
Academician She was discussing the fire detection plan with He Ruan in the office when he suddenly heard a familiar voice.

"Mr. She, are you still busy at this late hour?"

Lin Ju, who had just returned to Chengdu to recuperate a few days ago, appeared mysteriously again, holding a bag in his hand that seemed to contain a lot of things.

Academician She was very happy to see Lin Ju again, but he pretended to be serious and criticized:

"It's not time for me to get off work here yet. If you don't take good care of yourself, why are you coming so far away?"

"Small problem, small problem, nothing in the way."

Lin Ju laughed and went to say hello to He Zhuang. The latter had also officially entered Beijing to lead the work of the Aviation Development Committee. It won't be long before they spend more time in contact.

After briefly greeting the two of them, Lin Ju opened the bag he had brought over and took out several unmarked strip cartons.

Academician She picked one up casually. It was light and weightless in his hand, and he said jokingly:

"Are you planning to bribe me with some good tea? This gift package is low-key enough."

He Zhuang came over when he saw this, but he didn't open it rashly. He certainly didn't think Lin Ju was giving a gift.

"This is not tea, but I really intend to give it to you to try."

Lin Ju opened a box and pulled out two needleless syringes, one large and one small. There were green and red stripes on the outer casing. The green syringe had the indented number "504" printed on the side, and the red one had "314". No further information beyond this.

The two of them didn't recognize it as a syringe for a while, and each of them held it in their hands and observed it curiously.

Lin Ju took advantage of this to explain:

"Two new drugs, 504 injections of 6 injections in one course of treatment, once every two months, can significantly improve the user's physical function by about 15% after one year depending on the situation. After three consecutive courses of treatment, the validity period can be maintained for more than 10 years. It has miraculous effects on improving the immunity and energy of the elderly;

314 injection... Well, it can be understood as a stimulant with minimal side effects. Two hours after use, you will be extremely energetic and your normal thinking will not be affected. It has no physiological addiction, but there will be a fatigue period of up to 10 hours. It is recommended Use once a week and do not use more than twice in a row within 7 days.

There's also an oral medicine... we're going to bring these three medicines to the market as soon as possible, um, that's it. "

He spoke in a calm tone, but the other two people's eyes widened.

Not to mention improving human body function, this thing sounds similar to the "ageing needle" and other things used by the super rich. They have all heard of it, but improving body function by 15% sounds very exaggerated.

But that kind of stimulant is simply counterintuitive. Although the medical community has been looking forward to the emergence of similar products, it has not yet found an ingredient that can do this.

Academician She looked at Lin Ju in surprise. He knew that Xinyuan had biological research and the results were considerable, but the sudden appearance of these two things was still shocking.

If what is said is true, then a big earthquake is bound to happen in the field of medicine and health products.

"Has this...been tested?"


Lin Ju directly rolled up his sleeves to reveal a small circular mark on his arm, which was the mark left by his injection of 404 injection.

“The reliability has been fully proven, but the cost of these two drugs is still high, so we hope to expand its use in the aerospace field.

Giving it to astronauts can better help them work in the harsh environment of space. 504 is used regularly as a common product, and 314 injections are used in emergencies or when high-intensity work is required.

Especially our astronauts on the moon, their effective working time every day is too short. What can be done in one hour on earth takes 2 to 3 hours in an extravehicular spacesuit. This cannot continue. "

Seeing the injection mark on Lin Ju's arm, He Ruang and Academician She both reacted strongly. Academician She instinctively refused out of Chinese people's inherent views on drugs:

"It's medicine and poison, and our astronauts are not mercenaries... And you, has this thing not been approved yet? What if..."

Academician She pinched Lin Ju's arm anxiously and scolded him, but He Ruang calmed down after being surprised and quickly understood Lin Ju's intention:

Since these two new drugs are powerful, the clinical trial process required will definitely not be short. Unless there is an emergency, it will take at least several years from application to being marketed.

But if it can become a special supply for aerospace applications first, then the resistance to market sales will be much smaller.

Although he felt that he had found the truth, He Zhuang was still stunned by Lin Ju's courage to test the medicine himself. This kind of thing would not be possible without 100% confidence in the product.

As for being desperate and having no choice but to do so, it was impossible. He probably knew how deep Xinyuan's family wealth was. It could be said that it was the best asset in the country besides tobacco companies.

It's just that it's field-oriented that limits Xinyuan's performance, and it can only continue to expand outwards. Now it seems that they are ready to start in the medical field.

He Ruang's guess was almost completely correct. Lin Ju did have such a plan. If Zhong Chengcai hadn't followed his superiors and went abroad again, it would have been best to approach them directly.

"You have to believe in our technical strength. In fact, the clinical trials of these two drugs have been almost a year. There is absolutely no problem. We have already produced a batch and will send it to the Tianmu 3 team next week. Here, our people will take the lead in trying it out.”

Xinyuan, who had almost never missed a beat, made Academician She believe Lin Ju's words, but he was still not optimistic.

"No matter what... we can't use astronauts as guinea pigs, the risk is still too great.

Wait, how much money do you plan to make? You are selling cars and chips. You should make a lot of money this year, right? "

"It's a little bit close, mainly because we plan to expand human horizons a little further."

Lin Ju made a gesture with his thumb and index finger and said something vaguely.

Academician She was stunned for a moment before she understood what he was talking about. What does "expanding human horizons" mean?

Today's astronomical telescopes can observe galaxies hundreds of millions of light years away, but presumably they are not planning to build radio telescopes, so they should be within the reach of detectors.

So... it should be somewhere further in the solar system beyond Mars?

Jupiter, Saturn, or Neptune and Uranus?

"Deep space, we are going to deep space."

Lin Ju drew a big circle with his hand on the table and said ambitiously:

“After detecting Mars, we will use it as a starting point to visit Jupiter and Saturn in sequence, and complete the detection of these two giant planets and their satellites within three to four years.

Just like the Voyager program, we planted flags all at once where the astronauts' footprints could fall. "

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