Class B base.

Two gray-white medium-sized aircraft were pushed into the final assembly hangar one after another, with many soldiers standing inside.

Serev looked at the two Tu-16s in front of him that were ready to be modified... no, H-6H bombers, and he seemed to be in a trance as if he had returned to the last century.

"Mr. Xie, these are these two aircraft. We hope to complete the modification within two months, and we also need to complete the debugging work."

The highest-ranking military officer present was a colonel, and he was the person responsible for this modification task.

Tian Zhan is 54 years old. He originally planned to retire next year, but now the plan has changed. He will retire early as the captain of the Chinese branch of the IAEA International Chemical Defense Emergency Support and Rescue Team and go to Fukushima to cooperate in completing the entire radiation cleanup plan.

The country is preparing to dispatch a radiation dust collection aircraft, an observation aircraft, dozens of supporting transport aircraft and helicopters, as well as a support and rescue team of about 2,000 people from the fire brigade.

Now this year, firefighting still belongs to the armed police and is still under the control of the military. Therefore, it used to be convenient to arrange for the transfer of chemical defense troops, and it was not so eye-catching to hide in the name of firefighting.

However, there are currently no ready-made full-time aircraft models in China for the two aircraft responsible for the main tasks. The commonly used Y-8 and Y-9 platforms are relatively slow and have poor risk resistance, so it was decided to transfer two H-6Hs as carriers for modification.

In order to speed up the process, Xinyuan, who was always efficient, finally took over the modification order.

This is an easy job, and Xinyuan has nuclear qualifications and is relatively knowledgeable about this aspect. However, Serev saw the two H-6Hs and had nowhere to complain.

C810 - now the Navy's JH-9 fighter-bomber. Except for the maximum take-off weight, which is inferior to the H-6, the overall combat capability is greatly exceeded. However, the Air Force still clings to this thing. Compared with other aircraft in the final assembly hangar, the technical level is Spanning two eras.

"Colonel Tian, ​​why don't you buy a few more H-10s? They are much better than this old guy in every aspect."

"H-10? What is H-10?"


Tian Zhan looked confused, and Serev realized that "Xuehu" was still highly confidential, and no one with a lower level knew about it.

But Tian Zhan is not stupid. He just searched for unfamiliar aircraft models in his mind, and immediately thought of the mysterious aircraft that was so popular two months ago. It was actually not a H-20, but a H-10?

So how powerful is the H-20, or is there no H-20 at all? !

Both parties tacitly ignored the topic and continued to discuss the work of the emergency rescue team stationed on Fukushima.

Since they are in the name of firefighters, they must have firefighting equipment, and this is still a necessity.

There are several large forest parks around Fukushima. Although the impact range of the air-explosion hydrogen bomb is limited, there is still the possibility of igniting fires, so there must be fire-fighting equipment that can respond quickly.

Aramco is preparing to mobilize seaplanes and fire extinguishers modified from Boeing 747s from China. Lucia can activate large helicopters such as the Mi-26 to put out fires. The country currently does not have these big gadgets and mainly relies on the ground and small drones.

The ground facilities are fire tanks and fire rocket launchers. The former mainly includes Type 59 fire tanks and Type 59 wreckers, which not only have strong protection, but also can spray powerful foam water jets to extinguish fires and clear obstacles; the latter rely on 122mm wheeled rocket launchers The platform was modified to launch rockets filled with fire extinguishing agents and capable of reaching a range of several kilometers.

In addition, there are some medium and large unmanned aerial vehicles, carrying 250 kilograms of fire-fighting aerial bombs, to achieve safe and efficient fire-fighting through land and air cooperation.

But while chatting, Tian Zhan suddenly became mysterious and said a word that even surprised Serev.

"Fire-fighting electromagnetic gun? Not only did you miniaturize the electromagnetic gun, but you also installed it on a truck?"

"Yes, the technology we just developed is still being modified in Hubei."



Academician She passed by Lin Ju's office and heard a voice full of confusion and confusion coming from inside:

“When humans celebrate their victory over nature, it is the beginning of nature’s punishment on humans.”

"The truth of all things must be what thought thinks, so thinking is to reveal the truth of the object."

He looked through the crack of the unlocked door and found Lin Ju standing by the window with a frown on his face, holding a book and reading. When he came in, he happened to read the next sentence:

“Only when a nation has a group of people who look up to the stars can they have hope.

Hey, I understand this. Mr. She, let’s see if we should carve this sentence on a stone and place it in front of our headquarters, especially for the occasion. "

"Why do you have time to start studying Hegel? Why don't you engage in science and start engaging in philosophy?"

"Philosophy is also part of science."

Lin Ju closed the page. To be honest, he really couldn't see anything.

"You're here just in time. I plan to gather a group of people to study sociology and philosophy in space. Do you want the committee to support me?"

"Preparing for space colonization so soon?"

Academician She pushed up his glasses. Of course what Lin Ju said made sense, but starting so early still made people feel a little emotional.

Lin Ju: "Today is October 25th. The last two service modules of the Forward have been transported to the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center. The two space shuttles, the Storm and the Glory, are also in Qiongzhou. Before November 15th, the Forward All modules of the number will be installed in place.

In the next three to five years, our company alone will have more than 2,000 people working in space, which can be considered a small society. "

Academician She: "If you didn't tell me, I really wouldn't have thought of it... By the way, what happened to the second phase of the Qianjin No. 1 renovation project?"

Lin Ju: "It's mainly due to the limitations of the Qianjin. You know that a big problem we encountered when we first designed it was the rotating mechanism. At that time, we were unable to solve the air tightness and friction problems of the rotating cabin, so Qianjin The number is rotated as a whole.

But now the base has some new ideas that may solve it. At that time, we can remove its central axis pilot module and functional module, continue to expand and install more modules, and the current Advance will be on the new spacecraft. part.

In this way, its maximum capacity can be increased to more than 200 people. Everyone can take turns entering the centrifugal cabin to rest and exercise. The practicality and scalability will be greatly improved, and the thrust rotation deviation and observation of the Forward's thrust rotation during deep space navigation will be eliminated. The problem of poor conditions. "

"Hmm..." Academician She's mind immediately pictured the Hermes spaceship in the classic science fiction movie "The Martian". It was a long shape with a ring in the middle.

"What about the strength? Have you calculated the strength of the Forward itself? There is also the eccentric force during rotation."

"The eccentric force can be corrected by computer, and the strength is absolutely sufficient. Think about why we have to put a heavy steel truss on it. The multi-node node cabin in the middle does not need to be replaced. It is a small problem."

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