I ask you to build tractors, but you build rockets?

Chapter 366 Radiation Propulsion Technology

"Core temperature: 570 degrees, orbital altitude 181.7 kilometers, inclination angle 72 degrees."

"The B1, B2, and B3 sensors are normal, and the heat sink can be deployed normally."

"This is the Storm, command center, please deploy the heat sink to increase power."

Hu Dong compared the parameters of the space shuttle one by one. At this time, the three A100s were still running at low temperatures and needed to be warmed up before they could be started.

He is the commander of the Storm, and has a deep understanding of the basic structure and various parameters of the A100. It is no exaggeration to say that he has reached a level that can enter the Academy of Nuclear Science.

Today, when space has begun to settle for ordinary people, he proved that professional astronauts are still precious and extremely important.

"Storm, allow to increase the power, pay attention to whether the external temperature of the insulation layer and the nozzle swing angle are normal... Also, conduct the first test run over the Atlantic Ocean."

"Storm received!"

Hu Dong glanced at the remaining amount of liquid hydrogen, which was still within the normal dissipation range. After some inspection, he unfolded the heat sink at the rear.

The two hatches under the tall tail were opened, and the folded brown radiator panels were unfolded in an X shape. The cores of the three engines began to heat up under control, and the power increased little by little.

The throttle valve will only open when the core temperature rises to 1,400 degrees. The liquid hydrogen will first cool down the nozzle through the dense pipeline surrounding the nozzle, and then it will be heated into ultra-high temperature plasma and ejected at high speed through the core.

Compared with the nozzle of a conventional engine, the nozzle of the A100 is thicker. This is to resist the corrosion caused by plasma burning, especially the corrosion caused by hydrogen atom plasma.

The Storm orbited 180 kilometers for about 15 minutes before starting the engine. The throttle valve was opened from 15% to increase thrust little by little.

Because the thrust is not large and the acceleration is relatively slow, the crew of the Storm will not feel much overload. Part of their attention is on the camera on the tail of the space shuttle.

In many science fiction movies, the spacecraft's engines will emit a blue or orange light when it is started, but the Storm is neither.

Under the camera's field of view, nothing can be seen at the nozzles of the first three engines. It is not until the throttle output exceeds 30% that people can see the pink color in the air.

Pink, and a very strong pink, which is the color of high-temperature hydrogen plasma.

This pink color becomes deeper and deeper as the throttle gradually increases. It is both eerie and beautiful in the dark background of outer space. Because there is no atmospheric restriction, it spreads to all directions after leaving the nozzle, almost filling the camera screen with pink. full.

Everyone in the ground command center was shocked to admire this extremely unique tail flame. Almost no one here had seen the images of the A100 ground test. This was the first time they saw what it was like to start a real nuclear engine.

But it is a pity that the live broadcast has ended at this time, and the world will not be able to know this scene for the time being.

The three A100 engines have to work continuously for dozens of minutes. For traditional engines, this may consume hundreds of tons of fuel, but for the Storm, it is almost negligible. The abundant fuel allows it to use the fastest speed with the Forward. Combined, even the "wasted" fuel is less than 100 kilograms, which can be squandered.

According to the data sent back by the Storm, the three engines are all in good working condition at this time. The heat sinks perfectly dissipate excess heat in a timely manner. They are bringing stable and long-term thrust.

Lin Ju turned around and took the lead in applauding, and soon the command center was filled with applause. The cameraman in the venue quickly captured the scene.

He turned around and looked at Academician She next to him, and said the words he had planned for a long time:

"Now, we have one foot halfway into the solar system."

Academician She: "The other half of the foot is much more difficult than this one."

"It's all about human effort."

Lin Ju's smile remained unabated. The other half of his foot was obviously controlled nuclear fusion. Although the base was basically not ready yet, I believe it won't be far away.

[It was detected that the base built a nuclear-powered aircraft and sent it into space. 】

The system's voice suddenly sounded in his mind, and Lin Ju's heart immediately became excited. Obviously this was another achievement.

[Power: A100 nuclear thermal power thruster, aircraft mass 125 tons, orbit entry method: load-type orbit entry.

Compared with chemical power, nuclear power is a qualitative leap. Even the original fission reactor can still bring considerable improvement. The host has done its best to build a comprehensive B-level nuclear research base and sent nuclear-powered aircraft into In space, if you perform well, the system will provide rewards to show your support:

"Introduction to Radiation Propulsion Technology (Revised Edition)" Author: Zhao Zongyao, this book was written in? During the space race in the world line of 2039, it contains the bold and forward-looking ideas of famous nuclear physics and high-energy physicists on nuclear fusion propulsion technology. It has certain practical value and was declassified in 2059.

This book is an internally published work and contains unconfirmed theories about the current world line. Value rating: extremely high.

Note: "Introduction to Radiation Propulsion Technology (Revised Edition)" is not a specific technical plan, but mostly a theoretical concept. Please independently develop technology based on the theory in the book and carry out preliminary demonstration research on fusion propulsion technology. 】

Academician She saw the sudden change in Lin Ju's face and quickly stepped forward to show concern. The latter lowered his head and coughed, and the muscles on his face kept twitching.

Immediately, several people came over and formed a circle, but Lin Ju lowered his head and coughed for half a minute before raising his head. Embarrassed and unable to hide his excitement, he expressed that he was too excited and choked on his saliva, and then hurriedly left to go to the toilet.

Cheng Nankai, who noticed something wrong in his boss's eyes, hesitated and followed him, and then saw Lin Ju jumping up with clenched fists in the toilet.

Seeing Cheng Nankai follow him, the latter rushed forward and squeezed his shoulder, until Cheng Nankai couldn't bear the pain and let go indifferently.

"What's wrong, what happened, boss?"

Lin Ju pointed to his head and whispered three words.

Cheng Nankai's expression immediately became extremely exciting.

The AAF has never had such serious concerns about a spacecraft.

NACA urgently launched an infrared remote sensing satellite into orbit on April 27. It closely monitored the Storm, which was sent into low orbit by a rocket, and then firmly locked the sensor on it.

Whether it is the three heat sources that are gathered together but still distinguishable at the tail of the Storm or the hydrogen ions with a temperature of several thousand degrees behind the nozzle, it is unmistakable that the three fission engines of the Storm are running at high power.

There was no nuclear leakage or accident. The Storm continued to accelerate and change its orbit during the time it was monitored, and no abnormalities were seen at all.

According to NACA's careful arrangements, the X37B, which is still secretly deployed in space, will have a "close" rendezvous with the Storm at a distance of more than 2,000 kilometers in ten minutes. It will try to measure the radiation value of the Storm's engine.

Major General Carey, the sponsor of the FATS plan, sat in the Air Force Intelligence Room for three hours and then immediately arranged a plane to Nevada.

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