"Red bean puree~Private Marseille!"

Against the blue backdrop of the JAXA press room, Shinichiro Sakai and a group of R\u0026D personnel from Mitsubishi Heavy Industries bowed together, so that the camera could only capture the tops of their heads and the lining of their clothes.

Five hours ago, the launch pad preparing to launch H-2B suddenly caught fire. The flames could not be extinguished at all. They burned for more than two hours. The composition of the burning material was complex, and the thick black smoke spread in an extremely spectacular manner.

At that time, the H-2B rocket had been filled with fuel, and the launch center was ready to hear an explosion at any time. Fortunately, although the fire was fierce, due to the wind direction and the position of the rocket, except for the smoked out traces of the rocket body , no explosion occurred.

Of course, the launch pad suffered a disaster. Shinichiro Sakai took a huge risk and rushed to the scene after extinguishing the fire. He knew at a glance that the launch pad was probably ruined. It could take as little as half a year or as long as a year. No more rockets could be launched.

Now JAXA is organizing to figure out how to safely release the fuel that has been added to the rocket. This is not difficult to do under normal circumstances, but now no one is sure whether the rocket body will be affected or whether it will suddenly explode into a cloud of smoke.

The cause of the accident is still under investigation, and an investigation team has been set up hastily. It is not known when it will be clarified, but this does not affect the public apology of the main members of JAXA.

The launch of the "Stork" cargo spacecraft can naturally only be postponed. Fortunately, there are many contractors who can carry out cargo supply, so the impact on the ISS is not too troublesome.

But Shinichiro Sakai was deeply involved in public opinion. After Xiao Okada left, he became the supreme commander and was obviously the main person to take responsibility.

The latter could only keep bowing and apologizing, taking the blame for this unwarranted disaster.

"Look, these are our allies, do we still want them to participate in the Artemis project? How ridiculous!"

At the Presidential Palace, John madly complained to his staff about the unreliability of JAXA, and once again belittled the previous plan proposed by some congressmen to absorb the island country into the Artemis Project.

The staff quickly expressed their admiration for John's wise decision and laughed at the "Asia Star" plan together. John just ended the topic with satisfaction.

"Boss, the bill should be passed today. We really have to..."

"Pio! You shouldn't question my decision!"

John roughly interrupted the somewhat uneasy Pio, pinched his four fingers together and poked heavily on the oak table.

"I said that we need to balance trade. In the past, the whole world was sucking blood from us, everyone! They are using their unequal advantages to obtain illegal profits from Aramco, infringing on the interests of enterprises, and occupying our market. !

We must change all this and establish new rules. We are the leader of trade protection and have the right to punish them! "

The other staff looked at each other, said nothing and lowered their heads.

But this does not mean that they will not harbor grievances in their hearts. It stands to reason that it is normal for a new official to take office and find an opponent. But you can forget about targeting these old enemies. Why should you sanction allies such as Mexico, Germany, and island countries, as well as harmless Neighboring countries, are you planning to attack them indiscriminately?

There are also restrictions on trade across the Pacific... You can just restrict our exports of sensitive materials, restrict imports, and restrict your largest trading partner? ?

But they didn't dare to show off the too much they said in their hearts. Instead, they vaguely agreed with the big boss, and then silently waited for the next reaction.

Fourteen hours later, on the morning of February 20, Aramco time, Congress passed a new round of investigation bills into multi-country trade and import and export tariffs.

"Aramco launched investigations into 232 import and export orders, involving more than US$45 billion."

"Many companies have been included in the import and export sensitive category catalog."

"The Ministry of Commerce plans to impose punitive tariffs of US$67 billion on seven foreign companies. Former official: Aramco's interests have been stolen."

"Hexagon calls for the global address Latitude and Latitude satellite network, and there is evidence that Xinyuan is trying to control the world through AI."

"Xin'an Automobile will face lawsuits on multiple charges including smuggling, tax evasion, fraud, etc. Intelligent driving technology is taking away citizens' right to life."

"NATO requires re-examination of the export of Italian and French machine tools and machining centers."

"Over 10,000 tons of aluminum ingots are suspected of not meeting customs declaration requirements, and the entry review process has been stopped."


