"We should suggest that the ground give Dawn 1 a new head."

At the node module berth of the "Tianhe" core module of the Tiangong Space Station, Dawn-1, which has been docked for nearly a month, finally welcomed its first batch of passengers.

The four astronauts who arrived at the space station on Tengyun checked the situation in the command module, but in fact it had been cleaned up by the astronauts stationed at Tiangong Space Station, so Deng Lei began to complain about the command module of Dawn 1.

Dawn 1 is essentially a nuclear-powered version of the Dawn spacecraft. The command module is of course no different from it, but the increase in seats to 9 still seems a bit crowded.

After getting used to the spacious space shuttle, Deng Lei was very uncomfortable with this compact layout, although the space per person of Dawn 1 was even larger than that of the Shenzhou spacecraft.

"It should be changed to a more comfortable one... It's like a serious cabin in a science fiction movie. There's no need to return to Earth anyway."

"You still have to consider accidents. If something goes wrong and it is thrown into the earth, there will be no redundancy as you said."

Li Wei's words failed to convince him, and Deng Lei still shook his head:

"It's still too conservative. We have to trust modern technology. It's a pity that the Storm has to be reserved for emergencies, otherwise it would be faster and more comfortable for us to take that one."

Currently, the three H2 Medium Storm and Glory in service are still docked on the Advance. If an accident occurs on the space station, all 26 crew members can be evacuated at any time and will not be transferred for the time being.

The fifth H2, which is the sister model of the Storm, the "Typhoon", has actually been built. However, the base considered that in the future, nuclear-powered aircraft will be mostly used for navigation between the earth, the moon and the earth and require some improvements, so they pulled it back. The transformation is expected to take some time before it can be put into service.

Deng Lei didn't know yet that Great Wall 1 was about to be put into use. By then, together with Dawn 2, there would be four nuclear-powered aircraft in space, and the transportation capacity would be much more abundant.

Li Wei: "Then can we give some advice to President Wu... Is Dawn One rented or bought by United Mining? This may be regarded as fighting for working environment treatment?"

"I think it's more reasonable to give advice to the boss. Maybe we can draw a good-looking sketch and get the project approved."

The two continued to chat for a while, and were finally interrupted by a voice.

It turned out to be Zhao Wei, the current commander of the Tiangong Space Station, and there were several astronauts behind him.

"Bring these with you. These are our newly planted vegetables and cherry tomatoes. They are varieties that are not available on the Wutu space station."

Li Wei received a large package, which was filled with the output of the Tiangong Space Station.

He also saw several people in white clothes in the core cabin of Tianhe, who should be the new batch of tourists.

It is said that Lin Ju has been drawing up the moon-circling tourism pie for a while, but he has not started to work on it because he has been unable to spare the money. Compared with those rich people, he can't wait any longer.

"Thank you. When Tianmu 3 returns, we will try to see if we can send bean sprouts grown in the lunar soil. If we act quickly, we should be able to make it in time."

After accepting the gifts, it was time to say goodbye. The time it took Dawn-1 to go to the moon was almost three days like a traditional spacecraft, so they needed to leave as early as possible.

At 9:30 a.m. Beijing time on the 20th, Dawn-1 separated from the Tiangong Space Station.

It adjusted its direction under the influence of RCS and began to accelerate around the earth.

The acceleration process takes almost three hours, exactly two times around the earth.

There is a profound meaning in arranging the launch at this time. If the calculation is correct, then the Dawn-1 crew will have about a 35-minute window period to observe the Wyoming launching the missile and perform the final cleanup work. This is an opportunity that cannot be missed.

Deng Lei, who was sitting in front of the console, clicked something on the panel, then turned to look at Li Wei.

"Would you like to try immersion mode too?"

"Forget it, I'd better keep an eye on the entity to feel more at ease."

"Immersion mode" is an "upgraded" technology. It actually comes from the 360-degree holographic imaging system of the head-mounted display equipped for Snow Hu. It relies on the cooperation of the helmet and numerous cameras to make the body "disappear", allowing the operator to be completely immersed in the surroundings. environment.

Considering that the conditions of Dawn 1 are indeed not as good as other spacecrafts, in order to solve the problem of possible claustrophobia, Dawn 1 can also realize this function through a specially equipped helmet.

Deng Lei likes this feature very much. It makes him feel like he is exposed to the universe, which is both scary and inexplicably alluring.

"Okay then, Lao Liu, Xiang Jie, you guys try it too? The small porthole might have blocked the nuclear explosion."

"Plug me in."

"I'll try too."

Li Wei watched the helmet masks of the three people gradually change from transparent to white, and checked the current attitude of the spacecraft again to ensure that the side windows were always pointed towards the earth.

For him, the naked eye is more meaningful.

"General Edson, you must ensure that the yield will not be greater than 1,300 kilotons. This is about the order of 40 million people. I am not kidding."

In the observation bunker in the control area, Rafael Mariano, the top head of the IAEA, was on the phone with the military chief of the Pacific Fleet.

The Wyoming quietly left port early yesterday morning. No one knows where it has gone or where it will launch missiles.

Although the launch locations of the first two missiles are also kept secret, it is not difficult to estimate the approximate launch area based on public data. It is difficult to say for nuclear submarines.

The Wyoming is a cutting-edge submarine that entered service very late in the Ohio class. It is also equipped with "Trident II" missiles with a range of more than 11,000 kilometers, which can go anywhere in the entire Pacific.

It was now on war radio silence, and Edson couldn't actually contact them.

He only knows that there are two more 052Ds in Fudao Bay, and they are definitely rehearsing to intercept Trident II.

As for the equivalent, he can't control it. The presidential office is directly responsible for this matter, and Edson is almost a bystander.

Anyway, Congress will never let the yield of the hydrogen bomb be lower than 1.25 million tons, but he also knows that the yield of this thing cannot be accurately controlled, so the answer to Raphael's question is also very vague.

“We always put people’s property and safety first, and you don’t have to worry about the technical expertise of our experts.”

Raphael reluctantly ended the call and could only pray that Ami would do something, otherwise the IAEA's reputation might be in ruins.

Time passed quickly. At 10:55, Tian Zhan, who had been sitting quietly in the corner, heard the "beep" warning sound from the tactical tablet.

On the tablet was a map covering most of the Pacific Ocean, connected to the remote sensing satellites overhead.

On the map shown, there is a heat source in the South Pacific with a temperature of several thousand degrees Celsius, moving at a speed exceeding the speed of sound, and its height is still rising.

Considering that Tuvalu is unlikely to have intercontinental missiles, then this should be the Wyoming's move.

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