"The power generation is 100%, the wing surface temperature is 7, the control surface activity is normal, and the fuel reserve is 105%..."

Wang Yan quickly reported the manual inspection data, and Chang Lihai also compared it with the AI ​​self-inspection report one by one. After confirming that everything matched, he lifted the wheel brake and gently pushed the throttle valve to 10%.

Reporters outside the airport watched intently as they saw the Tengyun's body gently pressing forward, and then a dark blue tail flame was ejected from behind the fuselage, which was extremely conspicuous even in the sun.

Susanna screamed along with the crowd, and also noticed the surge in traffic in the live broadcast room.

Traffic in the live broadcast room began to increase as early as when the aerospace plane left the country. After all, CBS has a huge influence around the world. In addition, it was the only foreign media broadcasting live at this time, and people from all walks of life flocked in.

Among them, there is also Director Robert who is full of questions.

When he saw Teng Yun who had lowered the flaps and started the engine, his mind went blank.

He remembered that when he was in the Hexagon, just after the "8.12" incident, the Air Force nicknamed the mysterious plane "Thunderstorm."

After all, the nickname is closely related to the aircraft manufacturer, the situation and its own characteristics. The first impression of the Snowbird is that it is fast, an unprecedented speed for the Air Force. The second is that the rumbling sound along the way is very exaggerated, and it is very appropriate to describe it as a "thunderstorm".

During this period, the Hexagon is 100% sure that no "thunderstorms" will fly out again. All it takes is to pay attention to the other party's domestic public content.

Having seen the Mach 12 monster, the Air Force became immediately anxious and requested to resurrect the SR91 "Dawn Goddess" that was aborted in the last century. That design could fly Mach 6, although it was still only half of the "Thunderstorm".

Lockheed Martin, who had previously proposed this project, took over the job, but the SR91 was rejected in 1985. There were only rough indicators, and it was almost a headache to start from scratch.

At that time, they asked NACA for help, and NACA also expressed interest, because "Thunderstorm" allowed them to see the feasibility of an aerospace aircraft.

Mach 12 at 60,000 meters, which already meets or even exceeds the needs of the aerospace aircraft in the atmospheric stage, and has great potential to fly out of the atmosphere.

Unexpectedly, more than a month later, Lockheed Martin was still struggling with whether the power of the SR91 was conventional power or nuclear power. Without any clue about the specific design, the Chinese had already turned his idea into reality.

And Robert was even more surprised when he saw Tengyun's body. He tried very hard to find the parts that seemed to be disposable, but found that the entire aircraft had a smooth and natural design, and there were no boosters that needed to be discarded.

This is a genuine space plane that does not require a booster and can enter space with every part of the body. It is more radical than he imagined and it will be available earlier.

Robert couldn't imagine how much change the emergence of this ghost thing would bring to the aerospace industry. At least it would increase the possibility of realization for those crazy space plans across the sea. It could increase the price of entering space on the basis of recycling rockets. Drop a lot.

Thinking again about the Mars landing plan, which is still in the demonstration stage, it feels like I am still posing and preparing to start, while the other party is already accelerating to cross the line.

If the current situation of world aerospace is compared to a race, 90% of the players are not qualified to finish. The remaining 10% can only stand on the track without the energy to run. In the remaining half, there are three or four who are stubbornly squirming. The second place was more than half way behind the third place, and the first place was already in the circle.

Robert, who had always been a bit distrustful of God, also began to pray non-standardly, hoping that Jesus would use his strength for the sake of God's people, and if the aerospace plane succeeded, NACA would really start to fall behind.

In his intense prayer, Chang Lihai was able to confirm that the aircraft was in good condition and met the conditions for takeoff.

The tower immediately passed the message to the intercom on Serev's chest:

"Commander in Chief, Tengyun is ready to take off."

"Check out the runway, I can't wait to see it fly!"

As soon as Serev finished speaking, the boss took the walkie-talkie and pressed the call button:

"President Lin, where are you?"

After a few seconds, a rustling voice came from the intercom, and then Lin Ju:

"I'm on the top of the tower, and there are automatic tracking cameras here, which have the best effect."

The boss looked up at the tower, his eyes blinded by the light, and then continued to pick up the walkie-talkie:

"Are you looking at airplanes (long drawl), or are you looking at beauties?"


Lin Ju quickly checked to confirm that it was not a public channel, but at least a dozen people could still hear it. He breathed a sigh of relief and became speechless at the same time.

"I didn't quite understand what you said."

"If I guess correctly, you should have two pairs of ears listening over there."

After the boss finished speaking, he immediately made a booing gesture to the people next to him, and then several people gathered around to reduce the interference of the sound of Tengyun's engine.

Sure enough, a scream of "Ah" came from the intercom, and several elderly chief engineers and researchers smiled together.

Lin Ju on the other side also had dark lines on his face. He just stayed in the base and didn't go anywhere, so that's not the case.

"How did you know that? Serev told it?"

"Hey, there are so many experts in the space agency who are not blind. When did you, President Lin, wander around with your female assistant? This is how I came here with Aunt Jiang thirty years ago."


On the 360-degree enclosed observation deck on the top of the tower, Lin Ju threw the intercom directly and pulled Yu Man, who was looking down at the seams in the floor, back in front of the tracking camera screen.

"Old men are like this when they get older. Don't look at them all talking about their academic qualifications. In fact, they are no different from the uncles downstairs. Just ignore them."

"Ah...doesn't this disrespect them?"

"I actually think they'll respect you more."


With their eyes facing each other, Yu Man went to count the seams in the floor again.

As Tengyun gradually increased the engine power, there was another movement in the sky. Two two-seater J-20Bs roared past. They would provide flying companions for a short period of time. After all, for Tengyun, the faster it climbed, the more money it would save. With more fuel, the Mach 3 limit will soon be exceeded.

When the two fighter planes roared past, the turmoil on the ground suddenly increased. The nozzles of the ten engines simultaneously spit out tail flames that were longer than those of ordinary aircraft engines, because they were so close together that they seemed to be connected into one.

They can provide 70 tons of thrust when taking off from the ground, and can even reach 110 tons at high altitude. Therefore, the 190-ton body does not appear bulky, and it just slides out easily as soon as the brakes are released.

Although ultra-high altitude and high speed are taken into consideration, Tengyun's design is obviously more conservative. This is mainly to compromise with the storage of low-temperature fuel and reduce the overall manufacturing cost, while the Snow Hu uses a triangle + central lifting body.

The roar of engines using methane fuel is very different from that of conventional aviation engines. It is not that sharp, but more of the violence inherited from rockets. The superimposed sound of 10 engines makes other sounds inaudible in the entire airport.

The huge gray-white aircraft quickly passed through the dense crowds next to the runway, and it started to climb only at 3,700 meters of the runway. At that moment, its line of tail flames became longer and brighter, obviously afterburning was turned on.

The current course is pointing to the southeast, and it can accelerate and climb all the way.

It's 11:35pm (seriously)

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