Forward number.

At an altitude of 540 kilometers above the ground, the huge combination of the Advance space station and two space shuttles is hidden in the shadow on the back of the earth, and the small part that is exposed makes it even more majestic.

Li Sheng is the commander of the space shuttle Storm. He is currently suspended 100 meters away from the space station. There is only a safety belt connected to a centrifugal module of the Advance.

In order to be able to stay here stably, a jet device was specially attached to his spacesuit.

What he was waiting for was a perfect sunrise, while the other 11 astronauts were manipulating the two robotic arms of the space shuttle to install the last service module.

Perhaps because of the last space station installation mission, the two crews this time were very enthusiastic about their work. They completed the installation of one cabin section and all the trusses of the entire space station in advance. Together with the two space shuttles, the mass of the assembly has approached 1,700 tons. .

The ground command center wanted to record this historic moment, and finally decided to install the last "Xugu" module at sunrise.

"Today is November 5th. It's time to move into a new house. Comrades, we will soon be able to live in a brand new space station and take a hot bath comfortably."

"Brother Li, it may take next year for it to be officially operational."


The first two service modules of the Advance began to supply power to the entire space station after its launch. They have steadily output 5MW of power for more than two months, completely solving the "power shortage" of the space station.

The ground also took this opportunity to start testing each module one by one. After all, the earliest modules have been operating in orbit for nearly a year, and many equipment have never been operated in space due to lack of power.

After the entire space station is assembled, it will take at least about 2 months for the Advance to conduct detailed inspections of the 14 main cabin sections and 19 structural modules before considering turning it around to generate gravity, and it may even have to wait until the Spring Festival.

After all, this is a super man-made object with a cost of hundreds of billions and unprecedented size and weight. If an accident occurs during operation, it will be an irreversible loss.

"Hongbo, if you want to take a bath so much, why not sign up and work for United Mining? You can definitely take a bath on the moon, and they can produce water, and the bath water doesn't need to be recycled."

Another old-fashioned voice on the radio immediately resonated with others. Although the circulation systems on the space station and space shuttle are extremely advanced, circulating water...even those who have received professional training can't help but have some grudges when using it.

Just the fact that there is no need to use recycled water is enough for astronauts to stay for half the time.

Li Sheng: "You two, stop talking. The sun will come out in a few minutes. It's a bit blocked from my angle. You move the dog cabin a little further to the left. I'll take a more layered view."

From his point of view, the Advance has appeared as a complete large circle, and because the layout of the 12 cabin sections is very full, it does not have the thin feeling of a traditional space station at all.

Soon the sun rose from one side of the horizon. Li Sheng immediately adjusted the camera and pressed the shutter when the entire front of the space station was almost completely illuminated.

After taking dozens of photos, he started asking people to recover the safety rope.

His relative position now is the "Mao Rabbit" section of the Advance at 6 o'clock. The Advance is like a skyscraper that towers over the sky. There is an indescribable sense of inclusiveness in the dark background of space.

The installation of "Xugu" took four hours, which basically used up all the astronauts' working time today.

From now on, the "Forward" is officially completed.

All 12 astronauts finally entered the space station, 6 stayed in the pilot module and functional module, and the other 6 were each responsible for a service module and a living module.

The flight computer in the pilot cabin finally detected the entire body at this time, began to self-check the electrical systems of each cabin, and at the same time distributed the power to the six service cabins to the grid.

This process also took two hours. At the same time, another computer was used on the ground to conduct a check, and all passed.

At 6:10 p.m., Li Sheng activated all equipment in the entire space station.

The facilities in the living cabin that consume a lot of power can finally be turned on at full power, and the decibels of the background sound have increased a bit, and it is no longer the terrifying absolute silence before.

All the white modules on the laser holographic display turned green. Li Sheng gently moved it with his finger, and it immediately showed the position of the earth below.

This is a navigation system in the solar system equipped with a flight computer. It can zoom in and display the coordinates of almost all celestial objects with known trajectories. However, it can only provide precise navigation services between the earth and the moon.

"Report to the command center that the Qianjin space station has been assembled and is running well overall!"

"The command center understands! Dongyao, you can carry out commemorative activities!"


Li Sheng immediately floated to the "Zi Mo" cabin with the camera fixed on his chest. He will take the camera through a circle of more than 460 meters long in the order of the zodiac, and finally return to the starting point. The whole journey is expected to take about 5 minutes.

This is a very physically demanding process, but extremely rewarding.

In the ground command center, Shen Zuozhou looked at Li Sheng striding along the bulkhead and said regretfully:

"Chairman Lin is not here, otherwise he would definitely say that he would hold sports games in space. At least there will be track and field events."

Boss: "He is probably thinking about how to arrange for more than 100 scientists to go into space now. Do you know how foreign scientific research institutions and schools reacted when this news was leaked?"

"Objection? After all, there are so many elite physicists."

Boss: "No, we have received more membership applications. Many people want to take the opportunity to go to space. There are already more than 1,000 applications."

Shen Zuozhou: "..."

"Then they are not afraid of something happening to these scientists? That would be a huge loss."

Boss: "Of course, if they are applied technology elites, they cannot get so close to us, but these are people with great fame but little practical significance, and they must know that the people who are more afraid of something happening are us.

And look, Xinyuan has to spend a lot of money again. Lao She is now at their base. The Jiuzhang spacecraft has been offline and is undergoing testing. The lunar project will usher in explosive growth next year. "

Shen Zuozhou: "Then we must also be prepared. The nuclear power service module manufactured by Xinyuan has been shipped to Qiongzhou and is urging our command module."

Boss: "This is not a problem. The new ferry command module has been improved a lot. In the future, we will be able to carry out a lunar mission every four or five days. If we launch three ships, we can even send a lunar flight every day." "

Shen Zuozhou: "That's great. Can we transport more instruments to build a space observation center on the moon?"

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