"Boss, first of all, you need to understand the mechanism of action of 304 injection. It is similar to the treatment methods of modern medicine.

You should have heard that some of the ways drugs work in the body are to directly kill pathogens, but more often they actually stimulate the body's own immune system, which actually allows macrophages to phagocytose and destroy pathogens and necrotic cells, and Macrophages are almost invincible in nature and there is no pathogen that they cannot destroy. "

Lin Ju naturally knew this statement. He had watched many similar short videos on the Internet before, all of which said that the human body's immune system is the most powerful and that one's own health is the best weapon against diseases.

Some difficult-to-treat diseases, such as cancer and AIDS, use some means to deceive or disrupt the immune system, rather than the immune system being unable to do anything about them.

In the original world, a foreign man who suffered from several types of cancer was tortured to death, but after being infected with a respiratory infectious disease, his immune system was stimulated to react violently, causing him to have a high fever for several days and wiped out 90% of his body. of cancer cells, which is enough to show that the immune system is actually capable of solving human pathogens.

Of course, most people may not be able to withstand a high fever for a few hours before becoming brain-dead, so stimulating the immune system to kill them is not advisable.

Xie Miao continued:

"304 injection contains very few substances that are actually effective, and naturally cannot spread throughout the body. It actually stimulates the brain and spinal cord, causing the glandular organs that originally control growth and development to secrete hormones in a planned and regular manner to reasonably promote the body to do what we want it to do. The direction continues to develop; at the same time, it will also promote the development of nerves, making people's senses more sensitive and their limbs more flexible.

Another very important point is that the purpose of developing 304 injection is not to make ordinary people healthier and stronger, but to create supermen with various functions that surpass humans!

The perfect state after using the 304 injection is to achieve um... For example, a soldier is originally 180cm tall and weighs 80kg. This is already very strong, right? But 304 injections can make him grow to 185cm tall and weigh more than 95 to 110kg. Although he is already in the obese range according to the healthy BMI index, his bone density is actually almost the limit of the normal range for humans.

Such a warrior's resistance to fighting and strength can be almost doubled, the body's flexibility and coordination are greatly improved, and the sufficient energy and developed nerves in the cells can maintain a highly stressful combat state for 12 hours, which means that the endurance is also improved. A lot.

However, the structure of the normal human body is not like this. This will also increase the pressure on the organs, which will also greatly increase their demand for energy. In addition to the regular diet, they also need to regularly consume energy bars and other easily digestible foods that can provide a large amount of sugar and fat. Fast food.

The content of 304 will not drop below the threshold until about 1000 days after injection. After that, the body will naturally be unable to maintain an abnormal state for a long time without external stimulation, and will slowly return to the body's original equilibrium state. What will happen in this process? have no idea. "

Xie Miao tried his best to use figurative language to make Lin Ju understand that the mechanism of action in the world is much more complicated than this.

The expression of the latter gets weirder the more you listen to it. It stimulates nerves and glands, overloads the human body's organs, increases energy and fighting time, and improves resistance to blows... Why does it feel a bit familiar?

Hiss~ No wonder it was developed by the American Army. They are addicted to drugs and are no longer satisfied.

Taking drugs is an old tradition all over the world. Don't always say that the "Double Lancer" during the warlord period, the "Spirit Injection Pill" of the Japanese, and the "Pervitin" of Santoku were all products promoted and used on a large scale.

Why could the Third Reich's blitzkrieg destroy a country in more than ten hours? Because all members of the armored force took Pervitin and marched day and night without sleep for three days and three nights. In other countries, even the king of soldiers would not be able to do this, but Pervitin could.

During the Cold War, soldiers on the front lines were also highly nervous. In order to extend their duty time in the absence of rotation, the soldiers were also given drugs that could keep them awake all night long.

It's better in peacetime, but in wartime every soldier lives one day at a time, and the control of these drugs has been relaxed a lot. As long as he still has fighting ability, he can take as much as he wants.

This habit still exists now. Maybe the ARMYs in that timeline felt that taking drugs was not exciting enough and the addiction was really troublesome, so they came up with the USBI thing...

USBI takes a long time to take effect, has better long-term effects and is not addictive. It is indeed an ideal substitute.

However, according to Xie Miao, this stuff seems to have the same effect as hormone drugs, especially when it interferes with sensitive areas such as the brain and spinal cord. This is not a place for resistance.

Therefore, the focus should be on the overload operation of the internal organs and the "unknown reaction" of body degeneration after the injection fails.

However, since the system mentioned that it has conducted 2,000 clinical trials, there should be no big problem, right?

Xie Miao: "Boss, no matter what, if you want to thoroughly understand everything about Agent 304, you still have to conduct in vivo experiments. Even if you don't use it, the many effects it derives are extremely valuable."

"But experimental subjects are not easy to find..."

After all, this is not a place where Ami can go to the streets to catch homeless people to serve as volunteers in the biological laboratory, and there is also an issue involved: the confidentiality of 304 injections.

In any case, 304 injection is a product of the future, a technology from another world 40 years later, and its prospects are amazing.

Maybe if the world's science is directly directed towards guiding super soldiers, it might even revive the superpower research of the last century in various countries.

Among other things, Institute 507, where Xinyuan and the Space Administration astronauts trained, were originally established to study superpowers... However, their research really used scientific methods to find "weird people" among the people. The reason is because the other two A superpower was also studying it, but after a while it was discovered that they were all private charlatans and they stopped it.

Back to the topic, 304 injection must be tried, and the biotechnology contained in it is very likely to bring huge financial support to the base, and it is impossible to hide it.

But how to bring it to market, how to find test subjects, and how to control the situation from going too far are also problems.

Lin Ju picked up the tightly sealed injection and shook it. The almost colorless liquid was surrounded by a light blue halo, which made people feel trance-like after looking at it for a long time.

Xie Miao quietly waited for the boss to make a decision.

After a while, Lin Ju put the metal container back.

"You continue to study first. 304 injections involve too much. Let's discuss it together tonight. You and your team will come over."

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