Quantum encrypted communication actually uses quantum to become a security key. It is still essentially traditional communication, but the encryption method has changed.

For example, A sends a string of quantum signature codes to B. A records the deflection angle of each quantum when transmitting, and B records each deflection angle when receiving. According to the quantum entanglement effect, the recording results of both sides should be consistent.

If a third party discovers this signal and eavesdrops on it, the quantum state will change according to the observer effect, and the result obtained by B will be wrong.

A then publicly sends the recorded deflection result of the quantum signature code to B, and B compares it. If there is an error, it can prove that it has been eavesdropped. A re-compiles a new signature and sends it until the two sides are completely consistent.

If it is determined that it has not been eavesdropped, then the signature can be used as an information encryption method to transmit the information. The information is divided into countless small segments for transmission. Each segment needs to be encrypted and compared with a new signature. Even if it is eavesdropped, there is no loss. Just compare it again. .

Therefore, quantum encrypted communication cannot be cracked, but the transmission medium is still a traditional method, and the upper limit of the speed of light cannot be broken.

Of course, the physics of the other world has not collapsed, and the quantum entanglement phenomenon is definitely still unable to transmit content. The scholar surnamed Zhang’s approach is to find another way, and this is related to another technology and a theory that is not available in this world.

Different World first vigorously studied the principle of quantum entanglement, which is an action at a distance, and then came to the conclusion: the action at a distance of quantum entanglement does not exceed the speed of light.

The reason why people think it is faster than the speed of light is just because it exceeds the speed of light of 299792458 meters per second. In higher dimensions, it does not exceed the speed of light.

In 1897 in another world, 11 dimensions had been discovered, and it was discovered that the speed of light increases every time the dimension increases. The speed of light in the 11-dimensional space is close to infinity.

Quantum entanglement's effect at a distance is transmitted through high-dimensional space, so the path and medium cannot be observed in three-dimensional space, and the effect exceeds the speed of light.

Therefore, if a beam of signals can be allowed to pass through the high-dimensional space connected between them when quantum entanglement occurs, then super-light communication can be achieved in reality.

So how to find the entrance to high-dimensional space through a pair of entangled quanta? That, of course, requires a tool that can span dimensions: gravity.

It is not to detect gravity, but to interfere with gravity. When quantum entanglement occurs, gravitational waves that are too weak to be detected will also be generated. Using it to establish a medium with high-dimensional space means creating gravitational waves.

The difficulty of creating gravitational waves is an order of magnitude lower than that of creating gravity, but it is still out of reach for the base.

To send out a "wave," there must be a "string," a string that produces "significant" gravitational fluctuations when plucked.

This physical world is still powerless, but Wu Yunfeng discovered that there is something that can: C172 metal hydrogen battery.

Its core metallic hydrogen is a degenerate substance, and the huge degeneracy pressure can create an ultra-high-density environment within a tiny range.

Although it is still much weaker than neutron degenerate matter, it is enough to move an almost massless light quantum.

Different technologies from the two world lines unexpectedly came together at this moment, laying the foundation for achieving delay-free synchronous communication in the low-tech era.

But this only meets the most basic preparations. The current research on gravitational waves is still almost blank. The step from zero to one is the most difficult in scientific research.

Not to mention removing the metal hydrogen battery as a "string", it is difficult to estimate any unexpected losses. Before that, the relevant technology and principles must be partially understood.

Finally, Wu Yunfeng discussed with the newly recruited expert group, and finally concluded that the most important breakthrough point is still gravity, and a very high-precision gravitational wave observatory must be established first to have basic research conditions.

At this time, they thought of the half-dead "Lyra" team and approved the idea of ​​building a gravitational wave observatory in space.

Compared with the earth, space is more hidden. In particular, research on metallic hydrogen samples must be highly confidential. Coupled with the convenience of construction, it was finally agreed that the moon is more reasonable.

At this time, Lu Qun finally ushered in the dawn of hope. After an agreement, he officially understood the whole story of the quantum communication project team.

This route confirms the need to use gravity as a tool, and has proven that the road is feasible, which means that the Tianqin project will receive at least the full support of Xinyuan.

Especially in terms of technology, relying on the Qianjunbang No. 3 project team, the base has been at the forefront of the world in precise laser control. Although there is still a gap between the requirements of the Tianqin Project, as long as we work hard, it will be enough. It’s no longer unattainable.

"Professor Lu, Yunfeng and I have officially decided on the plan to build an observatory on the moon. It is more accurate than the original Tianqin project, and it does not conflict.

This observatory plan will also be included in our scientific research center plan. If it is really completed, I estimate that it will be improved from B+ to A level. "

"Just call me Lao Lu now... I really didn't expect so many incredible things to happen, but... I will try my best. I can't wait to start work soon."

Lu Qun seemed very excited. If we only look at the field, the entire quantum communication project will become the most cutting-edge plan in known science in the world. Once successful, the benefits will be unimaginable.

Especially in terms of gravitational waves, he is likely to become the most important figure in this subject after the discoverer. How can we not be happy?

"That's good."

Ye Changsi was very satisfied with his attitude, and then looked at Wu Yunfeng:

"There should be a lot of exchanges between the Institute of High Energy and the quantum encryption communication team, right? We still have to recruit some people from there. Now that the future is clear, we should try to speed up the progress."

Wu Yunfeng frowned slightly: "That is a key priority project of the country. It is definitely okay for the High Energy Institute to contact it, but if you want them to take time to come over to do it... I'm afraid not, it is too sensitive.

Now that quantum encryption is almost complete, they can't let anyone go. "

At the end of the sentence, Wu Yunfeng shook his head decisively. That team was very practical, and it was almost impossible to get close to the quantum communication team at the base.

"Then dig it from abroad."

Ye Changsi narrowed his eyes and thought again of those cutting-edge physicists who were overage.

"There are still many foreign talents. Let them sign the agreement and then choose those with simple family relationships and who pay more attention to academics.

Instead they lack projects, right? Our attraction is enough. "

"But will this..."

"Extraordinary times require extraordinary measures. Don't the outside world always think that we recruit people from overseas? We just act according to stereotypes."

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