"John claims the Artemis 3 astronauts will spend Christmas Eve on the moon."

On the bus on the Qiongzhou Ring Road, Bill Nelson looked at the headlines on his phone. The moment he read the headlines, he couldn't help but close his eyes and take the phone away.

Although but... this boss really doesn't care about the situation when he talks lies...

It is of course true that the SL-X was successfully launched. Bill also knew that SpecaX's other first-level B11 seemed to be ready. Artemis 3 did have the ability to launch before Christmas Eve.

But after experiencing so many accidents, didn't John realize that spaceflight is full of uncertainties... It's not the last century.

The concept of "aerospace = delayed tickets" has only appeared in recent years. Although there were delayed tickets in the last century, it was far less serious. In that era of chasing each other, rockets were as endless as sausages.

The only place where this trend can be seen now is the land where he is now. During his time in the capital, he has already glimpsed a terrifying space program of staggering scale.

Such an ambitious plan could be said to have required all the efforts of the world in the environment of the last century. Even today, with huge technological leaps, it still requires considerable investment. The determination of the Aviation Development Commission can be said to be unbelievable.

Bill silently compared the ADC, which was making great strides, with NACA, which was slightly tired, and tried his best to find ways to narrow the gap.

"Here we are."

Jon's voice interrupted his thoughts, and Bill quickly got out of the car with the others, and immediately felt the thick salt air unique to the coast.

This is the bay where the Long March 18 is to be launched. The locals call it "Wengjia Bay". It is an area with good natural verticality and not much depth.

Because the launch area was still under construction, the bus did not drive directly in. The expert group chose to arrive on foot, but Bill did not walk long before he saw the shocking super giant.

Today is November 29. The Long March 18, which has been hoisted and packed in the final container in Shanghai, arrived at Wengjia Bay two days in advance. It is now fixed on the shore of the bay with the semi-submersible ship carrying it with a thick anchor cable.

Various steel structures are exposed on the surface of the final assembly box wrapping the super rocket, covering the distant coastline like a city wall in the Kingdom of Giants.

The Long March 18 rocket was completely contained in this oversized pressure shell, but Bill could imagine the rocket lying on its side.

The Nine Chapter spaceship will arrive in the next two or three days. The overweight cranes and the work ships gathered on the shore are preparing to assemble them together. Now there are thousands of people on site doing intense work.

The densely packed heads on the temporary dock really looked like ants compared to the final packaging boxes, using their own insignificance to set off the other's greatness.

Jon walked to the front and looked down, trying to find the oversized cement base weighing tens of thousands of tons, but saw nothing.

If he had come more than a month ago, he would still have seen the spectacular scenes during the construction. Six operation boats, including auxiliary boats, separated the seawater in an area and poured high-grade cement down for free. For For the domestic construction team, the requirements for this cement base were extremely simple, and they were completed without much effort.

But when Jon and others learned about it, they were shocked and wanted to witness the miracle with their own eyes.

After a while, they saw a black shadow on the bottom of the sea with the help of light under the instructions of the local guide. Although they were still unsure, Jon believed that it was it.

"Nelson, if we were also stuffed into this rocket and ejected using buoyancy, how much difference would there be between overload and a naval carrier-based aircraft taking off?"

Bill thought for a while: "The overload of a carrier-based aircraft taking off is very high, but I'm not sure."

"You're not a soldier?"

Bill: "I was in the Army."


Jon realized that he subconsciously classified the congressman who had been in space as a former pilot. In this way, he had a higher evaluation of him. At least Bill was one of the few elites who understood science among the many idiot congressmen.

"I saw some of your plans... Is it really cost-effective for the Chinese to use hydrogen bombs to mine ores?"

Although United Mining has almost semi-disclosed many details of using hydrogen bombs to explode mine pits, Bill still has a certain degree of skepticism and believes that the Aviation Development Commission has other agendas.

"Of course."

Jon became excited when he talked about his profession:

"This is a wonderful idea. Nuclear bombs should not only exist as weapons, but we were too careful in the past. Nuclear winter is a complete fallacy and is hindering our progress.

We will also do this in the future, not just for the moon, but also for asteroids. XAP previously launched a 'Changsi' asteroid probe. The Lingshen planet they are going to may contain hundreds of thousands of tons of gold. Even if it is used as an industrial raw material, it can make countless money. "

Bill nodded: "Yes, we will also have a resource development plan, and we will have to prepare more for this on the moon this time.

Did you see the news yesterday, several leading physicists expressed support for Union Mining and believed that the benefits of space mining are far beyond expectations, and I think Congress will respond. "


Most of the representatives of the inspection team went to Qiongzhou to wait to see the Long March 18 rocket launch. This kind of underwater launch of a giant rocket was an unprecedented experience. People from the aerospace industry from various countries were coming one after another, and many of them applied for official qualifications for close observation.

Lin Ju originally wanted to go there, but something happened and he took the initiative to come to the door.

"Hello Mr. Pan."


Pan Yongnan also met Lin Ju for the first time. Like many people, he was surprised by the other person's youth.

Joining him this time is Wang Minjiang, the leader of Xinyuan's microelectronics department. The latter is now leading Huanghe Semiconductor to desperately expand production capacity in preparation for full competition next year.

It was just a coincidence that the two of them came together. Wang Minjiang came to contact his boss for technical support, and happened to bump into Pan Yongnan from the Academy of Sciences, so he simply stayed together.

Lin Ju stroked the Shatush spread on the table with his palm, and looked at Pan Yongnan with some uncertainty:

"Professor Pan, is the manufacturing of chips in space really significant? I don't doubt the possibility of realizing this technology, but is its prospect worth investing huge amounts of money in?

I know some semiconductor technology. The chip industry chain is extremely complex. It is not impossible to move it to the sky, but what can we get from it? "

Lin Ju rarely hesitates on space projects, but the purpose of Pan Yongnan's trip is indeed a bit unclear, especially since he knows very well how huge a project chip manufacturing is.

Take the fully automatic chip factory underground in the base, which can be called an absolutely black technology, and covers an area of ​​almost a thousand acres. Naturally, there are some doubts about the prospects of producing chips in space with the current technical capabilities.

This chapter can be regarded as today’s update... There won’t be any tonight

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