"Meng, I never thought I would experience something like this on the moon."

Thomas stood in the bathroom in the middle of Habitat 1 and turned on the faucet on the sink. Clear pure water immediately flowed out.

The two habitable cabins can store up to 3,000 liters of water in total, and purified pure water is sent from the Qom impact crater every week, which is enough to support "squandering".

According to normal drinking, washing and other needs, the life of six astronauts is completely wealthy, and oxygen and other consumption can also be provided by electrolysis.

The moon ice mining fleet, which was originally used only for verification purposes, has been able to fully afford the consumption required for early development.

Thomas had lived on the International Space Station for almost 11 months. He was so excited to be able to enjoy such water treatment outside the earth that he took some water and started washing his face on the spot.

Meng Senlin was also quite surprised. Although he had heard about the "luxury" of the Yushu base, he still found it hard to believe that the place farthest from the earth had the best living environment.

"This is the landing of two residential capsules. Before, including Deng Lei and the others, they were all crowded inside the Nine Chapters. The conditions were actually not much better than those of the Full Moon Lander. There were even times when the toilet bags were not enough."

The other two foreigners were groping around in the living cabin under the leadership of Fu Xiangjie, while Li Wei and Meng Senlin exchanged information about what happened at the lunar base.

Li Wei's attitude is particularly enthusiastic. He has not seen anyone new for three months.

"...Xiao Meng, you don't know that when we installed this cabin, the power supply was almost connected incorrectly. For three months, we have been living in this 150-square-meter place for three months. Tiangong is much better than here. .

Even if you can go out for a walk at any time, you still need to hide in your spacesuit all the time, and it is too far away from the earth. Many times you can only see the dark starry sky..."

Meng Senlin listened carefully to every word he said, imagining that in the past three months, they were like members of the Antarctic scientific research station stationed in the vastest wilderness in history relying on a small base. Work hard for humanity's noblest ideals.

"Instructor, when are you going to switch back?"

"go back?"

Li Wei thought for a while, then shook his head gently:

"It depends on the mission, but it will probably have to wait until the second half of the year. If the plan goes well, it is possible that we will stay until next year, and we will still have to stay and continue to build the base.

However, the permanent manpower here should be expanded to more than 12 people by the end of this year, and it will be much easier by then. "

"One year."

Meng Senlin believes that this should be the most coveted dream of all astronauts. What could be more meaningful than pioneering on the moon?

He is now eager to break away from the Dawn Project. It would be great if he was also selected as a member of the Sky Curtain Project.

Seemingly seeing through his thoughts, Li Wei patted his shoulder and comforted him in a thick voice:

"The people who can come to the Sky Canopy Mission are the best elite astronauts. We need seniority like ours to hold the place, but the younger generation is the main force, and the space agency will not let you waste your time."

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw Meng Senlin's gaze suddenly turning to the window, and couldn't help but follow him.

In the dark starry sky, there was a rapidly rising blue light group, and Li Wei immediately recognized it.

"It's the Nine Chapters. It's about to return to orbit. Ah, you should wait until it brings those ghosts down."


"The hydrogen bomb, as well as the test equipment and instruments, it's a pity that the T7 lunar rover was sent to the mine for them to use, otherwise we could have seen the actual hydrogen bomb."

Two hours later, Wutu Space Station.

In addition to the Jiuzhang that had just successfully docked, the space station also docked the Dawn-1 spacecraft that arrived a day ago, bringing with it the second batch of five experts.

The Dawn-2 cargo spacecraft has also arrived, but it still has some other work to do before docking.

Now the Dawn-2 spacecraft is slowly approaching the "Peregrine Falcon" probe orbiting the moon, preparing to remove the hydrogen bomb on it.

This process is completed automatically by AI, but it is still subject to supervision from the ground and the space station.

Deng Lei, who had just arrived at the space station, quickly found the second batch of five experts. They were mainly leaders and were watching the actions of Dawn 2.

In the transmitted picture, the "Peregrine Falcon" detector is clearly visible, and the columnar object at its tail is very conspicuous.

Dawn 2 cautiously used RCS to approach, and Rolls-Royce nuclear expert Jamie Stevenson stared at the radiation values.

Fortunately, there are numbers but no alarms, indicating that there is no problem with the hydrogen bomb.

Dawn 2 stopped 10 meters away from the "Peregrine Falcon", then unfolded its small external robotic arm and got closer to the "Peregrine Falcon".

At the same time, the European Space Agency issued a command, and the "Peregrine Falcon" separated from the hydrogen bomb. Under the impact of the explosive bolt, the column gently bounced out to one side, and then was firmly grasped by the flexible robotic arm.

The screen shook slightly for more than ten seconds. After confirming that it was firmly grasped, the top docking hatch of Dawn 2 opened outwards, and the robotic arm adjusted the direction of the column little by little, and slowly stuffed it into the cargo hold of the spacecraft.

There are additional fixing mechanisms in the cargo bay that can be automatically grasped, and then it will take about 4 hours for the Dawn-2 spacecraft to dock with the Wutu Space Station.

The entire scraping process took more than an hour, and every step was taken with extreme care.

However, in fact, the hydrogen bomb is far from that fragile. It is only because this is the first operation that everyone is extremely cautious.

Deng Lei and others, who were supposed to rest, waited until Dawn 2 arrived at the space station, and then eagerly opened the hatch.

12 pairs of eyes looking at the object behind the interface from all directions (literally):

It was an oval object fixed with a hexagonal prism frame. The Royal Air Force removed it from the warhead and repackaged it. A conveniently fixed frame and a modified fuze were added to the outside.

Except for those nuclear experts who have been dealing with this thing for almost half their lives, Deng Lei and other astronauts saw the real ultimate weapon for the first time. Although it looked so inconspicuous, he could still feel his heart pounding. It was beating loudly, and dense goosebumps appeared all over my body.

If this thing explodes now, there will really be nothing left of the Wutu Space Station.

While he was in a trance, Stevenson had already gotten in and quickly pressed the control panel outside the nuclear bomb to check whether the current status indication code and the fuse were normal. After confirming that they were correct, Stevenson got out and took a deep look before saying :

"Everyone, please go back and rest. We have to move them all into 'Nine Chapters' tomorrow. The current state is not good."

Deng Lei nodded slowly, his eyes never moving on the nuclear bomb, as if he wanted to completely fix its image in his mind.

"It's a Pandora's box."

On the ceiling behind him, Tomarsov hung upside down with his hands folded, muttering in a voice that only he could hear.

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