"The 'Blue Moon' lander completed fueling in lunar orbit."

"According to a NACA spokesperson, the HLS human landing system of the Artemis program docked with the later-launched fuel refueling module in lunar orbit yesterday and successfully transferred more than 22 tons of fuel.

This is the first time that humans have carried out an on-orbit refueling mission for a spacecraft in lunar orbit. The spokesperson said: The complexity and advanced nature of the Artemis 2 mission can be called the ‘most in history’ and will further...”

Academician She lowered the volume on his laptop and took out the satellite images, but he still felt something was wrong.

The SLS rocket arrived at the launch site two days earlier than expected. Preparations have been underway for almost a week, but NACA still has not announced the launch time.

It is now the morning of June 30, and there are only 24 hours left before the launch of Shuguang-3, so we should have given up.

It's not easy to guess what Ami is thinking, but he already holds the number one spot in his hands, and there is a turbulent undercurrent beneath the calm waves of the world.

After checking the time, he walked out of the guest house and prepared to go to the launch site for an interview.

Ten minutes later, CCTV reporters and cameramen, led by staff from the Launch Administration, carefully avoided various working areas and collected images to be broadcast at night.

Academician She walked unhurriedly at the front. Now he was standing on the top of the assembly building, almost at the same level as the fairing of the Long March 10 Yaosan.

The fairing is now closed and is being spray-painted with the words CNSA and CADC.

Because the diameter of the Dawn spacecraft is the same as the rocket body, and there is a lander on top, a fairing with a larger diameter is put on it. When only launching the spacecraft, there is no need for an additional fairing.

Academician She stood directly in front of the rocket and sighed slowly:

“In 1970, our first satellite, Dongfanghong-1, entered space. At that time, in order to disgust us, the island country launched a small thing of a few kilograms to steal the title of Asia’s No. 1 satellite.

But what's there to grab? In the 89 years before this, the Alliance and Aramco sent humans into space, and in 1969, they also sent humans to the moon.

Our national strength had only developed slightly. At that time, Mr. Qian designed two manned spacecrafts based on the Long March 2 rocket, and planned to develop a giant rocket capable of landing on the moon in the next decade. This was the original Long March 10, and the entire plan It's called the Dawn Project.

The first batch of astronauts began to be selected at that time, but it took thirty years to see our country's astronauts enter space. "

Reporter (whispering): "Should this not be recorded?"

"Haha, this is just my opinion. I was just a young man at that time, and now I am about to retire."

Academician She coughed twice and started to get to the point:

"The success of the New Dawn Project is determined by the great development of science and technology brought about by our forty years of opening up. It is also inseparable from the improvement of spiritual outlook and overall material needs. In..."

"Can NACA inform you of the specific launch date of the Artemis 2 mission?"

"We will be launching in the near future."

"How long has it been recently?"

"The right time is in the near future."

The TASS reporter took a deep breath and asked one last time with a straight face:

"How do you determine when it's appropriate?"

"NACA has its own planning schedule, please be patient."

The spokesperson's nonsense made the reporters "boo" and shake their heads.

Just now, the Aerospace Development Commission announced that the launch date of the Long March 10 Yaosan rocket has been finalized on the morning of July 1, and three astronauts also showed up in Qiongzhou.

Now the whole world is discussing the moon landing. Everyone already knows the exact date of Dawn 3, but what about NACA?

NACA said it was going to hold a press conference last night, but after waiting for two hours, it suddenly canceled it. In the morning, it held an impromptu press conference due to strong dissatisfaction from reporters.

I thought that such an incident must be a big news, but the latter read a few marginal news and was about to leave, but was stopped by reporters in time to ask questions - and then the above scene happened.

The spokesman knew that he had been mentally called a son of a bitch by the reporters, and he also used the same words to curse Claire in his heart.

Late at night on June 29th, Aramco time (morning on the 30th in Beijing), the SLS rocket began to be refueled. Claire officially confirmed that Artemis 2 could meet the launch requirements and requested that the news be disclosed to the public at 20 p.m. to shock her counterparts on the other side. .

At 19:54, the spokesperson received a notification that "the plan has changed and we will wait for now."

In order to appease the reporters who had returned in vain, the spokesperson could only bite the bullet and show up the next morning. He himself was in a very bad mood now, and the director was still unable to set a specific launch date. As a Public figures are under a lot of pressure.

But you can't talk nonsense, you can only use it as a repeater, and then look for opportunities to escape.

Just as he was about to leave quietly, the intern rushed to the stage and handed over a document. After flipping it through, his frowning eyebrows finally relaxed.

The magnanimity that a spokesman should have reappeared in him, he knocked on the table and said loudly:

"The launch date of the Artemis 2 mission has been announced and will be launched 24 hours later, at 22:00 pm Central Time on June 30th!

NACA will lead all citizens on a journey to the moon again! "

The reporters who were still dissatisfied were quiet for a moment, and then they rushed to raise their hands like boiling water.

"Mr. Spokesperson" "Speak..." "Excuse me..."

"His grandma is too much of a bully!"

Academician She had just finished the interview and was suppressing his excitement to admire the rocket that was fully ready for launch when he heard the news that NACA had officially announced the launch time of Artemis 2 10 minutes ago.

Central time on the 30th at 22:00, which is 8:00 a.m. on July 1, Beijing time, 3 hours earlier than 11:00 on Dawn 3!

If the launch on July 1 was not of great significance, he would have called the astronauts over and launched the rocket immediately.

NACA what are you doing?

Before Academician She could continue to get angry, the boss called:

"Hello? Old She, have you seen the news?"

"I saw it. This son of a bitch bullied us into revealing the time first? No more, no less, exactly three hours in advance!"

Boss: "No, you should first think about why they want to arrive three hours early."

"Ahead of time? Not to be with us... Well, I kind of get it."

After being prompted by the boss, Academician She quickly figured out what he wanted to express, and after reacting, he cursed severely.

"You damn Yankees, I know, they don't have enough time at all. The original launch time is definitely not early July, at least late July or August. They are rushing and fighting us! They are fighting for their lives to get it out. These three hours!"

Boss: "I'm not afraid that they will land on the moon ahead of time. They were actually going to hold a press conference yesterday but canceled it. I guess the time should have been earlier, but some problems had to be postponed, and it was finally set before us. Three hours.

No matter what happened, it shows that Artemis 2 was too hasty, and this kind of spaceflight will cost lives! "

Academician She: "Then we go and persuade them to launch later? This is impossible. Or just ignore them and let's launch earlier. Chang Shi is in very good condition and can be launched at any time."

Boss: "Stay calm first. I'm communicating with my superiors. There are also matters related to human lives. We can't do nothing."

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