"Prepare for battle!"

"Target locked!"

"Two interceptor rounds, shoot!"

When Iskander was already in the reentry stage, the 173rd ship Xiangcheng locked the terminal warhead at an altitude of 250 kilometers, and "launched" two HQ9B anti-aircraft missiles after a few seconds.

There is no doubt that this is another short- and medium-range anti-fire exercise against Iskander. All the surrounding warships must be doing the same thing now. They just practiced trying to shoot down their own Dongfeng 15C.

However, this kind of exercise is destined to have no results. In addition to estimating the interception probability of one's own missiles based on past experience, the greater significance of the other two companies is to collect data at close range.

But the expressions of the officers and soldiers on the 173th ship were a bit subtle. After all, the HQ9B was copied from Lucia's S300, and it was quite contradictory when used against Iskander.

However, the anti-missile capabilities of the HQ9B and HQ16 equipped on the 173 ship are not strong. They can only be said to be "available". The focus of domestic anti-missile is always on the mainland. I believe they have completed interception drills.

The exercise ended on time when the captain could already see with the naked eye the blazing meteor approaching the clouds quickly.

Just as he picked up his sunglasses and was about to put them on, he suddenly felt a blur in front of his eyes, as if a light green light had just passed by.

He naturally placed the source on the warhead that was shining with intense light. He just felt that he was not young anymore and his eyes were too sensitive.

What he didn't know was that above his head, Qianjun Bang No. 1 was also locking on a fast-moving target.

"Countdown, 10 seconds!"

In cabin No. 2220, Xiao Gangtian ignored the countdown on the radio and stared at the nuclear power plant outside the porthole with wide eyes.

As the meteor streaking across the sky approached the ground, he turned his head and closed his eyes, then counted silently for 5 seconds before opening his eyes.

The cabin was a vast white scene, like a computer monitor whose saturation was stretched to the extreme and caused distortion. Everything in the cabin was submerged in white light, and only a faint outline could be seen.

The open portholes turned into dazzling light sources. He had to close his eyes again, and then counted five more.

It was still white, but slightly more transparent. At the same time, the originally noisy cabin suddenly became extremely quiet, and he felt ringing in his ears.

Xiao Gangtian closed his eyes for the third time, and this time he counted 10. The lost color of the cabin finally returned, and the noisy mechanical noises also started to sound again.

He turned his head again towards the porthole, and what he saw was a super fireball covering almost all visible areas. Its size almost occupied the entire sky, and it looked blazing red like the sun when viewed up close. Its violent surface was constantly surging. Like the corona of the sun.

"Amaterasu no Okami"

A hometown dialect came out of his mouth unconsciously, and his whole body seemed to be heated by the firelight, and dense goose bumps appeared all over his body.


The pilot next to him blurted out a Chinese quintessence sentence, and then cursed unceremoniously:

“Damn it, this yield is 1 million tons short and I am blind, pilot, speed up the damn thing!

Damn it, damn you old man, fly away! "

In fact, there is no need for the pilot to shout. The pilots who have been trained for a long time have already judged the yield through the duration of the white light, which is at least 1 million tons!

He had pushed the throttle all the way to the bottom and was running out desperately.

"Everyone is here, the shock wave is coming soon!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he felt a strong push on his back, and his whole body tilted backwards uncontrollably. Then the plane bumped up and down as if it was out of control, and there was a strong left-hand thrust.

Xiao Gangtian, who was leaning against the bulkhead, felt the crazy vibrations of the aircraft. Even the skin on his face was shaking to the point where he was almost out of shape. If the four-point safety belt hadn't been securely fastened, he would have been thrown out of his seat.

The atmospheric wave lasted for more than 30 seconds before stopping, and the entire cockpit was filled with instrument alarms.

The four crew members, covered in cold sweat, hurriedly checked and found that there was no major problem before heaving a sigh of relief.

The pilot who had just cursed squeezed to the port window and looked back, and found that the height of the mushroom cloud had far exceeded their flight altitude. It was at least more than 20 kilometers, and it was not impossible to even reach 40 kilometers in the end!

This conclusion frightened Xiao Okada. He could already feel that his back was soaked with sweat.

"700,000 tons, this is 1.7 million tons!"

"Such a big fireball, damn it, I have to contact 2210 quickly!"

"The radio doesn't work at all. We can't contact anyone now. The electromagnetic environment is a mess!"

"Old Maozi must have taken fake medicine. Isn't the 700,000 tons of water too much?"

"We should have invested a big one, but we lost money!"

There was a lot of shouting and quarrel in the cabin, but in the end everyone unanimously looked at an old man with gray hair, who was the only true nuclear expert on the plane.

“1.1 to 1.4 million tons may be due to the increased leakage yield due to the crater of the first explosion, or it may be because the yield itself is large, but it is definitely more than 700,000.

However, I remember that their warheads of this yield should be three-phase bullets, but they should not use three-phase bullets. They should be new warheads after modification, and there is a possibility of yield control errors. "

The old expert's tone was relatively calm. Others calmed down temporarily after hearing what he said. Then they heard one person say:

"You mean... they redesigned a warhead, or modified a new warhead, which is probably the second possibility. They didn't control the yield calculation well?

Yes, it is possible. "

Everyone quickly realized that after the nuclear tests of various countries, it was not that they did not design new warheads, but they were basically designed based on past experience and would not explode live ammunition.

The accumulation of past experience can ensure that the hydrogen bomb explodes, but the amount control cannot be very precise, especially if Lucia chooses to make temporary modifications.

The design of a hydrogen bomb is a very metaphysical issue. If you put a lump of lithium deuteride next to an atomic bomb, there is a chance that the lithium deuteride will be exploded, vaporized and scattered all over the place. There is also a chance that the lithium deuteride will be compressed and cause a fusion reaction, but the reaction ratio will not be the same. Easy to say.

The 54 kilograms of uranium in the first atomic bomb "Little Boy" only reacted less than 1 kilogram. The weight of the first hydrogen bomb, which weighed tens of tons, was later compressed to one or two tons. This was all a matter of utilization.

No one doubts Maozi's accumulated experience, but the reliability of the simulation's supercomputing... is hard to say.

The Dongfeng 15C is an active equipment that has undergone underground experiments on nuclear triggers in the last century, and its yield is naturally accurate.

"But there is no need to worry about the cleaning problem. As long as it is not a three-phase bomb, the cleaning effect will definitely be fine."

The old expert squinted at the mushroom cloud that had reached the sky, and added:

"The Fudao Power Station is close to the sea. We are almost close to destroying the coastline. Now it is estimated that several kilometers of land have been blown away. From now on, there will only be a bay there."

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