Class B base.

A C810 landed on the runway in the dark. As soon as the plane came to a stop, the overturned ramp unfolded. Lin Ju jumped directly from the middle of the ramp, eager to feel the solid ground of the base.

It's better to have your own territory. There was too much trouble in the capital, so it would be safer to get it back in advance.

The lights in the base will never go out, and the street lights make it impossible to hide in any blind spots. There are robots standing guard in hidden corners, guarding the safety of the place.

Although the staff have gone off work, the base is still busy. The OGAS2.0 transformation has been basically completed, and most links can operate unmanned 24 hours a day.

Lin Ju was now watching an unmanned flatbed transport truck haul out a giant cylinder that was almost taller than most factory buildings. He connected to the base's intelligent management system through his mobile phone, and then he realized that this behemoth was Xinyuan IV. The test core first stage of the No. 1 rocket.

The design of the Xinyuan-4 rocket is not easy. As a super rocket with a take-off mass of 15,000 tons and is called the "last glory of the chemical engine" by the base, its entire design concept is completely different from conventional rockets.

Its core primary storage tank has a diameter of 18 meters and a height of 95 meters. It needs to be filled with 12 million liters of liquid hydrogen and 4.4 million liters of liquid oxygen, which is about 6,000 tons of hydrogen and oxygen fuel. The second stage has the same diameter and a height of 40 meters. It needs to be filled with fuel. At 3,600 tons, the height reaches more than 200 meters after carrying the load. It will become the tallest rocket in mankind in one fell swoop. The net weight of the core stage is just over 10,000 tons.

The original diameter of 14 meters was directly overturned, because in this case the aspect ratio would be too large, close to 20, resulting in serious strength and center of gravity problems.

Serev originally planned to directly mount the 24-meter super-large diameter rocket body to further reduce the height, but he had to consider other issues of hoisting and had to give up. In fact, the 18-meter diameter has exceeded the carrying capacity of the An-1250 and can only be transported by water.

The transportation plan currently envisaged requires first dismantling a section of the base entrance, then setting up a floating dock on the nearest tributary of the Yangtze River, loading the rocket body onto a semi-submersible ship, transporting it all the way along the Yangtze River to Qiongzhou, and then building a sea launch pad there for launch.

Land launches not only have to consider how to move the rocket body, but also fuel refueling is very troublesome. The fuel tank at one launch station is simply not enough, and can only be refilled through a fuel ship during sea launches.

Finally, considering the movement and static problems generated by the four boosters plus the core stage's total thrust of 22,000 tons during takeoff, I am afraid that all the glass within a radius of five kilometers will have to be removed in advance to avoid shattering.

Manufacturers that produce liquid hydrogen for the space port are now preparing to expand production. The standard liquid hydrogen filling capacity of the Xinyuan-4 rocket is as high as 1,400 tons, and the liquid hydrogen reserve capacity for a single launch must be at least 2,500 tons. Liquid hydrogen manufacturers are still Wait for the zero evaporation ultra-high pressure spherical liquid hydrogen storage tank produced by Xinyuan, otherwise you will not be able to save it.

The base’s plan is to complete the Xinyuan-4 prototype rocket test this month, but the first rocket body is already in production and is expected to roll off the production line in mid-October, and will be shipped to Qiongzhou in November to await the launch of the XH-40’s first flight mission. .

Now the prototype arrow that was transported to the prototype test factory completely blocked most of the lights in front of Lin Ju. Although the slowly creeping electric trailer made little noise, it still gave people an unparalleled shock.

Lin Ju admired this super rocket for a while. Even the production base could only produce one super rocket at a time. By the time he got to the office, it was already 10 o'clock in the evening.

He planned to work for a while and then rest, mainly to reorganize the financial issues of the base.

The aerospace business of the base itself is definitely losing money, or it could have been profitable, but there are too many super projects piled up, so at the best of times it can barely cover its own profits and losses.

Profits are all due to the supported automobile, chip, aviation and AI industries. These sectors have brought quite a lot of profits. There is also the Oriental International Space Hotel, which is currently in operation. It will be easy to exchange some shares for money after the listing. .

If the TAPE accelerator construction plan is passed, then the base's support of 10 billion will be too little. Considering that this is a long-term project of at least 5 years, it is not impossible to grit one's teeth and withdraw 15 billion. After all, nuclear power The allure of fusion is there, it's really worth dropping your pants.

But this also requires reorganizing the future space plan to see where money can be saved. AI cannot make decisions for humans on this point.

With Ye Changsi away, Lin Ju had to come up and check it himself, draft it in advance and then seek the opinions of other vice presidents.

There are not many people in the office building late at night. The only ones you can see are Series 2 robots that imitate humans wholeheartedly. After participating in human life for a long time, their behavior is almost indistinguishable from real people.

He casually took a cup of coffee with sugar and milk from the automatic beverage machine. When Lin Ju approached the office, the electronic sliding door recognized his presence and quickly moved out of the way. There was also a robot secretary inside cleaning the table - this was also for the AI ​​database. Accumulating experience is not a waste of resources.

Lin Ju walked in and kicked the robot secretary on the butt, and at the same time ordered:

"Go to the cafeteria and get me two..."

He was stopped mid-sentence because the feeling on his feet was not the hard steel beneath the soft surface of the robot, but rather soft as hell.


The new graduate who was transferred to the president's assistant team not long ago and had never met Lin Ju was directly kicked by his boss and fell to the sofa. It must be said that Lin Ju often kicked the heavy robot to death and developed a good pair of feet. Let a 100-pound real person fly off the ground.

Fortunately, the other party fell on the sofa without any injuries. Lin Ju could only apologize and hurriedly helped her up:

"I'm really sorry. I thought only robots were here in the middle of the night... If there's anything wrong, I'll send you to the infirmary right away."

"It's okay... um."

The new female intern rubbed her buttocks with tears in her eyes. She had only learned how to avoid being slapped on the butt by her boss from a short video about preventing harassment in the workplace. She had never heard of how to prevent being kicked. This habit was also weird. Bar!

Lin Ju stood aside and felt embarrassed. There were robots running rampant in the base, and almost no one regarded them as real people. Who knew someone would be in his office in the middle of the night.

He didn't doubt there was any nefarious purpose. After all, all the executives' offices had been fully intelligentized, and there were absolutely no physical documents that could leak. They were all kept in special storage rooms. All office staff were already accustomed to paperlessness. .

"Does it still hurt? Why are you still here in the middle of the night? You should have got off work long ago."

"I heard that you wanted to practice some etiquette when you were coming back. When you drank water, you spilled it on the coffee table, so..."

"The base doesn't have so many rules. In fact, what you will do in the future is auxiliary processing work. These are small things. You can ask..."

After this incident, Lin Ju had no intention of continuing to work. Instead, he was aroused by his senior's desire to teach, so he simply started chatting with the interns.

It was easy to be emoticon in the dead of night. When Lin Ju saw her, he suddenly remembered what happened in his previous life and became eager to talk to her. He continued to talk until the other party was already drowsy.

When the stars filled the sky, the voices in the office suddenly stopped and fell into the silence of the night again.

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