Perhaps it was because the accident of the Dream Chaser made John suffocate and made some senators a little unhappy. When a series of bills were passed and were to be implemented seriously, the whole world was dumbfounded.

In particular, the Ministry of Commerce and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which are actively planning to expand trade with the new Aramco government, are now in a state of shock.

These bills did not appear suddenly, but as we all know, the American Congress will always have all kinds of weird bills and outrageous ideas. This time, they are not very novel. Anyway, the high-level elites are rational and will definitely not do this kind of thing that is harmful to others and not beneficial to themselves. Something... right?

But it happened to pass!

If we really cooperate with them, a large number of exporters will suffer heavy losses. Just one more severe fine can bankrupt the company. Some of them are even more excessive. They even name certain personnel and prepare to detain and prosecute them for violating the law?

I don’t know whether John’s series of proposals will allow him to achieve his expected goals, but it does make the whole world start to jump around.

Nothing else, because these bills are completely against the trend of globalization since the establishment of the WTO. Does John mean to stop the import of goods and rebuild his own manufacturing industry for export?

This is how international business works!

"What? Are you still being sanctioned? People around the world are not allowed to post short videos?"

At the B-level base, Lin Ju received a call from Zhang Yingming as soon as he got off the plane, and then learned that the Aramco Ministry of Commerce had updated its software restriction list, which naturally included tiktok, the international version of Douyin.

Because Lin Ju intervened in this world line, and in order to promote satellite Internet access to the world, tiktok was naturally born early, appeared before January, and immediately became popular around the world.

Facts have proved that no one can resist the charm of short videos, but because infrastructure and short videos have only just emerged, the momentum is limited. But who knew that they would face sanctions in just over a month.

Zhang Yingming: "Mr. Lin, although their officials told me about user privacy and data issues, I think their purpose may not be TikTok. What they want more is for Titok to terminate its relationship with Jingwei Satellite Network."

Lin Ju: "..."

Well, while traffic is still valuable, Jingwei Satellite Network has been working hard to promote and deeply bind Douyin and TikTok. The satellite network was sanctioned, and the related TikTok naturally could not escape.

Of course, Xinyuan, as an important player in world technology and aerospace, must be the focus of attention, and it has suffered much more than that.

First of all, all parts of Xinyuan that include external business have been warned, even if Xinyuan does not have any direct business in Aramco.

The biggest influence in Europe is the Veneto rocket project with the European Space Agency. According to some unexpressed agreements, Italy and China opened up some processing technology and material technology licensing and the introduction of finished products. Xinyuan also took the attitude of listening and understanding. Got some.

Now, NATO has suddenly announced that it believes that this batch of materials may have potential military uses and requires an investigation, which has added some uncertainty.

However, these Lin Ju are not very worried. Although the engine of the Veneto rocket has been given, without control technical support, it is just two disposable rockets. ESA will definitely find a way to make the transaction successful, otherwise no one will be left behind. benefit.

What is really troublesome, apart from trade restrictions, are semiconductor sanctions.

After almost a month of speculation, the US Department of Commerce really started to take action.

All of Intel's server chips are banned from sale in mainland China, and several NVIDIA professional cards have also been ordered to stop sales. At the same time, TSMC will restrict chip foundry business for "undesirable companies."

Obviously, all mainland companies involved in ternary technology research are "undesirable", and of course this is to be expected.

In addition, many communication manufacturers have been asked to stop the export of 4G baseband chips and technology licensing. Although it has not been implemented yet, combined with John's big move, it is likely to become a reality.

Obviously, this also includes the result of the silent promotion of a number of foreign manufacturers after feeling the determination of mainland China's ternary technology development. Otherwise, it would be impossible for John's first round of actions to be so violent.

Although Xinyuan's business scope is almost unaffected, the impact on the country is not small. The ternary system is not omnipotent. Most things, such as basic communication protocols, GSM technology, and ARM ecology, cannot all change. .

These patent sanctions are effective, and as long as the mainland still communicates with the outside world and wants to do business, their effectiveness must be recognized.

From this moment on, the threat behind the rapid development that has lasted for more than 10 years finally emerged. When the cheap labor market that was once deliberately cultivated began to climb to a higher level, it was destined to be comprehensively pursued and intercepted.

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