limited risk for the temptation of eight months in advance. We must be prepared for the worst. "

John: "Then, which one is more risky for the Artemis program, or their adventure, is canceling the manned flight around the moon and using the second SLS rocket to land on the moon?"

Claire: "Although they have one more flight, Aramco has experience of landing on the moon, the technology is more mature, and the risks are actually not much different."

John: "Claire, you have to be responsible for the lives of astronauts."

Claire: "Also responsible for the honor of the United States."

John stood up, turned around and looked out the window, thinking for a long time before looking back.

“Your Excellency, Director, first of all, you must understand why we have invested so much money in the Artemis Project. This is also the reason why the Ares Project, the God of War, has not initiated a formal motion;

Artemis plans a series of investments worth hundreds of billions of dollars, and Congress has given its full support to transfer taxpayers' money from social welfare to NACA projects. All of them have only one purpose: Aramco is number one. "

Claire understood John’s underlying words: If the first place cannot be guaranteed, the support for NACA in Congress will become limited next time, and John will not be able to maintain strong support.

However, NACA is not a state-owned enterprise. It does not have a huge factory with tens of thousands of people and subordinate supporting factories that rigidly execute orders. In many cases, it is not what Claire wants to do.

"Claire, I don't care what method you use to let Ami win first place, make us great again, and let the world see our strength. I have already started where I can, and the same goes for NACA."

John spoke calmly and forcefully, and finally opened up a big deal for Claire and the companies that rely on NACA.

"Show me your strength. The investment in the Ares project is unprecedented. You need to give me the motivation to promote it."

Claire was silent for a while, and finally made up her mind after a long time.

With advanced technology half a century later, we shouldn’t need to be so cautious anymore, right? Maybe some of the rules and regulations in aerospace can be ignored for the time being.

Adventure is also part of history.


Nadiradze held his watch and turned on his computer, watching the live broadcast of the launch of the Long March 10 Yao-2 rocket through the Jingwei Network satellite antenna.

In the past two months, Nadiradze and some Lucia experts began to take over the development of the Gaganyan project, thoroughly sorted out the Indian aerospace industry, and then began to promote targeted research on various subsystems.

The Jaganyan spaceship was too backward. It was so backward that it could only be said to be usable. It had nothing to praise at all and was full of shortcomings. In comparison, the Vostok spacecraft seemed safer.

Due to the lack of accumulation of aerospace technology, the design of the Jaganyan spacecraft is full of ideas of "I can do it if I think about it", and some even run counter to the aerospace path.

Fortunately, in order to improve the progress of the Gaganyan spacecraft as soon as possible, ISRO finally made the most correct decision for the entire Gaganyan project: all project management will be taken over by Lucia experts.

Because ISRO was taken advantage of and paid a large sum of money, and the technology was backward, Nadirazi followed the instructions and gave the technology no reservations. He also copied some backward designs that were limited by the times, because this was actually giving ISRO of workers reduce brain cell consumption.

The improved Gaganyan spacecraft is still heavy, with small usable space and poor comfort. However, Nadiradze has fully considered the many uncertainties of manufacturing in India and has heavily increased the safety design. Everywhere is full of safety concerns. Distrust of the third brother.

Looking at CASA in comparison... Nadiradze even suspected that the reason why the third brother still wanted to compare was because he didn't understand the technical level of CASA.

Although the space agency has always been very low-key about its YF130: because in their view, the non-reusability of the dual combustion chamber is already reversing history, and it is a last resort. It has nothing special about it except thrust.

But this cannot change the status of the YF130: the world's largest dual-combustion chamber liquid oxygen kerosene high-pressure supplementary combustion engine, it is still ranked ahead of the RD170, and it seems to lag behind the K380.

It is indeed lagging behind the K380, but apart from this monster, the YF130 and the YF135 with a single combustion chamber of 360 tons of thrust are already the world's leading high-performance engines.

You know, Alliance is the expert in kerosene engines!

In this mentality of worrying about gains and losses, the Long March 10 has been completely covered by the low-temperature white mist and has entered the final procedures before launch.

On the Bund of the launch site, there were hundreds of thousands of spectators who were concerned about the moon landing.

What’s interesting is that this time, a large proportion of the audience came from the Gulf Islands and island countries. They didn’t seem to be out of place in the crowd, and it was almost impossible to tell them apart unless they came up to talk.

Many islanders have learned to count down in Chinese, and their pride when cheering for the rocket launch is even stronger than that of people on the mainland.

In the launch center, Yun Hongjun and Liu Minglu clasped their hands and prayed wildly to Mr. Qian in their hearts.

Before YF77G was installed on the rocket, the assembly workshop secretly held a consecration ceremony in the factory. Taoist monks were invited to perform the ceremony. The welding rods and screws were worshiped with three animals. The leaders of the Jingu Rocket Base did not respond at all. Just clean the road and set off some firecrackers before loading the rockets for transportation.

There is no way. If YF77G fails again this time, it will be over. It will not be finished without a few chief divisions, and it will seriously interfere with the progress of the Dawn Project, then the problem will be huge.

However, they are not without backup. The Xinyuan engineers who will guide the improvement of YF77G guarantee that there will be no problems. Otherwise, they will not only pay liquidated damages but also send 20 additional H240 units, which is enough for the Long March 10 to be retired...

"Ten, nine, eight..."

10 YF130s were ignited one after another. This batch of YF130s has been slightly improved. The swing angle and flow adjustment range have been increased. This has little impact on the Long March 10, but it is for technical verification of the recyclable YF135.

The flames ejected from the 20 nozzles are larger and more spectacular than Xianyuan-3. Even if it is launched during the day, people will feel dazzled by the light emitted by the tail flame when they look at it. If it is a short-sighted person who sees it, It's almost like two suns in the sky.

When the Long March 10 left the launch pad, more than 5,100 tons of thrust had been fully released, and local people around the Qiongzhou launch site felt slight vibrations in the air and ground again.

Ignorant tourists are still yelling, but experienced locals can already tell the rocket model from the vibrations.

Lin Ju and Ye Changsi came outside. The latter's face was red and crying, and he was talking about old money over and over again.

He was Mr. Qian's "junior brother". Later, he returned to China to assume important tasks in the scientific research department and to shoulder the responsibility of teaching students, establishing various high-level projects from scratch.

Qian Lao, who has deep connections with von Braun and von Karman, had envisioned space exploration very early on, and also tried to conduct some interstellar exploration in that difficult era.

The senior brother went to build rockets, and he, the "junior brother," went to build satellites. The early friendship between classmates became more profound with the intersection of work.

When Ye Changsi saw that the plan conceived by his late senior brother was resurrected and advanced rapidly, Ye Changsi could no longer suppress his emotions.

Beside him, Lin Ju was also worried.

After careful calculation and analysis, the meteorological department believes that Qiongzhou will usher in several powerful typhoons after July this year. It is difficult to find a suitable window period for the two launch sites in the second half of the year. It may be necessary to "find every opportunity", which will have a negative impact on the aerospace industry. Plan to cause a lot of inconvenience.

It is precisely that many of the medium and heavy rockets of Xinyuan and the Space Administration are designed for launch in Qiongzhou. There are no suitable launch conditions in the interior. In addition, this year is a period of high-frequency launches. The Aviation Development Commission is working hard to support the Meteorological Bureau to explore as much as possible. Find out the pattern of typhoons so that you can adjust your space plan in a timely manner.

I was really busy the past two days, and I want to say sorry to everyone. I really didn’t have time. The same goes for these two days. I coded in the early hours of the morning. I will try to update as much as I can after these few days.

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