United Mining Headquarters.

Of course, the country was in favor of establishing a good relationship with these cutting-edge scientists as much as possible, but it also considered that too many might cause unnecessary trouble, so Ye Changsi's proposal to sign a consulting contract with Xinyuan was successfully passed.

However, although they receive subsidies from Xinyuan Corporation, the scientists are nominally the United Space Mining Development Corporation and Scientific Advisory Committee (UCSC).

In just one day, more than a hundred scientists decided to sign and join the meeting, and they all gathered at the headquarters of United Mining to sign a centralized agreement.

Wu Yunfeng kept his head down and did not dare to look at everyone for fear that he would lose control of his emotions. On the other hand, Ye Changsi's face remained as usual and he confirmed the agreement with everyone one by one.

The first person was of course the most proactive Stephen Hawking. His personal doctor resolutely refused after hearing his idea of ​​going to space, but Ye Changsi assured him that he would secretly take a supersonic passenger plane from the capital to the base to take off on an aerospace plane. In less than 2 hours, you can move secretly by then.

Since he was unable to sign because of his unchanged behavior, the contract was signed and fingerprinted. Penrose wrote his name for him, then grabbed Hawking's thumb and pressed the ink pad, gently covering the place of his name.

The moment he pressed it, he felt Hawking's body twitch, but he immediately thought it was his illusion, put down his hand and asked:

"Steven, let's prepare for our trip to space... Steven?"

The light outside the window swept over Hawking's glasses frame, revealing a different pair of eyes.

He silently conveyed some information to Penrose with his eyes, but the latter only thought that Hawking was tired and didn't take it seriously. He picked up a pen and wrote his signature on his contract.

The moment he put away the pen, his hand shook slightly.

Looking back at Hawking, they both saw the craziest conclusion in the other's calm eyes.

But Penrose just got up and pushed his wheelchair to the rest area to sit down, and together with Hawking silently watched the people signing the contracts in order.

"The universe...is more amazing than we thought."

Hawking typed this line on the screen, and Penrose crossed his hands and nodded. What just happened refreshed his scientific understanding for more than half a century, and was even more exaggerated than the cosmic cycle theory that life never ends.

The binding force of the system is very simple, and their thoughts are still completely free.

Penrose is now instinctively trying to find various theories to explain everything he encountered, but he can't find any clues.

More and more people are walking towards the rest area. Although everyone's expressions are normal, as long as "one of us" looks at them, they can know their status.

When Frank Young came over and sat down next to Penrose, he whispered in English at a very fast speed:

“I’m beginning to believe in God now.”

Penrose: "But I think God is ourselves."

After the two of them finished speaking, they looked at each other tacitly, and their eyes became deep again.

When all 155 people completed signing the contract, Ye Changsi walked up to everyone with a smile:

“Folks, I think we can have a full meeting of the advisory committee right away, in a quiet place.

It just so happens that everyone is about to enter space. Why not go to the base of Xinyuan Company for some simple aerospace knowledge training? "

Everyone agrees.

"Oh, God!"

Robert shook his head and looked at the news video on the website, unable to believe his eyes.

This is a video posted on YouTube by a Chinese self-media. It starts in a small river valley, and then two of their J-20 fighters fly in the air. The first J-20 starts to dive when it approaches, and then the wings A large cloud of smoke came out from below, and it quickly pulled up after emptying two rocket nests.

The second one also fired a round of rockets in the same manner. Both rounds of rockets hit an area of ​​the pass and caused a huge explosion. The surrounding soil was immediately washed into the river, and the river channel was soon widened.

The screen then changed to a modified semi-submersible ship for inland rivers that passed by here a few hours later. It had the first and second stage rocket bodies painted with "CZ-18B/X-4B" on it. Their huge bodies feel like they will sink the semi-submersible ship at any time.

In fact, the total weight of the rocket body is just over 340 tons, and the core dry mass excluding the booster is close to 30. It is so light that even a temporarily modified semi-submersible ship can easily handle it, and it can basically navigate the river.

Later, there is a scene of this semi-submersible boat passing through a pass under the help of multiple auxiliary boats. Sometimes you can see the shore full of residents watching the excitement.

But unlike ordinary citizens who watched the excitement and sighed at the Xinyuan 4 rocket body, and then took photos and posted them online, Robert only felt his scalp was numb and he was sweating.

That monster with a take-off mass of 15,000 tons was actually built!

Although many rumors had been revealed before, he was unwilling to believe that such a monster could really exist before seeing the real thing.

Just from visual assessment, he could determine that the take-off mass was definitely over 10,000 tons, and with the four solid boosters, it was well over 15,000 tons.

What's even more surprising is that the Xinyuan-4 rocket was not covered with a tarpaulin (I couldn't find one that big for a while). This shows that its rocket body is very strong and can easily withstand water immersion. It should be made of tarpaulin. Special design for water recycling.

"Damn...Jim, Jim!"

Deputy Director Jim quickly ran over, and then he realized that the Xinyuan-4 rocket had been shipped out, which meant that the launch time would not be too far away!

The two looked at each other, and finally Robert gritted his teeth and said:

"How is the preparation for the first SL-X? We must launch it within November."

Today is already October 31st, and there are still two months left before the New Year.

Jim: "Blue Origin is no problem. We have produced three experimental models in the past two months and constantly modified the design structure. The black box of Artemis 2 has provided us with a wealth of improvement data. The new landing There is absolutely no problem with the machine, just use the last experimental model produced!

As for the rocket, we just completed the combined water-injection strength test of the B11 and ICPS models three days ago, and it has completely passed. We can just move the ICPS of the upper stage of Boeing's SLS and use it. If it is launched unmanned, it will take a month. "

"Then prepare the launch procedures immediately. If the Chinese continue to launch bigger and bigger rockets and we don't have a successful launch in half a year, I'm afraid you will be here to replace me next year."

Robert had a headache when he thought about Claire being impeached in Congress, and he didn't want to do it again.

"Also, think of a way to try to land on the moon again this year."

I am annoyed when I code words on my mobile phone in the car...

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