In mid-October, a very strange thing suddenly happened on the Internet.

An island-born physicist from the University of Pennsylvania spoke out through the media and the Internet, believing that Fushima is polluting the entire world. The reactor core will continue to burn through and sink and eventually sink into the sea, continuing to pollute the world's oceans for 30 to 50 years.

The only solution is to use a 10-million-ton hydrogen bomb to detonate underground where the reactor core is located to control the scope of the pollution.

Not only did he put forward this amazing proposal, but what was even more outrageous was that he actually called on all the people of the island country to donate money to buy one like United Mining, so as to demonstrate the sense of responsibility of high-quality citizens as soon as possible.

I don’t know why this shocking statement became known to the world in just one day. Combined with his own identity, it immediately aroused great heated discussion.

Nakayama Jiuji immediately contacted the most influential platforms such as Twitter, YouTube, and Facebook to request that this guy’s nonsense be banned, and he was willing to pay a fee.

However, what I didn't expect was that these Internet media all stated that "freedom of speech is the legitimate right of every user" and sternly rejected the request of the island country's authorities.

The foreign media hit a wall, not to mention the mainland. The physicist's remarks quickly became a top topic in the country and could not be suppressed at all.

Nakayama Kuji vaguely felt something was wrong, and immediately contacted Kobayakawa Tomaki.

Manhattan borough.

The International Atomic Energy Agency announced in advance that the expert team it sent has completed the first round of pollution inspections and will make a summary report and propose a treatment plan at this UN General Assembly.

This is normal. Basically all the representatives are here, looking forward to the International Atomic Energy Agency's disposal plan.

The International Atomic Energy Agency has long said that it will deal with the aftermath of the Tomishima accident, and it has shown no sign of going back on its actions until now. This is remarkable.

Everyone knows who stands behind the IAEA, so they are very surprised by this extremely internationalist attitude. Many optimistic people believe that this is a sign of further globalization and a manifestation of humanitarian progress.

In this expectation, Jon, the leader of this expert group, began to take the stage to summarize.

The first was the determined accident investigation situation. Jon made a big move as soon as he came up, catching all the representatives off guard.

In the opinion of the IAEA expert group, the Fukushima Power Station accident was raised from Level 7 to an unprecedented Level 8!

The International Nuclear Event Scale is only level 7 in total!

The first one to receive a level 7 rating was Chernobyl, and now the expert panel has raised it to level 8. Doesn’t it mean that a new serious accident level has been created?

Of course Jon also gave a reason:

"... When the accident first occurred, the level 7 determination was accurate. However, because proper measures like those at Chernobyl were not taken after the launch of the accident, two reactor cores of Tomishima Electric Warfare are still in operation. , and sank to a depth beyond which manual intervention is possible.

This in itself has surpassed the Chernobyl accident, and if left untreated, the pollution will continue to amplify in the next few decades, and may eventually reach an unprecedented level 10 pollution that harms all mankind!

Within a few decades, enough ocean currents would carry radiation to every corner of the globe, and not every mosquito or even the penguins in Antarctica would be immune. "

After he finished speaking, everyone focused their attention on Yukio Takasu, the representative of the island nation, as if questioning him.

During the Chernobyl accident, the reactor core was also at risk of sinking. In the end, the brave and fearless death squads rushed in and grabbed graphite rods to stop the reactor.

However, the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant is a third-generation technology, and Fukushima is a second-generation boiling water reactor technology. Of course, it is impossible to capture graphite. But at that time, Aramco’s Pacific Fleet brought a full 4 tons of liquid helium to rescue, but the island country’s authorities reject.

Liquid helium is an extremely effective means of cooling the reactor. If it is poured into the reactor at that time, it can basically ensure that it shuts down due to low temperature. Moreover, liquid helium is a strategic resource due to the rarity of helium. It is really a lot to mobilize 4 tons of liquid helium at one time for emergency rescue. .

Takasu Yukio could only look at the table and pretend that nothing happened. It had been so long, so why did he insist on holding on to it?

After Jon finished speaking, other expert groups also spoke briefly to express their approval of the new rating. Then Jon described it as "the most significant challenge facing mankind" and began to list the hazards of radiation and so on.

It wasn't until everyone looked bad that Jon ended the conversation and turned to how to deal with it.

“Out of its stance on the peaceful use of nuclear energy by mankind and the health and safety of all mankind, the International Atomic Energy Agency has decided to take strong measures to prevent the continued spread of pollution and endanger the safety of billions of people.

After joint review by the IAEA expert group, we believe that the most effective and safest disposal method is to use neutron jets to convert the isotopes in the still burning reactor into stable elements, and adopt a short-term high-energy aerial elimination plan for external pollution.

To this end, we have applied to the Security Council for an airburst fusion energy release device and two neutron jet-based fusion energy devices. All consumption costs will be paid by the IAEA.

In addition, I must emphasize that before cleaning up the pollution, about 300,000 surrounding residents must be evacuated to safe areas, which will require huge resettlement costs and possible financial damage compensation. The IAEA cannot afford this cost.

Therefore, the IAEA hopes that peace-loving people and philanthropists from all over the world will jointly donate funds to resettle the relocated residents. It will raise a total of US$1.5 billion at a standard of US$5,000 per resident and US$500 million for the isolation wall, for a total donation of US$2 billion. "

After Jon finished speaking, the entire venue was silent for a brief moment, and then went into an uproar.

However, the Secretary-General did not give the representatives a chance to become confused and immediately announced that this proposal would become UN General Assembly Resolution No. 21102, which would be put to a plenary vote immediately.

All the representatives were still in a state of confusion, and then they saw the five hands in the front row raised with a "swish", very neatly.

Then the non-permanent members in the next row were also dumbfounded. The non-permanent members of this term were replaced only in June, and they are Poland, Côte d'Ivoire, Kuwait, Peru, and Equatorial Guinea.

There is no doubt that they are too far away from the island country. They looked at each other and raised their hands one after another when they did not need to pay their own money and the top five had already passed.

Then there are the younger brothers in the front row. All they can do is follow the boss and raise their hands obediently.

So in just one minute, a large number of hands were raised. However, the 70-year-old Yukio Takasu could not fully digest the information just now, and looked blankly at the representatives who suddenly became noisy and then suddenly became quiet and raised their hands.

He even asked the assistant next to him:

"The previous ones have agreed, should we agree too?"


"You should object with a clear-cut stand..." the assistant suddenly trailed off mid-sentence.

"At least you are abstaining, so please don't raise your hands!"

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