"Commissioner Lin, this, this, this... I always feel like this is a joke."

Wu Yi, the current chairman and CEO of United Mining, stood at the backstage of the press conference. At this moment, he was still hesitant to go up.

"Old Wu, this is the planning requirement of United Mining Company, and this is where the accounts go. You are the CEO, so you must be in charge. I am just a director.

Come on, everyone is waiting below. "

As Lin Ju spoke, he pushed Wu Yi onto the backstage, and then trotted to the side of the venue to hide as low-key as possible.

This press conference has a luxurious lineup. In addition to well-known domestic and foreign journalists and media, ambassadors of permanent members of the Security Council have also been notified. The total number of participants exceeds 100, and the level of our own personnel preparing to appear is also very high.

Almost all reporters and others attending the conference arrived more than two hours early because the theme of the conference was so incredible.

I saw the black-themed background board of the press conference saying:

"United Mining Yushu No. 1 Mining Site Fusion Explosive Device Procurement and Bidding Announcement Conference"

Fusion explosive device, isn't this a hydrogen bomb? !

A few days ago, when the Aviation Development Commission launched a wave of hydrogen bomb mining, although the whole world was discussing it enthusiastically, no one paid attention to it and just hyped up the topic.

But when United Mining actually started sending out invitations, everyone’s reaction was surprisingly unanimous: You’re serious.

The existence of United Mining itself is big news, so almost all parties who received the invitation letter came over. Regardless of the outcome, they will definitely get big news this time.

The four ambassadors of the United States and the United States were specially arranged to sit together, communicating with each other with wonderful eyes, and speculating on various possibilities.

Although the invitation letter was printed by United Mining, the people who came to inform them were of different levels.

The discussion of more than a hundred people made the venue noisy. When Wu Yi appeared, he immediately stopped focusing on him.

Although the latter had seen many big scenes, he felt uncomfortable at this moment. After standing still, he cast inexplicable glances at several people in the audience.

Crazy, crazy, such a big thing is definitely not something that the Aerospace Development Commission group can decide. It can only be said that everyone from top to bottom was confused by the rhetoric of the Aerospace Ministry and went crazy.

With this in mind, Wu Yi waved his hand to silence people, cleared his throat and got to the point as seriously as possible:

“Through the ten-day Tianmu-2 survey mission and ground analysis, our company has mastered a large amount of new data on the lunar geological environment and resource development. This is a major achievement for humankind’s extraterrestrial exploration and has milestone significance.

In order to develop and utilize lunar resources more rationally, our company has decided to fully launch the construction of Yushu No. 1 base and mining field from 2018. In order to improve construction efficiency and-"

Wu Yi paused for a moment, but continued without changing his expression:

"To make more reasonable use of the achievements of human science and technology development and expand the civilian application fields of nuclear energy, we have decided to use cleaner and safer fusion explosion devices for mine development, and we are inviting bids again:

We issue purchase orders for fusion explosive devices to any legally qualified company or institution around the world. Our initial intention includes 15 to 20 explosive devices with a TNT equivalent of 10 million to 20 million tons, and requires delivery within 8 months.

This bidding is only for explosive devices and will be used entirely in the legitimate peaceful resource development field under supervision. Bidders need to contact our company through official channels and accept joint bids from individuals, organizations, and institutions. The specific procurement scale and funds An announcement will be made after the transaction is completed.

In addition, United Mining Development Co., Ltd. has obtained procedures and qualification certificates in relevant fields, and we hereby inform you. "

The people below listened attentively to every word he said, not wanting to miss any useful information. It was not until Wu Yi indicated that he had finished speaking that he could ask questions that he suddenly burst out and raised his hands desperately.

At the first opportunity, Wu Yi decided to give it to Dog Trust.

China News Service: "Hello, spokesperson, we all know that nuclear bombs are highly radioactive. Will detonating them on the moon cause serious pollution problems?"

Wu Yi: "Nuclear bombs are divided into fission-based atomic bombs and fusion-based hydrogen bombs. The main reaction of the latter hardly produces nuclear radiation that can persist for a long time, and it can also clean up fission-type radiation to a certain extent. It is a bomb that is recognized to be very clean, even cleaner than using a large amount of conventional explosives.

Moreover, nuclear bombs have been used in engineering as early as the last century. The Alliance has a precedent of using atomic bombs to build reservoirs. Its radiation residue was reduced to normal levels within a year, enough for people to swim in it. The much cleaner hydrogen bomb There is no need to worry about these issues.

In addition, because there is no atmosphere in the lunar environment, the impact range is very small, so the power is difficult to spread, and the explosion range can be controlled within a certain area; and the deep space environment has strong radiation problems, compared with even those caused by hydrogen bombs. Can be ignored. "

China News Service mainly had to cooperate with the public to answer some basic questions and give a good start. The reporter sat down after listening.

Wu Yi is looking for the next target...it's TASS!

The reporter, who is still within her shelf life, stood up and said hello as usual, with blazing fire in her eyes:

"Is United Mining Company prepared to purchase hydrogen bombs from the international community? Your country also has manufacturing capabilities."

Wu Yi: "We are a commercial space development company, and everything must follow business laws. There are five countries on the earth that reasonably possess hydrogen bombs, so we issued a tender to everyone and selected the most suitable plan. The same goes for Accept multiple vendors.”

"Then will you buy the Tsar hydrogen bomb? It has a yield of 50 million tons and is more powerful."

Medvedev in the front row turned his head to look at the female reporter and corrected him loudly:

"It's not 50 million tons, it's 170 million tons equivalent. Its complete body has 170 million tons equivalent!"

TASS reporter: "..."

Wu Yi: "..."

other people:"……"

Lin Ju stood by the wall and held his forehead. Why did he feel that his focus was not right?

Wu Yi knew that this press conference was destined to be a mess, but he could only answer:

"This requires the relevant parties to bid, and it is not a question that can be answered on site. Whether or not the bid is won needs to be based on strict review, and the best one will be the next one."

The BBC reporter took the microphone with excitement:

"Mr. Wu, has your company considered that the use of hydrogen bombs violates the international space convention? Is this a violation of the international order, or does your country want to violate this convention and deploy nuclear weapons in space?"

Wu Yi: "The International Space Convention stipulates that nuclear weapons cannot be deployed. The fusion explosion device we need is just a tool used in mining sites. It does not pose a security threat to anyone. It is not intended to undermine the international order, let alone violate the convention!

Moreover, Belt is also a country that legally owns fusion devices, and we also accept bids. "


The entire afternoon was spent answering questions by Wu Yi, who kept drinking water. The press conference was postponed for two hours to deal with reporters.

Wu Yi, who already felt some numbness in his calves, called on the last reporter, and then a short female reporter with protruding buck teeth stood up and accused him angrily:

"We firmly oppose the use of hydrogen bombs under any circumstances and anywhere, firmly and firmly oppose it!"

The people from the Edo Shimbun were finally escorted out by security, and then several people in charge of the domestic nuclear industry and key personnel from the Aviation Development Commission came to the platform, which concluded the press conference.

But the four embassy personnel in the audience did not move. They knew that more information would be revealed separately later.

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