"Betrayal, this is a damn, shameful betrayal!"

As soon as Sullivan entered the door, he saw John dancing happily, next to the hotline phone that had obviously shifted.

According to the schedule, he should have been on the phone with Brasier, who was taking care of him. Obviously, the conversation between the two parties was not pleasant.

Two days ago, John was not so angry when he found out that London had bid first. He felt that talking about such a big thing for one or two months was a very fast time, and it was within the normal range to achieve it within half a year and a year, so he didn't think too much about it.

But when Brasier announced in the House of Commons that the deal had been struck, John almost thought it was fake news.

Was the nuclear bomb deal concluded so easily?

What was even more irritating was that London generously announced a lot of cooperation details. It was only then that they realized that London was playing a trick of buying a casket for a pearl. It did not hesitate to take the initiative to get gifts, and almost gave away the hydrogen bomb at a free price.

But - does London still have the ability to modify hydrogen bombs?

Ami's die-hard allies "betrayed" easily for a little selfish gain. This was the reason why John was angry.

When I was on the phone with Mrs. Brasier just now, I could hear the uncontrollable joy in the other party's voice, because the Chinese have promised to carry out another lunar landing mission at the end of this year, and at that time they will bring the experts. Send it up too.

It wasn't until Sullivan came in that John suppressed his emotions and calmed down, waving for the former to report.

"Sir, I have some good news for you."

"What good news? Our Alabama excavator company sells hydrogen bombs for $2 million each?"

"That's not it." Sullivan ignored John's sarcasm and said seriously:

"Six hours ago in the early morning, NACA completed the test of mankind's first artificial gravity spacecraft. It is still running well and stably generates 0.5G gravity. This is a major breakthrough in human astronautics!"

John said "Wow" and then read the report with hesitation. After reading it, he finally couldn't help laughing.

The report uses many words such as "first time", "largest", "most advanced" and "unique", which always show that the "Gravity Dragon" spacecraft has created history, especially it is much ahead of the Chinese.

The gravity generated by "Forward" is only 0.3G, while "Gravity Dragon" has 0.5G, and NACA also said that they can easily increase it to the standard gravity of 1G, which is far ahead!

"It's very good. NACA is doing a very good job, and of course SpecaX and Lockheed are doing a great job."

This success finally dispelled the gloom that had shrouded Aramco in the first half of the year, especially the ADC. John's displeasure just now has been completely replaced by happiness.

He immediately ordered Sullivan:

“Immediately, immediately let all newspapers and media publicize this success, this is an amazing victory!

And we need to send people up there as soon as possible so that American astronauts can experience gravity in space first! "

Sullivan immediately agreed to do as he was told, and chatted with the excited John about FGD technology for a while before the latter changed the topic to United Mining.

When they learned that Luo Luo was also bidding, Naldo and Jon quickly boarded the transoceanic flight with their people. The plan discussions were all carried out on the plane. According to Beijing time, it would take more than ten hours before it would be daytime. .

"As far as I know, Lucia and Tongguo have also started to move. Those people in London don't follow the rules. I'm afraid our conditions will be somewhat disadvantaged."

Sullivan is also quite dissatisfied with London's going alone. In his opinion, the best result is for the other four parties to join forces and continuously put pressure on United Mining, so as to force them to gradually make concessions. Going alone will make London full first, and then the remaining What about the three families?

What does disrupting market order mean? This is!

However, John had calmed down and started thinking calmly at this time. The matter was a foregone conclusion. It was unrealistic to disrupt Huang United Mining's plan. After all, Lufa was very likely to stand with them. Even if Ami strongly opposed it, it would be difficult to defeat four.

Moreover, the attractiveness of United Mining's moon landing weapon is not small, and NACA cannot compete with it when the Artemis project is already in trouble.

So the best way to deal with it now is...

"Nardo shouldn't be resting yet, right? Get them on the phone. We need to change our negotiation strategy."


After the successful conclusion of the transaction with Rolls-Royce, United Mining suddenly reversed its previous passive situation and began to think rapidly about how to obtain maximum benefits.

In fact, United Mining itself can only be regarded as a grassroots team, with only an empty shell composed of a headquarters, and there is no one in it except the operator. After all, in theory, the managers hold important positions elsewhere. The original plan was to wait until one or two years later. It will gradually get back on track.

Now it has to be temporarily taken over by the Aviation Development Commission, and people from the Ministry of Nuclear Industry and above are also involved to grasp the specific direction. Although this kind of major event is actually covered by the company's skin, it is actually a game for the big players. and exchange of benefits.

The leaders above are directly tracking the transaction trends, which shows how seriously they attach importance to it.

In this case, Lin Ju can have some leisure time and have enough energy to focus on his old business.

The launch and test of "Gravity Dragon" were very sudden, but when NACA announced the news, it happened to be noon in Beijing, so the country learned the news quickly.

Lin Ju immediately sent a message to express his congratulations, and he was very sincere.

After all, this is a truly innovative work of Aramco Aerospace in this world. It only existed on paper and theory before, so it is remarkable that it can be turned into reality so quickly.

But in his opinion, this always felt like an evil path. At least he didn't want to sit in the "Gravity Dragon" at all. Just thinking about it made him feel very uncomfortable.

It will take eight more launch missions for the Advance to complete. Before that, let NACA take the lead for a short while.

While he was continuing to study the technical principles of "Gravity Dragon" with great interest, Academician She walked in.

"Mr. She, aren't you with United Mining?"

"Don't mention it."

Academician She, who was almost soaked with sweat, went to get a glass of water and drank it before sitting down and opening the window to neutralize the air conditioning in the office.

"Did you know that the gate of United Mining was blocked, and the police came quite a lot to get those people away."

"Block the door? Who will block it?"

“It’s not just those islanders who not only protested against our plane’s intrusion into the airspace a few days ago and demanded an apology and compensation, but also opposed the use of hydrogen bombs on the moon.

You tell me, the bidders blocked us instead of blocking us. There were other people who joined in the fun and waited for several hours before they came over. Some people even suffered from heat stroke and refused to go in to blow up the air conditioner. "

Academician She complained with an expression that looked like an old man, taking the subway, or looking at his cell phone, and Lin Ju also frowned deeply.

"We still need to deal with it seriously. They will definitely cause trouble online. We cannot let them ruin the reputation of United Mining. The public can easily be misled."

Academician She nodded in agreement, but then said:

"But this kind of thing is not easy to manage. We went to their official department to negotiate. They killed each other because it was an individual act and we can't control it without blind spots. This matter is quite troublesome. There are many people in the world who oppose the use of hydrogen bombs. .”

Regarding the progress of aerospace development, Lin Ju had to think seriously. Hydrogen bomb mining was already very sensitive, and he had to find a way to divert public opinion's attention.

After a while, he had a preliminary idea in his mind.

"Old She, we have to find a way to find a breakthrough in A Mei."


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