"How long are we before Mars?"

"Next May will be the time when Mars is closest to the Earth, and it will also be the window period for countries to launch Mars probes. my country's super space station Qianjin is expected to be completed by the end of the year. Will it take advantage of the window period to carry out launches? A human mission to Mars?

Next we invite aerospace technology experts..."

When the Shuguang-3 mission was successfully concluded, the mood in the country was one of jubilation.

The three astronauts rode the float around the capital for half a circle before it was stopped urgently because too many people gathered, which not only seriously interfered with traffic order but also caused huge safety hazards. If it continues, more stampede safety incidents are likely to occur. .

At the same time, many countries have invited the three astronauts for friendly visits, especially the country organizing the Huayin Conference, which has particularly strong requests.

While celebrating the successful moon landing, many people also raised another question:

When will we land on Mars?

Sources have already leaked spy photos of two Xinyuan-3 rockets being prepared in Jiuquan. According to convention, they should be the Qianjin's modules, and there are probably two more.

Seeing that the progress of the Advance has passed more than half, many outside media and professional organizations are becoming more and more interested in it. After all, this is the first centrifugal space station with the hope of ultra-long-term residence, and it is also driven by nuclear power. Let’s see. It sounds like it has the potential for interstellar travel.

It seems that as long as the lander is installed, it can fly to Mars and realize the first human landing on an extraterrestrial planet, which is of much greater significance than landing on the moon.

But at this time, the Aviation Development Commission once again broke the news.

“According to the 57th Standing Committee Meeting of the Aerospace Development Commission, the following instructions are proposed for the development of lunar resources:

1. Based on the current situation of rising global demand for rare earth resources and the objective fact that reserves are not high, carry out preliminary verification tasks for the exploration and development of lunar ore resources, so as to realize the development and utilization of lunar resources in the next few years;

2. Complete all launch missions of the Dawn Project and the Chang'e Project by 2020, and establish a lunar base on the moon that can accommodate more than 100 people for long-term survival;

3. Make every effort to develop new recyclable launch vehicles based on a new generation of high-thrust reusable rocket engines, achieve the long-term goal of reducing rocket launch costs by more than 50%, and vigorously develop nuclear-powered space propulsion technology. "

The spokesperson of the Aviation Development Commission read out the brief resolution forcefully, and then added another sentence before leaving:

"Due to the objective demand for the development and utilization of lunar resources, the Space Development Committee plans to build a logistics highway on the moon in the next two years. We are now soliciting solutions from all social enterprises, universities, and scientific research institutes. Solutions can be submitted through the official website. There is no deadline for this activity.”

"150 C822 and 50 C832 airworthiness certificates, but if you set up a final assembly plant or key subsystem manufacturing base in Europe or Aramco, you can also automatically obtain airworthiness certificates."

Under pressure, Shepard Hill finally put forward the final bottom line they would accept.

Because the black boxes of the astronauts and the lander were in the hands of others, Congress, including John, demanded an agreement as soon as possible, and giants such as Boeing had to make concessions again.

Commercial Aviation is unwilling to outsource key subsystems, so they decided to implement "limits" after discussion. As long as the passenger aircraft has obtained the airworthiness certificate from the Civil Aviation Administration of China, there are 150 regional passenger aircraft quotas and 50 mainline passenger aircraft quotas that can be directly Obtain an internationally recognized airworthiness certificate and export it without restrictions.

As for the C810 and An 1250, I don’t care, they will all be issued as usual.

Our own Zeng Xiangdong thought for a while and reported another number:

"500 C822s, 200 C832s, landing gear, aircraft tails, de-icers, cabin pressurization equipment, carpet interiors, window glass, as long as international suppliers provide qualified products at normal market prices, will be used for this Approval of planes.”

Sheppard thought for a moment, and although it was not the three big items, it was still some good parts, and the combined profits were quite considerable, at least not all of them were digested within China.

"300 C822s and 100 C832s, that's the most we can have."


Zeng Xiangdong communicated with others and felt that this was about the same as the bottom line. He recognized the deal and finally reached an agreement on the aviation side.

