Edo Prefecture.

It was already approaching evening, and there had been no one on the street since the afternoon. Only the lights on the windows on both sides were basically on, as if it had entered the night early.

In a small hotel, the owner was watching the live broadcast of the moon watch at the front desk. Suddenly, he heard the sound of tables and chairs falling to the ground and heavy objects falling from upstairs, followed by the sound of boiling people.

"Man years old, ten thousand years old!"



Yesterday, his hotel was booked by a group of students and a middle-aged man. From the sound, it must be that those boys were having a party.

However, the store owner, who has always been stingy, had no intention of stopping it. He even felt that it didn't matter even if he broke some things. This was a good day worth celebrating.

Asians, Asians landed on the moon, faster than Ami!

What he was watching was the official broadcast of the YouTube channel CGTV. The number of comments below skyrocketed the moment the landing was successful. Fortunately, the official had predicted and banned comments in advance to avoid a crash in the live broadcast room. However, the rooms of several other YouTubers were not banned in time. Comments have become extremely slow.

Various scattered excited sounds can also be heard on the street outside the store, which makes people's blood boil.

"Boss, please prepare some snacks for me and send one to all the rooms upstairs!"

Yamamoto Kazuki shouted twice before the store owner reacted. He reluctantly glanced at the computer, thinking that there would be at least an hour left for extravehicular activities, so he hurriedly prepared snacks.

Yamamoto hurriedly ran to the box outside the store and dialed a number several times:

"Moses Moses?"

A younger voice came from the other end of the phone:

"Moses Moses, I am Junji Inoue."

"Inoue-kun, how are things prepared?"

"Don't worry, Yamamoto-san. It's not just you, we have also contacted dozens of other people, totaling at least more than 10,000 people. Thank you for your support to Representative Nakayama!"

"This is all in service to the country...Are you sure the police were too late?"

"Haha, these are all small things, you just need to act according to our arrangements.

Not much to say, I'm still very busy here, remember to take them down after 'that', there will be a truck waiting under the hotel. "

"Problem ありません!"

Yamamoto Kazuki hung up the phone, looked around cautiously, and then hurriedly returned to the hotel and went upstairs.

Dawn 3, full moon lander.

After the cabin was repressurized and forced to rest for 20 minutes, Fang Lin got up first and took out two large bags of food while looking at the porthole.

After almost 7 hours of intense work, both of them were so hungry that they could make a sound.

They had to have a good meal to restore their strength, and at the same time, they had to adapt to the lunar gravity before embarking on extravehicular activities.

Fang Lin habitually threw the big vacuum bag in his hand gently, and Zhang Zhiguang subconsciously stretched out his hand to catch it.


The sound of the vacuum bag falling on the floor reached their ears through the soles of their feet and the air at the same time. Zhang Zhiguang was stunned for a few seconds before he reacted, and they laughed together.

Damn gravity.

He first unlocked the lock behind his ears, then rotated the helmet in a circle, and then pulled it out hard.

The air pressure difference between the inside and outside of the mask made a "beng" sound, and the sudden airflow blew into Zhang Zhiguang's forehead, taking away the fine strands of sweat and bringing him coolness at the same time.

The temperature in the spacesuit is a comfortable 24 degrees, and the cabin is currently only 18 degrees. The sweat is entirely due to the tension that has not dissipated.

He took a long breath and carefully picked up the vacuum bag on the ground.

It does take adapting.

It's not zero gravity, nor is it the standard gravity of 1 G. These two states that he has fully adapted to are different from the current situation.

In zero gravity, you will lose your awareness of weight, while in one-sixth gravity, it is easy to misjudge, resulting in excessive exertion or loss of balance.

Zhang Zhiguang couldn't wait to unpack the package. This package was chosen by himself on the ground. There were 10 kilograms of personal items accompanying him to the moon. This is a small privilege of the astronauts who landed on the moon.

Fang Lin had already eaten his choice of pork skin jelly and pickled vegetable stewed rice, and was curiously looking at what Zhang Zhiguang was eating.

The answer is fried noodles.

Zhang Zhiguang took a delicious bite of the steaming noodles. The food storage box started heating when it landed on the ground, and now he can eat it hot.

Gravity is actually not without its benefits. Now he can use chopsticks to eat instead of having to squeeze in a little bit to avoid the debris flying around, which is a lot less fun.

[Commander, I have detected that your body surface temperature is a little high. Do you need me to adjust the temperature? 】

The sound of 14 suddenly sounded from the upper left, and it remained silent on the ceiling for 20 minutes, expressing its presence in this way.

"No, thank you. The temperature is just right now. I'll put you down later."

[Thank you, I have just connected to the Dawn 2 and Explorer 9 robots and the Lunar Rover through the lander antenna. Do you need me to guide them over? 】

"Well, how far away are they from us now?"

[750 meters away, we will arrive soon. They are in good condition and have sufficient power. 】

Zhang Zhiguang thought for a while and issued the order:

"Please have them come over and wait to assist us."

[Instruction confirmed]

Fang Lin looked at the happy No. 14 hanging on the ceiling with interest, and he didn't forget to take a bite of fried rice.

"Brother Zhang, I think No. 14 can actually replace us. Explorer 9 can come over just like a hound."

"That's because you haven't been to Xinyuan's base yet... They have something more advanced than this."

"More advanced?"

"Eat quickly, chew for a while to digest. We will be out of the cabin for at least two or three hours later, so no accidents happen."

While the two astronauts were resting and eating, the Explorer 9 robot connected to the signal from 14 maneuvered "Lu" to leave the dark side under the solar panel of the Shuguang 2 lander, relying on the map that had been explored long ago. He drove towards Shuguang 3, which was less than a thousand meters away.

Nearly two minutes later, a small black dot approaching quickly with smoke and dust suddenly appeared in the live broadcast still showing the perspective of the lander's external camera.

I don’t know how many people had the thought of aliens flashing through their minds, which suddenly made the originally boring wait become extremely eye-catching.

The big spider controlled the lunar rover and rushed all the way to the bottom of the front hatch of the lander. It took a long time for the moon dust that was rolled up to fall down.

Before seeing the first footprints, billions of viewers saw the traces of Explorer 9 racing.

The latter has lost its original silver-gray luster due to continuous high-intensity use, and its surface is covered with scratches and stains. Mining and transporting lunar soil has also made its limbs pitted. Although it looks old and broken, it is more like Aboriginal people here.

It pulled out its front legs from the data interface of "DeLu", still nimbly jumped down and climbed in front of the lander, then lowered its trunk and contracted its limbs, completely hiding its whole body under the shadow of the lander.

The current lunar surface temperature is as high as 70-80 degrees, and too much sunlight will accelerate the aging of components. It has learned to find shadows to live in.

Lin Ju looked at this scene and suddenly thought of the native dog who liked to sleep at the door of the bedroom a long time ago in the countryside. It was probably the same.

Taking another look at the live broadcast data broadcast by Xinyuan using "Yuegui", the number of online videos surged by 15% in one minute.

It’s time to add chicken legs to Explorer 9, and consider a retirement plan to bring it back to Earth after retirement.

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