400 aircraft is already a lot for export or flying on international routes, and you can make a lot of money by selling the aircraft. In the future, these 400 aircraft will have to be maintained and overhauled every year to generate stable income. In the long run, this can be considered to bring in hundreds of billions. Good deal for income.

The fight for the airworthiness certificate is over, and the international satellite commercial contracting on the other side has been reluctantly negotiated.

The Wolf Clause has not been abolished, but Aramco has confirmed that after the issuance of the FAA launch license, Chinese private aerospace companies (capital note: except XAP) can undertake satellite launch orders for non-military purposes containing Aramco parts, but the unit launch price must not be below the established minimum level.

The biggest difficulty in this article is to obtain an FAA launch license, which not only includes some testing items for rockets and satellites, but also tests on post-launch environmental pollution issues.

Therefore, this is destined to be undertaken by smaller private aerospace companies in China. The confidentiality of their rockets and launch sites is not too high, and the space agency and Xinyuan will certainly not be able to do so.

Despite the restrictions, I finally got a real international order.

In other aspects, TSMC sold a mature 28nm production line and a 22nm production line to the mainland, and at the same time symbolically relaxed some chip technology restrictions.

Aramco, on the other hand, will have full access to the "Blue Moon" black box and can share the results of the Explorer robot's disassembly and analysis of the wreckage. At least it will be able to quickly understand the cause of the accident and design and manufacturing defects.

When these terms were reached one by one, it was already late at night on July 10. McMaster and our staff signed each specific agreement of intent, and finally signed the "Agreement on Deepening Friendly Cooperation between the Two Countries" together.

In the photos taken by reporters, McMaster's forced smile was a bit scary.

Even the celebratory dinner was canceled because of him. The envoy took the two astronauts on a transoceanic flight early the next morning and hurried back to the mainland.

But Boeing Vice President Shepard Hill stayed and approached Zeng Xiangdong alone.

This time, he no longer had the arrogance and indifference at the negotiation table. Instead, he was smiling like an old friend.

"Zeng, you should know that the real big air market has always been international routes. 400 aircraft sounds like a lot, but in fact it has been absorbed in a year or two. I think you are not satisfied with this either."

Zeng Xiangdong felt something vaguely, and silently checked the door before saying:

"But the number of airworthiness certificates has been fixed, and we cannot sell more passenger aircraft to the international market."

"Yes, in fact, you should also know that the market for passenger aircraft has a strong sense of protection. Even if you can sell it, you will encounter some obstacles. Why not change to a cooperation method that everyone is happy with?"

Zeng Xiangdong: "I would like to hear the details."

Shepard: "Boeing can provide advanced production equipment and process patents, and then we will set up a joint venture's final assembly plant, which can be located here or in other countries. We will make some improvements to the C822 and C832 to become this A brand new model from the subsidiary.

These new aircraft with similar technical parameters must have at least 50% of their components provided by international contractors. In this way, passenger aircraft manufactured by a joint venture can easily obtain FAA airworthiness certificates and be sold around the world without restrictions. "

However, Zeng Xiangdong frowned. It sounded very beautiful, and he cleverly said it by changing his skin.

The so-called joint venture assembly plant is just an empty shell. Most of the C822 and C832 are built and made some minor changes to become a new aircraft. Naturally, the operating space is larger. Boeing can obtain part of the profit without any effort, but they Why not be afraid of grabbing your own market?

Shepard immediately answered his question:

"In fact, many passenger aircraft components of Boeing and Airbus are also produced in China, and Airbus has even set up a final assembly plant here. I have received some rumors that cross-border passenger aircraft trade may be more difficult in the future.

This assembly plant can not only manufacture your aircraft, but of course it can also manufacture Boeing aircraft. In addition, you should also understand that many times... in fact, the orders we get will be subcontracted to Chinese companies with cheaper prices. We are only responsible for the final Acceptance is passed, do you understand what I mean? "

"This... I need to discuss it with others, but it won't be long."

Zeng Xiangdong was a little unsure for a moment. What Shepard said made sense, but the stakes were too high for him to make an easy decision.

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